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Presentation By The Talke / Thomas Street Group Lack of Transparency /Secrecy :  March / July 2010 Report submitted to Cabinet and Full Council in secret.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation By The Talke / Thomas Street Group Lack of Transparency /Secrecy :  March / July 2010 Report submitted to Cabinet and Full Council in secret."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation By The Talke / Thomas Street Group

3 Lack of Transparency /Secrecy :  March / July 2010 Report submitted to Cabinet and Full Council in secret  Residents not consulted and not given access to the information that resulted in the decision to declare our green spaces surplus to requirements.  What was the real reason detailed in the original report that made it an imperative to sell off our green spaces ?

4 Retrospective Communication / Consultation: Letters sent to occupiers in Tranche One and Two stating reasons for sale as:- To reduce the cost of looking after council owned land and property. To enable necessary development to meet the needs of communities such as housing. To raise funds that will support the councils future capital programme.

5 Sale of Land Surplus to Requirements : At a Meeting of Residents with the Chief Executive and other officers on April 18 th 2011 the Sale of land Surplus to requirements suddenly becomes. The Newcastle Development Programme:

6 Newcastle Development Programme Scrutiny Task and Finish Group: This group was set up to carry out a scrutiny review and provide “ a critical friend challenge” in order to evaluate the rationale of the Newcastle Development Programme. This group continues to evaluate this Programme (NDP) by using and presenting witnesses‘ to previously agreed strategies, reports, and Policies


8 Issues Talke Specific : Housing Needs: The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment( SHLAA ). Placed the land at Thomas Street for three houses as required in 2024/25 see map 1 The Land Bounded by the A34 Thomas Street and Coalpit Hill (SHLAA ref 159) is not scheduled for any period in the SHLAA and is contained in the appendix as land unsuitable for development. See map 2

9 Map sent out with dear occupier letter declaring plan to sell off land surplus to requirements SHLAA Ref 159 land declared unsuitable for development SHLAA Ref 160 3 dwellings 2024 / 25

10 3 Houses 2024/5 Not Suitable see Map 2 MAP 1

11 MAP 2 Land Unsuitable for Development ( SHLAA ) Land bounded by the A34 Coalpit Hill And Thomas St

12 A valuable area of green space which is well used for community use. Additionally given the presence of a slope development would have a visual impact on those existing dwellings already to the North Land Unsuitable for Development ( SHLAA )

13 A valuable area of green space which is well used for community use. Additionally given the presence of a slope development would have a visual impact on those existing dwellings already to the North SHLAA REF 159 Comments on Suitability, Availability,Achievability and constraints of Sites.

14 Developments in Talke are already scheduled to make a significant local contribution to housing needs.  Imperial Works 32 Houses ( planning permission approved )  West Ave 80 Houses  Congleton Rd 5 Houses  Social Club Site 8 Houses (already under construction )  Hill Tops Primary School Site 25 Houses  Slaken Ave 220 houses 2019 to 2025  Other Developments in SHLAA 22 Houses

15 Traffic Problems: Proposed sites are at the lower end of Crown Bank and Swan Bank roads that have traffic calming measures in a failed attempt to slow traffic on this busy thoroughfare. This is a major Bus Route two busses can pass slowly and with difficulty on stretches of this road During peak times and when there are problems on the M6 North or South or the A500 roads become gridlocked. Developments approved or already under construction will be accessed by using Coalpit Hill / Swan Bank. Vehicles including Heavy Goods use the roads to service Jamage Ind Estate and Freeport. This Area Cannot Support The Additional Traffic Further Development Would Bring

16 Common Occurrence On This Busy Road COALPIT HILL


18 Social benefits of Open Green Space: (quote from Green Space Strategy) By providing space for recreation, play, exercise and relaxation. Provides health benefits; by creating safer environments and reducing crime. Presents opportunities to experience and learn at first-hand about our natural environment. Providing a community focus and common ground where people can come together to demonstrate and celebrate diversity.

19 Green Space Strategy: We agree with this strategy as a framework. We are not so naive as to believe :  That residents walking their dogs, or taking the air.  Children playing with their family and friends.  Communities socialising together. Will do so in an area designated by a planner, a bureaucrat, or as outlined in a green space strategy.

20 Communities will use these precious resources:  Because they are close to and part of their communities  The children can play with family and friends safely observed by their communities.  They can benefit from a wide range of social and community pursuits. THESE GREEN SPACES ARE NOT SURPLUS TO OUR REQUIREMENTS.

21 Reasons Given For Sale of Surplus Land: To reduce the cost of looking after council owned land and property. When asked the Council stated it was unable to inform us the cost of maintenance. Is this a true and valid reason ? To enable necessary development to meet the needs of communities such as housing. The SHLAA would suggest there is no requirement for our sites to meet housing needs. If Brownfield sites and properties left vacant are utilised there is ample availability to meet demands Is this a true and valid reason ? To raise funds that will support the councils future capital programme. Now we have the Truth The Cabinet/Council want to sell off our heritage to develop their own pet projects.


23  Programmes can be started or re-introduced.  New Developments can be afforded.  Once our much loved sites are sold and developed, they are :

24 Consign this hastily conceived and ill thought out programme to the bin.


26 Do You Want ? To See This Become This

27  The SHLAA the councils own Land Availability Assessment shows clearly that our green space is not required for housing development and is in fact unsuitable for development.  Why as the council ignored the SHLAA and identified our green space as surplus to requirements.  This green space has been used by our community for many years, is much loved, and is an asset to the area.  THIS GREEN SPACE IS NOT SURPLUS TO OUR REQUIREMENTS

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