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Classification of Overlayer Structures

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Presentation on theme: "Classification of Overlayer Structures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification of Overlayer Structures

2 Overlayers Adsorbed species frequently form well-defined overlayer structures. Each particular structure may only exist over a limited coverage range of the adsorbate, and in some adsorbate/substrate systems a whole progression of adsorbate structures are formed as the surface coverage is gradually increased.

3 Surface unit cell The primitive unit cell is the simplest periodically repeating unit which can be identified in an ordered array The fcc(100) surface

4 Unit cell definition fcc(110) surface
Note : the length of the vectors is related to the bulk unit cell parameter, a , by |a1| = |a2| = a / √ 2 fcc(111) surface

5 Wood's Notation Wood's notation involves specifying the lengths of the overlayer vectors, b1 & b2 , in terms of a1 & a2 respectively - this is then written in the format : ( |b1|/|a1| x |b2|/|a2| ) i.e. a ( 2 x 2 ) structure has |b1| = 2|a1| and |b2| = 2|a2| . Substrate : fcc(100) Substrate unit cell Adsorbate unit cell

6 More overlayers Substrate : fcc(100) Substrate unit cell Adsorbate unit cell Substrate : fcc(110) Substrate unit cell Adsorbate unit cell

7 And more Substrate : fcc(111) Substrate unit cell Adsorbate unit cell
Substrate : fcc(100) c(2 x 2) (√2 x √2)R45

8 Non-Wood’s! Substrate : fcc(110) c(2 x 2)

9 Common overlayer

10 Matrix Notation more general system which can be applied to all ordered overlayers relates the vectors b1 & b2 to the substrate vectors a1 & a2 using a simple matrix

11 For the (2 x 2) structure we have :
Matrix Substrate : fcc (100) (2 x 2) overlayer For the (2 x 2) structure we have :     

12 More Matrix Substrate : fcc (100) c(2 x 2) overlayer

13 Surface Coverage Overlayer coverage can be determined simply by counting atoms within a given area of surface, but the area chosen must be representative of the surface as a whole. Structure? Coverage?

14 Test

15 Some systems Geometry of Pt(111)+c(4x2)-2CO
Geometry of Fe(110)+p(2x2)-S Geometry of Ni(111)+(2x2)-C2H2 Geometry of Ni(110)+p(2x1)-2CO

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