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After Year 12 Year 12 Year 11 Year 10 YOU - Year 10 (ROSA) Year 11 Preliminary Year 12 HSC EmploymentApprenticeshipTAFE Year 12 HSC & ATAR University.

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Presentation on theme: "After Year 12 Year 12 Year 11 Year 10 YOU - Year 10 (ROSA) Year 11 Preliminary Year 12 HSC EmploymentApprenticeshipTAFE Year 12 HSC & ATAR University."— Presentation transcript:


2 After Year 12 Year 12 Year 11 Year 10 YOU - Year 10 (ROSA) Year 11 Preliminary Year 12 HSC EmploymentApprenticeshipTAFE Year 12 HSC & ATAR University Workforce (fulltime) TAFE (full time) Workforce (fulltime) Apprenticeship/ Traineeship (fulltime) School Based Apprenticeship/ Traineeship 2nd Year Apprentice (full time)


4 STAY AT SCHOOLSTAY AT SCHOOL University Bound (ATAR) TAFE Bound Employment Bound HSC VOCATIONAL Employment skills (NON ATAR)







11 Warners Bay High School website Warners Bay High School Careers Faculty Facebook Page Careerlinks careers and training links flyer

12 Choose subjects you like or are good at Don’t just choose a subject because your friends are choosing it – you may live to regret it! You have to choose what is right for you and your career ambitions! Research the educational requirements for the career you’re interested in (Job Guide, UAC guide etc) Don’t be scared to get advice from your Career Advisers, Teachers, Parents and community members Attend the Newcastle Careers Expo excursion and the WBHS Subject Selection night

13 Resume – Moodle – Year 10 careers Tax File Number Short courses (e.g. Workcover White card) – As advertised Warners Bay High Volunteering awards – hour tallies continue on from last year – logbooks available from careers room

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