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Counterterrorism: A Cure for Anthrax A Proposed Method for Combating Anthrax Infection in Humans.

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Presentation on theme: "Counterterrorism: A Cure for Anthrax A Proposed Method for Combating Anthrax Infection in Humans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counterterrorism: A Cure for Anthrax A Proposed Method for Combating Anthrax Infection in Humans

2 Anthrax: An Introduction Caused by Bacillus anthracis Three forms: Cutaneous Not usually fatal Enteric 25-60% mortality rate Inhalational 100% mortality rate if left untreated Signs and Symptoms: URI Dyspnea, diaphoresis, myalgia Septic shock

3 Anthrax: The Assassin’s Choice High mortality Non-transmissable Stores for years Dispersion

4 Pathogenesis of Anthrax

5 The Key Anthrax relies on Protective Antigen (PA) to function (allows endocytosis of LF and EF)

6 Proposed BioBrick UPI0000027636 Mus musculus version of Anthrax Toxin Receptor Remodel MIDAS region

7 The Sloppy Terminator Accurate Genetic Apportionment

8 The Problem Many metabolic and other challenges require small numbers of specific proteins in very precise proportions Currently, the approach to produce this seems to be using promoters and RBS that have relative strengths in the range desired

9 The Solution Most current research into genetic terminators seems to be focused on increasing “efficiency” as much as possible We propose the pursuit of terminators with a gradient of efficiencies through the random mutation of known terminators The advantage of this is direct generation of a correlation between expression of any number of desired genes in sequence

10 Part Design The key element in this project would be the system by which terminator efficiency would be measured The design was generated independently, but bore a remarkable resemblance to this original system due to Caitlin Conboy

11 Comments Terminators are effectively PoPS attenuators Some terminators have been measured to have negative efficiency in the reverse direction; they acted as promoters Thus, it seems that properly designed terminators may be able to increase or decrease PoPS by any desired ratio This behavior, previously unexploited, could be incredibly valuable in circuit design

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