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Presentation on theme: " This workshop is made possible through the generous support of Impact100 Member Nancy Blankinship of Coldwell Banker Brokers."— Presentation transcript:

1 This workshop is made possible through the generous support of Impact100 Member Nancy Blankinship of Coldwell Banker Brokers

2 www.impact100sonoma.org2 Agenda Exploring Focus Areas, Community Grants and the Application Cycle 3:00Welcome; Overview of Impact100 Constance Grizzell, Celia Canfield, BJ Bischoff Impact Grant Focus Areas and Community Grants - Capital and Programs Review Revised Applications and Grant Calendar 2012 -2013 Eligibility and Guidelines Patti England, Lorraine Ashton Discuss Financial Forms Sharon Nevins 4:15Creating Community Impact (Group Work) Constance Grizzell, Celia Canfield 4:55Concluding Remarks

3 www.impact100sonoma.org3 Impact100 Sonoma What is Impact100 Sonoma? A women’s grant making organization (giving circle) founded in 2009 1 of 14 Impact100 organizations around the country One woman – one gift of $1,000 – one vote = one Impact Grant of $100,000 (plus additional smaller grants, based on total number of members over 100) Mission Statement Increase the number of women involved in local philanthropy; Raise awareness of the unmet needs of nonprofits in Sonoma Valley; Inspire Members to become more involved with local charities; Make an impact on the long-term sustainability of our nonprofit community.

4 www.impact100sonoma.org4 Impact100 Sonoma Our Success— $462,000 awarded in 3 years to 21 Sonoma Valley nonprofits Year 1: Awarded $110,000 to 5 organizations Year 2: Awarded $157,000 to 7 organizations Year 3: Awarded $195,000 to 9 organizations Year 4 Goal: $225,000

5 www.impact100sonoma.org5 Impact100 Sonoma The 4 funding Focus Areas researched and selected by the Membership for the $100,000 annual Impact Grant: Enrichment & Environment Prevention & Intervention Social Outreach Women & Girls

6 www.impact100sonoma.org6 Impact100 Sonoma Enrichment & Environment: Programs and initiatives essential to protecting, promoting and educating the community on the critical importance of arts and culture, the environment, and recreation in creating and maintaining a thriving community. A few examples are (we stress that these are some examples only, please use your imagination): music, dance, theatre and visual arts for all ages; sustainable farming and community gardens; animal welfare and animal assisted therapy; environmental impact and awareness; energy efficiency; disaster preparedness and relief; adult and children recreational programs and any program that would enrich a large section of our population or organizations.

7 www.impact100sonoma.org7 Impact Grant Focus Areas Prevention & Intervention: Programs and initiatives that address behavioral issues and help people to develop the skills and emotional resilience necessary to exhibit positive mental and physical health; engage in positive social behavior; and eschew crime, violence and substance abuse. A few examples are (we stress that these are some examples only, please use your imagination): comprehensive physical and mental health prevention and treatment; parenting skills; early intervention programs for individuals of any age with physical, mental and emotional challenges; educational and vocational achievement; conflict resolution skills; healthy choices education; mentoring; gang diversion; domestic violence; and child and elder abuse.

8 www.impact100sonoma.org8 Impact Grant Focus Areas Social Outreach: Programs and initiatives essential to strengthening and enhancing segments of the community with significant economic, educational, social, and physical needs. A few examples are (we stress that these are some examples only, please use your imagination): affordable housing; affordable health care; no cost/low cost food programs; employment; homeless services; elderly and disadvantaged people services; counseling; crisis and emergency response services; legal mediation; immigration services; and foster care and foster care emancipation programs.

9 www.impact100sonoma.org9 Impact Grant Focus Areas Women & Girls: Programs that promote women and/or girls' safety, economic security, health, education, personal growth and leadership. A few examples are (We stress that these are some examples only, use your imagination.): services and housing for abused women; job skills and employment; empowerment and leadership development programs; health programs; and teen pregnancy and parenting skills.

