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6 th Period New Seats! 1.Ada Parnanen 2.Brenton Seymour 3.Ty Salkoski 4.Lorie Andrada 5.JJ Cagatao 6.Jordan Nguyen 7.Alyson Evans 8.Mira Sears 9.Micah.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Period New Seats! 1.Ada Parnanen 2.Brenton Seymour 3.Ty Salkoski 4.Lorie Andrada 5.JJ Cagatao 6.Jordan Nguyen 7.Alyson Evans 8.Mira Sears 9.Micah."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Period New Seats! 1.Ada Parnanen 2.Brenton Seymour 3.Ty Salkoski 4.Lorie Andrada 5.JJ Cagatao 6.Jordan Nguyen 7.Alyson Evans 8.Mira Sears 9.Micah Young 10.Daniel Wang 11.Sasha Manghise 12.Stephanie Torres 13.Daniel Zarghampour 14.Mark Trammell 15.Jacob Avelino 16. Denise Puga 17. Ezau Martinez 18. Corrine Mitchner 19. Pratik Mulpury 20. MG Desco 21. Soline Gauthier 22. Wilson Schiller 23. Tristan Cecil 24. Charlotte Peters 25. Shayla Tonge 26. Kathy Che 27. Payton Millet 28. Alex Mayer 30. Ethan Garabedian 31. Robert Abousamra

2 5 th Period New Seats! 1.Shawn Sheng 2.Taylor Land 3.Jacob Orlov 4.Clarissa Pham 5.Kimia Izadinia 6.Caitlin Connell 7.Cali Calibuso 8.Laura Wiseman 9.Alicia Nguyen 10.Eli Hsia 11.James Olsen 12.Chris Loud 13.Jett Altenhofen 14.Estelle De Zan 15. Nick “Pops” Vidovich 16. Alex Hartman 17. Varun Rohatgi 18. Adrian Lo 19. Devan Narog 20. Gabrielle Viera 21. Sahil Srivastava 22. Alicia Madden 23. David Wheeler 24. Ali Coyne 25. Nathan Lutz 26. Syon Dhana 27. Morgan Glazebrook 30. Jai Austin

3 Good Afternoon!!! 1.NVC 2.Causes of WWI Group Work 3.Causes of WWI Group Gallery Walk Essential Question: What were the causes of WWI?

4 What were the MAIN causes of WWI? Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

5 WWI Group Work In your group, please READ each primary source document ONE AT A TIME. For each document, DISCUSS each question on the document AS A GROUP and ANSWER the questions in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. EACH PERSON MUST WRITE DOWN ANSWERS to the questions. Once you have read all the documents and answered each question, your group is to prepare a POSTER and PRESENTATION explaining the MAIN CAUSES OF WWI.

6 Poster/Presentation Your group is to prepare a POSTER and PRESENTATION explaining the FOUR MAIN CAUSES of WWI. Poster and presentation demonstrates clear understanding of all MAIN CAUSES Poster includes information from all FIVE documents, and includes at least TWO QUOTATIONS from the primary sources Every group member must speak during the presentation

7 Imperialism Balance of Power: attempt to keep peace through equality among the world powers – Economic rivalry and rivalry for world influence created serious divisions and mutual suspicions

8 Militarism Arms build-up – build as many weapons as possible to defend giant empires – Naval Arms Race between Germany and Britain – Overwhelming sense that war is needed = willingness to use those weapons

9 Nationalism Many national groups did not have their own Nation-State Slavic People of the Balkans (ie. the Serbs) moving towards inependence – Pan-Slavism: Russia also Slavic, promise to support all other Slavs.

10 Alliances Alliances created to maintain the balance of power – Supposed to be “peace- keeping” alliances – Alliances are strict, basically guarantee any local struggle would become a major war

11 Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

12 War 1.Austria invades Serbia 2.Russia backs Serbia, mobilizes for war with Austria and prepares to fight Germany 3.Germany backs Austria, attacks Russia 4.Russia calls on France for help, Germany declares war on France 5.Britain declares war on Germany 6.World War I

13 “A tiny clipping from a newspaper, mailed without comment from a secret band of freedom fighters in Zagreb, capital of Croatia, to their comrades in Belgrade, was the torch which set the world afire with war in 1914. That bit of paper wrecked old, proud empires. It gave birth to new, free nations.”– reflections of Borijove Jevtic, an assassin of Franz Ferdinand

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