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1 Newcastle University Presentation to Gateshead Business Forum Dr Douglas Robertson.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Newcastle University Presentation to Gateshead Business Forum Dr Douglas Robertson."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Newcastle University Presentation to Gateshead Business Forum Dr Douglas Robertson

2 Outline University Vision 2021 Physical developments –Campus for Ageing and Vitality –Science Central –Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability Specific ways the University interacts with business and the economy All against a backdrop of changing times and policies 2 of 17

3 The University as an organisation Over 4000 staff Around 20000 students Turnover in excess of a £350 million Developments locally and internationally with new developments in Singapore and Malaysia Students from over 100 companies Subjects from languages through to history, engineering, medicine and life sciences We are not a business but we do seek to be business-like We are not part of the public sector Formally established as an autonomous charity. 3 of 17

4 The NU position Vision 2021: A world-class Civic University “World-class” - Research-intensive - Student experience “Civic University” - Societal Challenge Themes - Science City - working with partners Societal Challenge Themes: –Ageing and Health –Sustainability –“Social Renewal” Science City Themes: –Ageing and Health –Sustainability –Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

5 A remarkable overlap: City and University 5 “We will develop and implement the concept of Newcastle Science City” “In the next 20 years we will create a city of science, technology and innovation” “We will pioneer a new model of sustainable urbanism” “We will treat the entire city as a laboratory for applied research on urban sustainability”

6 Our shared ambition “NewcastleGateshead” will become a brand name around the world A global example of re-engineering an old industrial urban landscape to become a sustainable city of the future A City of Science

7 THE CAMPUS FOR AGEING AND VITALITY Biomedical Research Centre Building Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre Biogerontology Building Edwardson Building Clinical Ageing Research Unit 2010 Future Developments: 2011 – Translational Research Building including space for companies working with the University “from bench to bedside”

8 Science Central: Planned Character Areas

9 Science Central: Sustainability Levels

10 Societal themes Changing Age –Launch year 2010 – a mix of events for the public, businesses and partners covering ageing research, public lectures, art exhibitions, The Charter, debates, schools activities etc Sustainability – “Enough for all forever” –Launch Year 2011 –Establishment of Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability (NIReS) A new focus bringing together several hundred researchers with skills in sustainability in areas related to for example water, energy, marine, transport where we have world-class capabilities.Building inter- disciplinary working seeking to create effective solutions Sustainability is a major plank for the development of the Science central site Working closely with Gateshead and Newcastle Councils 10 of 17

11 But do we have what it takes? What is our track record? Engineering: top 10 in the Research Assessment Exercise Highest EU-funded university on Transport in the UK UK leading School on Marine Science and Technology in the UK UK Research Council Grants earned 2008- 09 –7 th in the UK by amount –2 nd in the UK relative to size –170 European projects with 1700 partners Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Ageing and Health By 2012 Newcastle University will have concluded a £200m redevelopment of our campus – without debt

12 Staff, Graduate and Science City Enterprise Around 5 technology spin-outs per annum – technology push Over 75 ideas accessed for commercial potential per year Recent example businesses –Newgene, Alcyomics, Five Quarters Small company incubators on Campus, seeking to develop more space Over 35 graduate companies created by graduates every year often service based businesses including companies delivering bike hire, clothing, footwear, food and other businesses – some based in Gateshead Newcastle Innovation Machine is part of the Science City programme – demand led company formation 13 businesses formed or in formation 12 of 17

13 Graduate placements etc In 2009-10; –North East Graduate Directory (631 entries); –Newcastle Work Experience (106 regional placements); –Employer Fairs with a regional focus (e.g. IT Fair with 14 employers and 265 students); –employers participation in fairs and presentations (319 separate employers); –sourcing and promoting 988 regional graduate opportunities; and –consultancy to 278 employers regarding graduate employability 13 of 17

14 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, Secondments KTP –Over 20 live project schemes –Many with local companies –Transfer of knowledge/ideas from university to company. Graduate in the business mentored by a University academic and the company –Project funding won competitively in collaboration with business KTS –University given block funding –Secondments into business to test out new research ideas into practice based activities –Around 15 secondments to date 14 of 17

15 Business Vouchers Scheme Limited Life Scheme University committed several hundred thousand pounds to running a scheme to deliver £5000 worth of University resource to partners’ projects 120 organisations supported, many small companies Over 70 new relationships developed 15 of 17

16 The emerging ageing market Major project Over 3 years; 6 months in. University has one of the largest research teams in ageing in Europe Building on this we are running the Changing Age theme seeking to bring our expertise together with others to impact on society Running a series of seminars, training and awareness events into the changing market demographics arising from an ageing population Over 80 local small businesses already involved Some events free and some are ticketed. 16 of 17

17 Thank you

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