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WORLD WAR I 1914 - 1918. WWI Game 1. 1. Get into teams with desks together 2. 2. Create a Team (Country) Name, Country Flag and Slogan….CHANT!!!! 3. 3.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD WAR I 1914 - 1918. WWI Game 1. 1. Get into teams with desks together 2. 2. Create a Team (Country) Name, Country Flag and Slogan….CHANT!!!! 3. 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD WAR I 1914 - 1918

2 WWI Game 1. 1. Get into teams with desks together 2. 2. Create a Team (Country) Name, Country Flag and Slogan….CHANT!!!! 3. 3. Play some fun games!!!!

3 Causes of World War I  MILITARISM – creation of large powerful militaries and stockpiling weapons  ALLIANCE SYSTEM – nations pledge to protect and support each other  IMPERIALISM – when a stronger nation takes over a weaker nation (to gain $, power, respect)  NATIONALISM – pride or love for one’s nation

4 European Alliances Triple Entente (1907) Allies   France   Great Britain   Russia (treaty with Serbia)   Later: U.S.A.   Italy Triple Alliance (1882) Central Powers   Germany   Austria-Hungary   Italy (will join Allies later)   Later: Ottoman Empire


6  Assassination of Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie   Assassin- Gavrilo Princip Serbian Nationalist, hated that Austria-Hungary was trying to take over   Member of the Black Hand (secret society) The Spark of World War I

7 Victim-The Archduke Franz Ferdinand Country-Austria-Hungary Shot Rings Throughout Europe Shot Rings Throughout Europe http://www.youtu Bm3mWoKNe_Q http://www.youtu Bm3mWoKNe_Q (3:42)

8 3-2-1   List 3 Causes of WWI   What are two opposing countries that fought in WWI?   What was the spark of WWI?

9 Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia… Little do they know Allies are waiting in the wings Propaganda like this was recruiting allied soldiers


11 No clean uniforms, socks & shoes Their equipment is scattered everywhere… Boredom and sleep are obvious…


13 The soldiers had very little decent food, and what food they had was often attacked by rats. These rats were the size of small rabbits and badgers because they had fed on the decomposing bodies of dead soldiers.


15 No Man’s Land The area between trenches of opposing armies Covered with barbed wire, mines, and fallen soldiers

16 British tank, German machine gun, & Australian anti-aircraft gun

17 Aircraft


19 Poisonous Gas  This war was also the first to use chlorine and mustard gas. The German army was the first to use chlorine in 1915.  French soldiers had not come across this before and assumed that it was a smoke screen. It has a distinctive smell – a mixture of pepper and pineapple – and they only realized they were being gassed when they started to have chest pains and a burning sensation in their throats!  Death is painful – you suffocate!

20 British soldier wearing gas mask


22 The effects of mustard gas

23 German U-Boats

24 U-Boats The U-boat campaign can be broken into two distinct phases. The first was aimed at allied surface warships; The second, and ultimately more successful, was targeted towards allied shipping - using the U-boat as a tool to enforce an embargo. The U-boat campaign can be broken into two distinct phases. The first was aimed at allied surface warships; The second, and ultimately more successful, was targeted towards allied shipping - using the U-boat as a tool to enforce an embargo.

25 Have a look…   Legends of the Fall   All Quiet on the Western Front   Tv5gBa9DQs&feature=related Tv5gBa9DQs&feature=related (actual footage)


27 Ruins of France

28 Ruined church at Montfaicon

29 Stone bridge blown up by Belgians

30 Death, Recovery of Bodies, & Burial

31 3-2-1   3 Causes of WWI   2 New Weapons used   1 Result of the War


33 Results of World War I Political Cost Political Cost Human Cost Human Cost Economic Cost Economic Cost Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles Making Peace Making Peace

34 Human Cost   Millions died in battle   2xs that wounded   6-13 million civilians dead   Over 20 million die of flu worldwide



37 Economic Costs   Homes, farms, factories, roads, churches need to be rebuilt   Rebuilding costs money that countries don’t have plus many have to pay off war debts (no money)   So blame Germany and have them pay reparations to all   TOTAL COSTS: Great Britain $55 billion, France $50 billion, Russia $25 billion, Germany $60 billion, Austria-Hungary $25 billion

38 Political Costs   Govts collapsed in Russia, Germany, A-H, and Ottoman Empire and new countries are formed   New types of governments/economic systems…Radicals try to rule and communism spreads   Colonial troops returned home with cynical views of Europeans   Imperial powers were no longer seen as invincible   African and Asian colonies found hope for independence from European control

39 Paris Peace Conference and League of Nations   Allies met @ Paris without Central Powers and Russia   Great Britain, France, US, Italy – each with own demands and interests   Issues concerned countries wanting own control, who to blame, keeping peace   Wilson of USA has 14 Points and is willing to compromise in order to get the League of Nations for world security

40 Treaty of Versailles   Signed by “big 3” and Germany   New countries formed like Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia…independence for Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (Baltic Sea countries)   Creation of the League of Nations (No USA)   Punished Germany:   Pay others $ = reparations   Take all blame for the war   Limit military   Give back land taken

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