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Before the car, most people used public transport, walked and cycled for their local journeys.

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2 Before the car, most people used public transport, walked and cycled for their local journeys

3 Leaving work at Swan Hunters

4 Cycling Today

5 Is this the future for local trips in Newcastle? - Car ownership is only 40% in Newcastle

6 Change is possible! In Copenhagen (previous photo): -50 % of all Copenhageners commute to work or study by bike. -35 % of all who work in Copenhagen – including people who live in the suburbs and neighbouring towns but work in Copenhagen - commute to work by bike. -25 % of all families with two kids in Copenhagen have a cargo bike they use to transport the kids to kindergarten and for grocery shopping etc. -In total Copenhageners bike 1.2 million kilometers a year, which equals a trip to the moon and back, twice. In comparison Copenhageners only travel 660.000 kilometers by Metro. -In central Copenhagen there are more bikes than citizens. 520.000 inhabitans and 560.000 bicycles. -The busiest biking lane in the world is Dronning Louises bro in Copenhagen with up to 36.000 cyclist passing throu daily. -63 % of all members of the danish parliament, located in the middle of Copenhagen, commute daily by bike.

7 Wingr ve Cycle Hub In association with…

8 So how did the Wingrove Cycle Hub start? -Local resident, Sustrans and Recyke y’bike idea -Greening Wingrove Community Innovation Fund support -Awarded other funding to develop the space from Go Smarter -Worked with Newcastle Council to get hold of the pavilion in Nuns Moor Park (Bike Garden) -CIF money used only for resident bike mechanics training -Recruited 12 volunteers -Outreach work & Bike Garden activities

9 Dr Bike at the GW Garden Festival

10 Dr Bike at the Chat Trust

11 Renovating Nuns Moor Park Pavilion into the Bike Garden


13 Local residents helping renovate the space

14 Autumn colours & a new roof

15 Our First Winter!

16 Dr Bike at the Apple Day & Bike Garden Opening event

17 Family ride during the Apple Day and Bike Garden Opening

18 Local students making use of our weekly Dr Bike (every Wed 3- 7pm @ The Bike Garden)

19 Wingrove – Kielder Ride

20 THE BIKE GARDEN! What we can do to help? Safe cycling/walking route planning Bike Buddy Scheme Advice on what bicycle to buy (new or second hand) Basic “how to fix your bike” training Guided rides in your local area Dr Bike every Wedensday 3pm – 7pm


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