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Subject Learning Coaches Helen Scanlan Newcastle College.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject Learning Coaches Helen Scanlan Newcastle College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject Learning Coaches Helen Scanlan Newcastle College

2 What is a Subject Learning Coach? SLCs are trained coaches who support teaching, training and learning in their own institutions. The goal of their work is to enhance teaching and learning and increase the motivation and success of learners. Success North Website, 2010

3 What does their role involve? Does?Does not?

4 Definition of coaching? Peer coaching is a process through which two or more professional colleagues work together to reflect upon current practices; expand, refine and build new skills; share ideas; conduct action research; teach one another and problem solve within the workplace Robbins (1995) Difference between coaching and mentoring?

5 Skills needed to be a coach?

6 Subject knowledge Teaching experience Creative approach Developed communication skills Negotiator Supportive Tactful ‘Awareness’

7 ‘Johari Window’ Based on the model developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram (1950)

8 Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman 1995

9 Grow Model

10 What next? If you are interested in completing the SLC training and gaining the qualification, please contact Lianne Abraham and we will contact you in the New Year!   0191 200 4565

11 Thank you for attending and participating, and enjoy the remainder of the day!

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