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This is... Post War & Civil Rights Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3.

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Presentation on theme: "This is... Post War & Civil Rights Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3."— Presentation transcript:


2 This is... Post War & Civil Rights

3 Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

4 Here is your host… Miss Hayes

5 Now here Are the directions

6 Here are the categories...

7 Post War America

8 Mas

9 Civil Rights

10 Mas

11 England Scientific Revolution Enlightenment Fr. Rev. $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400

12 What the GI Bill offered veterans

13 Low- interest loans for: Homeseducation

14 Oops… click above to go back

15 Where new homes were built in the 1950s

16 Suburbs

17 Oops… click above to go back

18 A large corporation that owns a number a smaller companies

19 conglomerate

20 Oops… click above to go back

21 The primary source of entertainment & information for people in the 50s

22 television

23 Oops… click above to go back

24 What is consumerism?

25 Angel Island

26 Oops… click above to go back

27 Type of music created as a sign of non-conformity

28 Rock n’ Roll

29 Oops… click above to go back

30 Significance of the 1960 TV debates

31 JFK won from looking young, relaxed, & refreshed

32 Oops… click above to go back

33 Foreign aid program for Latin American countries

34 Alliance for Progress

35 Oops… click above to go back

36 Court case that upheld separate but equal facilities

37 Plessy v. Ferguson

38 Oops… click above to go back

39 Significance of Brown v. Board and date

40 Desegregated schools; 1954

41 Oops… click above to go back

42 Significance of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

43 Banned segregation in public accomodations

44 Oops… click above to go back

45 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $4 $200 $100 $300 $400 Bet how much you are willing to risk

46 Significance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

47 Allowed federal officials to register voters

48 Oops… click above to go back

49 Difference between Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968

50 1968 banned discrimination in HOUSING (aka “Fair Housing Act)

51 Oops… click above to go back

52 Party created for black voters to gain representation

53 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

54 Oops… click above to go back

55 Jim Crow laws are an example of _________ segregation

56 De Jure

57 Oops… click above to go back

58 What event sparked the civil rights movement?

59 Rosa Parks, which led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott

60 Oops… click above to go back

61 Double Jeopardy

62 politics

63 politics

64 Civil rights

65 mas

66 Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800DoubleJeopardy

67 Oops… click above to go back

68 Kennedy family reminded many Americans of which musical?

69 Camelot

70 Oops… click above to go back

71 This extended health insurance to those on welfare

72 Medicare

73 Oops… click above to go back

74 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

75 Which crisis between the SU and US brought the world close to war?

76 Cuban Missile Crisis

77 Oops… click above to go back

78 Why the Berlin Wall was constructed?

79 To stop East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin

80 Oops… click above to go back

81 Johnson’s plan to fight a war on poverty

82 Great Society

83 Oops… click above to go back

84 Assassin who shot JFK in Dallas, TX

85 Oswald

86 Oops… click above to go back

87 The Kennedy administration’s policy to rely on more than nuclear weapons

88 Flexible Response

89 Oops… click above to go back

90 Also called the “domestic peace corps”

91 VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)

92 Oops… click above to go back

93 America’s reaction to SU putting a man in space?

94 NASA (Acceleration of space program)

95 Oops… click above to go back

96 How the SCLC differed in strategy from the Black Panthers

97 SCLC: nonviolenc e

98 Oops… click above to go back

99 MLK was the founder and first president of the ______

100 SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference

101 Oops… click above to go back

102 The civil rights movement lost its momentum following what major event?

103 Assassination of MLK in 1968

104 Oops… click above to go back

105 _______ preached a militant approach to civil rights

106 Malcolm X

107 Oops… click above to go back

108 Outcome of the freedom rides

109 Federal ban on segregation in all interstate travel facilities

110 Oops… click above to go back

111 Two things that worked against JFK in the 1960 election

112 Age Religion

113 Oops… click above to go back

114 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

115 Who benefited most in American society from the economy & culture of the 1950s?

116 White men

117 Oops… click above to go back

118 Final Jeopardy You’ll have 60 seconds

119 Post War 50s Make your wagers now

120 Criticism of the standardization of American business

121 Post war 50s

122 Now, lets see your answers starting with the last place team… Discouraged individuality

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