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+ Vocabulary Lesson 10 Mrs. Smith’s English Class.

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1 + Vocabulary Lesson 10 Mrs. Smith’s English Class

2 + Emissary A person sent on a mission to represent another’s interests; an agent or messenger

3 + Encore noun—a further performance given on audience demand; verb—to demand further performance

4 + Entice to tempt; to attract; to lure

5 + Epic noun—a long poem about the adventures of a great hero; adjective—impressive; grand in scope

6 + Equation A statement of equality; a process of making equal; a state of equality

7 + Eradicate to remove all traces of; to erase; to uproot; to eliminate

8 + Essence the fundamental nature of something; a defining feature; an extract of a substance

9 + Evict to force a person by law to leave a building the person has leased or rented.

10 + Exasperate To irritate or to annoy greatly

11 + Expend to use up; to spend.

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