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RTTT Wireless Initiative Cherokee County Schools Cherokee County Schools has been selected to participate in the RTTT Wireless Initiative. Over the next.

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Presentation on theme: "RTTT Wireless Initiative Cherokee County Schools Cherokee County Schools has been selected to participate in the RTTT Wireless Initiative. Over the next."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTTT Wireless Initiative Cherokee County Schools Cherokee County Schools has been selected to participate in the RTTT Wireless Initiative. Over the next 5 years, RTTT will be providing funding for every NC district. We were chosen in the first wave. This was based on the age of our equipment and our free and reduced lunch rate.

2 Project Timeline and Completion We are currently waiting on the State to release the approved vendor list. Once DPI releases the approved vendors, CCS will begin the mini-bid process and choose our vendor. The 471’s and vendor contract will need to be approved, certified and sent to E-Rate by March 26 th. Once the 471’s are approved by the FCC, we will begin work on the project in April and request our 20% from RTTT. Project completion deadline is August 2015. CCS will not receive invoices from the vendor until the project is complete.

3 FCC and E-Rate Portion New E-Rate rules allow us to apply for discounted wireless networking gear up to a cap of $150/ADM. Based on this cap, CCS will be asking for $458,100. CCS receives an 80% discount, which would make the FCC paid portion $366,480. The vendor will directly bill the FCC for this portion. The State has committed to fund the remaining 20% of the project using RTTT funds. This total is $91,620. The State will allot approved funds to the LEA once our E-Rate Form 471 has been submitted and certified.

4 What will we get? This project will provide new wiring, new wireless equipment (access points), and new connectivity equipment (switches). By committing to this project, CCS will obtain a new wireless infrastructure that will provide sufficient wireless for the 1:1 Chrome book project with no out of pocket expense. Life span of new equipment: Wiring: 15 years Connectivity Equipment: 7-8 years Access Points: 4-5 years Historically there are new wireless advances every 6 years. This would put us in year 2021 before equipment would need to be replaced.

5 Comparison In order to be successful with our 1:1 initiative, our current wireless equipment will have to be upgraded based on age of the equipment and number of devices. Leaving the current wireless access points in place and adding addition AP’s at only MHS, AHS, HD, MMS, AMS would cost CCS $92,800. This is not upgrading wiring or connectivity equipment. And only includes 6 schools. CCS Technology department would responsible for the installation of wiring and equipment. Committing to the $91,620 to upgrade the district, with potentially no out of pocket expense. The vendor is responsible for all work, including installation of wiring and equipment.

6 Board Approval The Board will need to approve the commitment of $91,620 to the wireless project, with the knowledge that DPI has committed to paying this portion using RTTT funds. Pre-approval for the Superintendent and Technology Director to approve and sign the contracts to move forward with the wireless project by March 26.

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