10 www.impact100sonoma.org10 Impact Grant Focus Areas Clarification of Focus Area Selection – Applicants can choose any Focus Area that they feel fits the nature and intent of their proposal – Many proposals could fit in two or more Focus Areas – Impact100’s distinction between Prevention and Intervention and Social Outreach Prevention and Intervention is intended to focus on individual clients or families While Social Outreach is intended to focus on a social norm or situation that needs addressing

11 www.impact100sonoma.org11 Impact100 Community Grants In 2011 the Impact Board decided that 35% of all funds received each year would go toward Community Grants of $5,000-$15,000 for these 3 targeted purposes which were researched and selected by the Membership: Capital Grants Program Grants: Innovative Programs Program Grants: Planning for Strategic Partnering/Collaboration

12 www.impact100sonoma.org12 2012 Community Grant Areas CAPITAL GRANTS – The Capital Grants Program will award grants for any capital item or project an organization needs to simplify its operations or improve services. We will not be able to support capital or endowment campaigns, or software and hardware requests.

13 www.impact100sonoma.org13 2012 Community Grant Areas PROGRAM GRANTS - Innovation and Planning Programs may be awarded funding for a short-term project. The outcome of the project could provide critical data necessary to support the submission of proposal for additional funding from the Impact $100,000 grant in the following grant year.

14 www.impact100sonoma.org14 2012 Community Grant Areas PROGRAM GRANTS Innovation: Funding for a time-limited experimental program that tests the effectiveness of a current or proposed service; to test a new idea or adapt a proven program to a new situation; or existing program enhancements. We encourage and support creative thinking, “THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX”. These innovative projects will address a specific need of the community and will last approximately 6 to 12 months.

15 www.impact100sonoma.org15 2012 Community Grant Areas PROGRAM GRANTS Planning for Strategic Partnering/Collaboration: A planning grant is intended for two or more organizations who provide similar, overlapping or complementary services and who wish to investigate a formal alliance for strategic partnering or collaboration. It is intended to be a small, time-limited grant, which may or may not result in a real collaboration or a formal partnership between those organizations. Collaborations should provide enhanced and more effective quality of services than either organization presently provides. It will include a summary report on the structure and facets of the collaboration and outcomes of the project. Planning will last approximately 6 to 12 months.

16 www.impact100sonoma.org16 Grant Cycle Begins with Letter of Inquiry due Feb. 1 st. – Grant Chairs receive LOIs – Financial Review Committee reviews the LOIs – Focus Areas receive LOIs and review them for potential Impact in the Community Nonprofits are notified on Feb. 22 nd by Grant Chairs if they are invited to submit a Full Proposal

17 www.impact100sonoma.org17 Grant Cycle Full Proposals are due on March 25 th – Grant Chairs receive Full Proposals – Financial Review Committee reviews organization’s Financial condition and project budget – Focus Area and Community Grant Committees receive Full Proposals – Site visits are scheduled and conducted – FAC and CG Committees select Finalists – Finalists are announced on June 3 rd – Finalists make presentations to the membership on June 22 nd and winners are selected

18 www.impact100sonoma.org18 Impact100 Sonoma Grant Calendar 2012 – 2013 Feb 1 Letters of Inquiry due from nonprofits by midnight Feb 22 Invitations sent to nonprofits to submit full proposals Mar 25 Full Proposals due from nonprofits by midnight Apr 15-Jun 1 Focus Area & Community Grant Committees evaluate Full Proposals, Schedule Site Visits, and Select Finalists Jun 3 Grant Finalists and Members are notified Jun 4 Media Notified Jun 5-12Grant Chairs meet with Finalists Jun 22 Fourth Annual Meeting: Members select grants recipients


20 www.impact100sonoma.org20 Impact100 Sonoma Revised Application Forms Letter of Inquiry forms for both Impact Grants and Community Grants have been modified and a financial statement for year ending 2012 is requested. Letters of Inquiry will be completed using a fillable word document on our website and must be filed electronically via email Impact Full Proposal and Community Grant Full Proposal forms have also been modified and will be completed using a fillable word document on our website and must be filed electronically via email. New forms will be available on our website after Workshop: Questions can be address at or at

