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NSW PPLATE PROGRAM What is the P-Plate Program? The P-Plate Program is designed to provide training and support to young.

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2 What is the P-Plate Program? The P-Plate Program is designed to provide training and support to young Indigenous Australians, as they enter high school to provide them with the skills, creating a pathway into employment as soon as schooling and training is completed. This program will link in with other organisations and programs that are currently working within the school to ensure that students leaving school have the life skills necessary to be successful in the workplace. Clear pathways to employment will be provided to ensure that those school leavers are provided with strong opportunity to join the workforce.

3 Aim & Objectives of Program The identification of career options available to students based on their likes/dislikes. Throughout Year 8-12 there will be a strong emphasis on career counselling so that students are aware of the options that are available to them and to occupations that suit there particular interests and skills. Make students work ready through engagement in training whilst at school through School Based Traineeships School Based Apprenticeships Structured Workplace Learning Work Experience The identification, and the up skilling of Work/Life skills required to succeed in the workforce. The P Plate Program recognises that much of what it advocates is already in existence in schools today, and is seeking a commitment that Indigenous students are undertaking this training. To provide a job suitable to the skills/desires of the young person. To set people up to succeed not fail, by being job ready. To set a positive example to both younger and older Indigenous people.

4 P-Plate Program Key Points  This program is for Indigenous students only.  This is not a compulsory program.  AEC jobs cannot be accessed by any other means – they are exclusive to the AEC and its partners.  Students wanting to participate in the program have to sign the student/parent agreement.  Each school to provide an Ambassador.  It is essential that the Ambassador links with other student service stakeholders  This program is designed to compliment, not compete with existing programs.  The Ambassador will be responsible for ticking off the list for employment suitability  Although the P Plate Program prefers students to complete Year 12 there is the flexibility within the program for suitably prepared students to apply for a job in Years 10-11

5 Implementation of the Program Year 8 Ambassador works with students to build Life Skills in relation to work readiness. Leadership skills and confidence building. RESOURCE Learning for Life Guides Sista Speak Brotha Speak Literacy & Numeracy focus Year 9 Ambassador works with students on career matching and resume building. Interview techniques and discussion about future pathways. RESOURCE My Career Match Online Student Survey Literacy & Numeracy focus Year 10 Ambassador works with students to link them to work experience opportunities and to employment opportunities with the support from the PPlate Coordinator and links from the Australian Employment Covenant & School to Work Partnership Brokers. Year 11 Where possible link students to SBT’s, Apprenticeships, Traineeships or casual work. Continue to offer work experience opportunities. Year 12 Continue support for students in SBT’s or Apprenticeships, traineeships.

6 Schools Currently in the Program Sydney Region Marrickville High School Alexandria Park Community School Canterbury Boys High School Endeavour Sports High School Hunter New England Newcastle High School Toronto High School Whitebridge High School Maitland Grossmann High School Tomaree High School Callaghan Colleges Newcastle Western Sydney Cranebrook High School Doonside Technology High School Chifley College Mount Druitt Westfields Sports High School South Coast Eden Marine High School Batemans Bay High School Narooma High School Moruya High School Bega High School Nowra High School Lake Illawarra High School

7 PPlate Partnerships Muru Mittigar Manufacturing Services Australia Department of Aboriginal Affairs MEGT NSW TAFE School to Work Partnership Brokers NSW Police NSW Fire & SES McDonalds Hunter New England Health Australian Employment Covenant Aboriginal Employment Strategy

8 PPLATE CONTACT INFORMATION BELINDA MURDOCH NSW PPLATE COORDINATOR office: 02 8060 6581 Mobile: 0458 554 042 Level 1 113-115 Redfern Street, Redfern NSW 2016

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