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Finalist Webinar January 12, 2015 Kenneth Klau Director of Digital Learning ESE Karthik Viswanathan Deputy CIO MassIT.

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Presentation on theme: "Finalist Webinar January 12, 2015 Kenneth Klau Director of Digital Learning ESE Karthik Viswanathan Deputy CIO MassIT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finalist Webinar January 12, 2015 Kenneth Klau Director of Digital Learning ESE Karthik Viswanathan Deputy CIO MassIT


3 Agenda Overall timeline Instructions for obtaining bids from vendors in accordance with E-rate rules What to provide to MassIT if you are participating in the statewide E-rate consortium How and when the local match is calculated Professional development and networking Q&A 3

4 Overall Timeline 4 Finalists Announced Infrastructure costs based on rough estimates from MassIT RFQ Posted MassIT posts RFQ for site surveys to interested vendors on the state contract E-Rate E-rate filing due to USAC on March 26 (all districts must apply for E-rate category 2 Fallback If a school district decides to pass, a semifinalist is chosen from the list Recovery MassIT bills districts for matching portion based on local match use for devices, PD, AT Vendor Selection Each school district picks vendor with cost as primary factor Local Match School districts secure local match through internal budget processes. Construction MassIT pays 100% of infrastructure cost to vendors through the bond. Jun-Dec 2015 Mar-Jun 2015 Feb-Mar 2015 Feb 2015 Jan 2015 Site Surveys Vendors visit school during predefined windows of time and calculate quotes Documentation Districts file E-rate Form 471 through MassIT and provide MassIT with E-rate documentation Devices, PD, AT Documentation of local match costs due to ESE and MassIT; device orders may be placed though MassIT

5 Obtaining Bids All districts funded through this grant must apply for an E-rate category 2 reimbursement through MassIT In accordance with federal E-rate rules, each district must try to obtain bids from at least three vendors Vendors must cost out separately all products and services that are not eligible for an E-rate category 2 reimbursement (the state match is only based upon category 2 items) All districts applying for an E-rate category 2 reimbursement directly must do so by the Federal filing deadline: April 16, 2015.* Districts must provide all required E-rate documentation to MassIT by February 28, 2015. *In March 2015 the FCC extended the E-rate filing deadline from March 26 to April 16, 2015. 5

6 Background on E-Rate E-rate provides discounts to assist schools to obtain affordable voice services and Internet access. The size of the discount depends on the poverty level and the urban/rural status of the population served. In December 2014 the FCC voted to raise the annual E-rate funding cap from $2.4 billion to $3.9 billion. Reimbursements for voice services (“category 1”) are being phased down 20 percent per year between 2016 and 2019 such that by 2019 reimbursements will only be available for category 2 services (infrastructure). Schools seeking support for category 2 services in funding years 2015 through 2019 will be eligible to request up to $150 per student (pre- discount) over a 5-year period. 6

7 Statewide E-Rate Consortium MassIT will file a single E-rate application on behalf of all finalists Required documentation: – Letter of Agency (MassIT will provide format) – Certification by Administrative Authority of Compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) – Certified free and reduced lunch data MassIT reserves the right to evaluate documentation for completeness MassIT may reimburse the state with any E-rate reimbursements up to the percentage of the state match At the request of the district, MassIT can use the district’s E-rate reimbursement to pay for devices 7

8 Statewide E-Rate Consortium The FCC directed USAC to prioritize the review of E-rate applications from state and regional consortia applicants. Reduces the administrative burden on local school districts. Saves districts money that would otherwise be paid to consultants. The consortium lead responds to all inquiries from USAC on behalf of the consortium members throughout the process. The consortium lead represents districts in any audits and any appeals needed to correct filing errors. 8

9 Calculating the Local Match

10 Example 1: 50% Local Match Infrastructure Only $300,000 Infrastructure Cost 10

11 Example 2: 50% Local Match Infrastructure Only $300,000 Infrastructure Cost 11

12 Local Match (Cont.) If the district is only purchasing infrastructure, the local match is a percentage of that figure (found in RFP, Attachment B - Lists of communities and match requirements) – Any non-category 2 products or services included in an infrastructure project must be costed out separately, both for E-rate and for counting those costs towards the local match If the district is purchasing infrastructure plus devices, professional development, and/or assistive technology, the local match is calculated as follows: 1.Divide infrastructure (state) costs by the state match percentage (e.g.,.7) 2.Subtract that figure from the infrastructure cost 3.While the district does not have to identify the specific PD, devices, and/or assistive technology until late 2015, the local match is a minimum obligation that must be met either through infrastructure or other documented expenditures. 12

13 Learning Technology Initiative (LTI) Contract Provides infrastructure (e.g., Wi-Fi installation), devices, and professional development for a fixed, per pupil cost Different tiers of services anticipated Vendors have a range of solutions depending on local need Vendors cost out E-rate products and services for MassIT Vendors deliver webinars in late January/early February to all districts that indicated an intent to purchase from the LTI contract 13

14 Early Professional Learning Opportunity for High School Educators (No Cost) The Office of Digital Learning in partnership with the Northeast Comprehensive Center (NCC) is piloting a free, online professional development course for high school teachers interested in developing and teaching an online or blended course. Runs January 20, 2015 - December 2015. Capacity is 50 participants on a first-come-first-serve basis. Teams of educators from the same school are encouraged to apply. To register, go to: Those who attempt to register beyond the 50-person limit will be added to a waitlist. Additional course sections will be offered, now or in the near future, if demand for this pilot course exceeds capacity, with priority given to those on the waitlist. 14

15 Roles and Responsibilities 15 ESEMassIT Administers the initial grant process and reviews programmatic aspects of grant applications Calculates infrastructure estimates based on data provided by districts in the application Communicates information about overall grant requirements and processes to the field Provide technical assistance to districts in obtaining bids from vendors in accordance with E-rate rules Establishes standards for professional development and evaluation Serves as lead applicant in statewide E- rate consortium Provides resources/opportunities for professional learning and networking Manage all fiscal aspects of the grant Office of Digital Learning (781) 338-3256 Office of Municipal & School Technology (617) 626-4501

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