21 www.impact100sonoma.org21 Impact100 Sonoma APPLICATION FORMS REVIEWED


23 www.impact100sonoma.org23 Financial Statement Review Impact100 Sonoma uses a special Financial Review Committee (FRC) to review each organizations Financial Status A copy of the applicant’s most recent Fiscal Year end Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and Statement of Activities (Income Statement) must accompany each Letter of Intent, transmitted in a separate document in the email in which the Letter of Intent is filed. The FRC will create an electronic copy of each organization’s Financial Statements in a Cloud application (to be determined) so that Financial Documents may be viewed for three years on Impact Grants and one year for Community Grants. The FRC will be: – Looking for Financial Stability – Determining if the Organization has the capacity to handle the Grant in the case of the Impact Grant – Determining if the Grant Budget accompanying the Full Proposal is reasonable

24 www.impact100sonoma.org24 Impact100 Sonoma Eligibility Requirements All applicants for either an Impact Grant or Community Grant must meet the following criteria: Be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code Be located in the Sonoma Valley in the area ranging from Kenwood to Schellville Be in operation for at least 36 months prior to applying for the Impact Grant and 24 months for a Community Grant Serve residents and expend funds in the Sonoma Valley Expend grant funds within 24 months of grant award date Be compliant with the Registry of Charitable Trusts, California State Department of Justice Impact Grant winners may not apply again for 3 years from their grant. No limitation on when Community Grant winners may reapply.

25 www.impact100sonoma.org25 Impact Grant Guidelines IMPACT GRANT Grant funds must support… 1.An existing program with specific program analysis data and outcomes; or 2.The expansion of an existing program; or 3.Launching a new program; or 4.A new collaborative effort with one more agencies 5.Impact proposals are limited to Capital Expenditure of 25% of the Impact award ($25,000)

26 www.impact100sonoma.org26 Grant Guidelines Impact Grant funds may NOT be used for:  General operating expenses  Debt reduction or operational deficits  Grants to individuals  Private foundations  Endowment funding  Interim or bridge funding  Partisan, legislative or political activity  Projects of religious organizations or bodies of worship  Annual appeals or fundraising drives, activities, or events  General capital campaigns unrelated to a specific project  Advertising

27 www.impact100sonoma.org27 Creating Community Impact GROUP EXERCISE Create a Hypothetical Grant Logic Model/Proposal Abstract Identify Possible Partners

28 www.impact100sonoma.org28 Creating Community Impact Work in small groups to (1) develop a grant proposal abstract or a logic model and (2) identify prospective partners for a hypothetical grant application for a hypothetical nonprofit organization coming into Sonoma Valley. Address the following need and determine how to approach it in order to create community impact by addressing this community problem: Sonoma Valley does not have a comprehensive Parks and Recreation department for adults of all ages in our community where low cost recreational activities and adult team sports are open to all.

29 INPUTS Resources Staff Volunteers Consultants Location Partners Equipment Technology Materials Participation Participants Clients Community members Parents Youth Providers Policy makers Activities Treatment Classes Counseling Skill development Case management Curriculum design Conferences Advocacy Short-Term Learning Services Awareness Knowledge Attitudes Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivation Long-Term Conditions Human Economic Civic Environment PROBLEM STATEMENT: Why this program is needed ASSUMPTIONS/THEORIES: Literature review, evaluation, local experience ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Political, economic, social, cultural, geographic Logic Model - Common Elements Individuals Families Communities Organizations Systems ExpectWantHope OUTPUTS Quantified OUTCOMES Quantified and Directional

30 www.impact100sonoma.org30

31 *Marla Suuart, Sonoma County, 31 *Benefits of Using a Logic Model Helps clarify program rationale and expectations Summarizes your theory of change Identifies gaps in logic and uncertain assumptions Summarizes complex programs to communicate with stakeholders, funders, legislators, clients, community Helps identify appropriate evaluation questions and methodologies Builds understanding and consensus Keeps your focus on achieving and demonstrating outcomes Demonstrates accountability All elements must be used to create Proposal Abstract

32 This workshop is made possible through the generous support of Impact100 Member Nancy Blankinship of Coldwell Banker Brokers

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