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1. We are studying Spanish. 2. The teacher is talking. 3. My dad is working. 4. What are you reading?

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Presentation on theme: "1. We are studying Spanish. 2. The teacher is talking. 3. My dad is working. 4. What are you reading?"— Presentation transcript:


2 1. We are studying Spanish. 2. The teacher is talking. 3. My dad is working. 4. What are you reading?

3 When we talk about something that is happening right now, we use a special form called the present progressive

4 Examples: I am running. You are eating lunch. We are studying.

5  You need TWO PARTS: First, you say who IS doing the action I am… You are… He is… We are… They are…

6 Second, you change the main verb do indicate the “doing” of the sentence. This is the same as the “ing” form in English: eating… running…studying…talking…

7 In Spanish, to say who IS doing the action, use the correct form of ESTAR: estoy estamos estás está están

8  Next, take the main verb, drop the ending, then add:  AR Verbs = -ando  ER/IR Verbs = -iendo Example: Hablar = Hablando Comer = Comiendo

9  What are the –ndo forms of these verbs?  cantar  volver  escribir  aprender  hacer  pensar  ver

10  Now, put estar together with the main verb:  Estoy comiendo.  Estás escuchando música.  Ella está estudiando.  La tortuga está caminando.

11 1. I am speaking Spanish. 2. Are you studying? 3. My dad is driving (manejar). 4. We are running. 5. My brothers are cooking pizza.

12  The Present Progressive is usually used for actions that are in progress. They are happening right now!  Look at the difference: Yo hablo español. Yo estoy hablando español.

13  leer > leyendo  Ir > yendo  oir > oyendo  traer > trayendo  venir > viniendo  decir > diciendo  dormir > durmiendo

14 Yo ____ tocando el piano. Nosotros estamos ____ cena. (comer) Mi abuelo está ______. (leer) ¿Qué estás __________? (hacer)

15  I am talking on the phone and I am making dinner.  Are you walking or running?  My parents are eating at Bugattis.  We are reading The Odyssey.

16 1. I am washing the dishes. 2. My brother is mopping the floor. 3. My parents are dusting. 4. We are cleaning the house. 5. Who is mowing the lawn?

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