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Increasing access to shared accommodation Oasis Aquila Bond Scheme Gateshead Mark Reynolds Project Team Leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing access to shared accommodation Oasis Aquila Bond Scheme Gateshead Mark Reynolds Project Team Leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing access to shared accommodation Oasis Aquila Bond Scheme Gateshead Mark Reynolds Project Team Leader

2 Oasis Aquila Bond Scheme Project Outline  Founded in 2011 with Crisis funding and support  Have housed over 80 households in PRS accommodation on Tyneside  95% exceed 6 months, 86% exceed 12 months  Recognised in 2013 as Crisis Private Renting Champion for Sustainable tenancies  Began Sharing Solutions in December 2013  Procuring property via use of Empty Homes Grant funding

3 Oasis Aquila Bond Scheme Project Outline  Sharing Solutions project using properties acquired under EHG for training flats.  Working in partnership with Crisis Skylight in Newcastle to deliver Renting Ready training.  Properties across Gateshead, mainly 2-bed flats.  Also working with third party PRS landlords.  Now looking at ‘lead tenant’ model within own flats.

4 Empty Homes Grant - Criteria  Government funding channelled through Homes and Communities Agency (HCA)  70% funding for Registered Providers and LA’s 30% third-sector agencies including Oasis Aquila Housing  To purchase properties empty >6 months  Refurbish and bring back into use at affordable rents  Residential or business properties – two rounds of EHG  Lease and repair or Purchase and repair

5 Empty Homes Grant - Delivery  Small initial bid £72k Round 1 – 2 x 2-beds £276k Round 2 – 6 x 2-beds  Development loan of £300k, Unity Trust Bank  Properties cost £35 - £50k per unit.  £15k - £20k refurbishment costs per unit  2 nd national provider to deliver on grant  Begin property portfolio – lead to further funding opportunities

6 Carr Hill, Gateshead Before After

7 Carr Hill, Gateshead BeforeAfter

8 Carr Hill, Gateshead Before After

9 Harlow Green, Gateshead BeforeAfter

10 More information  Homes and Communities Agency  Department for Communities and Local Government of-available-homes/supporting-pages/empty-homes of-available-homes/supporting-pages/empty-homes  Empty Homes – charity, advice and support  Questions  Contact: Mark Reynolds,

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