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Pensacola, 16 February 2012 Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Sharing common values, ethics and principles of war in a coalition Keynote speech MG Eric Bonnemaison.

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Presentation on theme: "Pensacola, 16 February 2012 Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Sharing common values, ethics and principles of war in a coalition Keynote speech MG Eric Bonnemaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pensacola, 16 February 2012 Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Sharing common values, ethics and principles of war in a coalition Keynote speech MG Eric Bonnemaison

2 a coalition is… …A gang of wolves who disagree on everything except on one point: all members will explore the best course of action to split the coalition as soon as possible! An infamous general

3 Coalition = DIVERSITY Civilization: culture, religion, history Life: price, pain and suffering, meaning of death Politics: national interests, agendas, short term Military: doctrines, strategies, concepts Principles of war, values, ethos

4 To share, war requires consensus Ends –Purposes for the war/operation Ways –Meaning of the operations –Principles of war Means –Consensus on behavior, jus ad bellum, jus in bello –Rules of engagement

5 Three crucial conditions to share values, ethos, principles of war 1.Moral values exist which can unit human beings beyond diversity 4 fundamental needs: human security (security, identity, justive, wellbeing)

6 1.Moral values exist which can unit human beings beyond diversity 4 fundamental needs: human security (security, identity, justive, wellbeing) 2.Necessity to reach objective certitudes in a pluralist society Pursuit of happiness, Cardinal virtues as principles of war Three crucial conditions to share values, ethos, principles of war

7 Virtues and political principles of war Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance 3 mental dispositions: To adapt Manage one’s stress Positive attitude 3 key abilities : Discern amidst complexity Decide amidst uncertainty Act amidst adversity Discrimination, wisdom, insight Compliance to rule of law, equity, adaptability Courage, tenacity, fidelity, total commitment Selfcontrol, proportionality, serenity, nuance, 5 reference values : Force control Respect of the mission Behavior exemplarity Compliance to the rule Intelligence of situation

8 Three crucial conditions to share values, ethos, principles of war 1.Moral values exist which can unit human beings beyond diversity 4 fundamental needs: human security (security, identity, justive, wellbeing) 2.Necessity to reach objective certitudes in a pluralist society Good faith, pursuit of happiness, Cardinal virtues 3.Democracy depends on that turn of mind that rejects throwing anathema on other civilizations Moral philosophy to strengthen moral force Principles for leadership

9 Virtues and political principles of war Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Authority Examplery behavior Solicitude Responsibility Knowledge Anticipation 3 mental dispositions: To adapt Manage one’s stress Positive attitude to discern, decide, provide vision, order, act, control Role model Love, consideration, command Act first, ethics of power Curiosity, reflection, relativity, personal opinion Shape the future 3 key abilities : Discern amidst complexity Decide amidst uncertainty Act amidst adversity Discrimination, wisdom, insight Compliance to rule of law, equity, adaptability Courage, tenacity, fidelity, total commitment Selfcontrol, proportionality, serenity, nuance, 5 reference values : Force control Respect of the mission Behavior exemplarity Compliance to the rule Intelligence of situation

10 Prudence = wisdom, insight The virtue that disposes practical reason to distinguish in all circumstances our true good and to choose the right ways to accomplish it Case study N°2: Ambush in Afghanistan. 2008 R1 R3 R2 P1

11 Justice The moral virtue that consists in the firm and constant will to give others what is due to them: to respect the rights of others, to be constantly and equally fair to all; to respect the rule of law Case study n°1: The Somalian assassin Djinsoor Baïdoa Fra

12 R3 R2 R1 P1 P2 P3 Case study N°1: attack against harmless populations Fortitude= courage, tenacity Tenacity: helps to hold on in adversity; a firm engagement at all costs; the courage of the spirit and of the heart. Courage : to act as free from fear

13 Temperance Self mastery, moderation, sobriety. To express an array of reasonable behaviors, by avoiding excesses. Indicates a certain degree of reliability and predictability Case study : Lebanon. 1983 R1

14 Authority Entails the responsibilities of its charge. Responsibilities of authority: to discern, to decide, to order, provide a vision, to act and finally, to control. Case study N°1: Chad. 1970s. The agony of a wounded insurgent Platoon’s operational base Section in patrol

15 Responsibility To put oneself in harmony with the morals of action An ethics of power Case study : Afghanistan. 2008. Close air support request

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