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Future challenges and research gaps Example of urban areas Alternative water resources Céline Hervé-Bazin WssTP.

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Presentation on theme: "Future challenges and research gaps Example of urban areas Alternative water resources Céline Hervé-Bazin WssTP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future challenges and research gaps Example of urban areas Alternative water resources Céline Hervé-Bazin WssTP

2 What is the WssTP? The Water supply and sanitation Technology Platform, the WssTP, is a European collaboration between Industry, Research groups, Policy makers and Water users. We are a European Technology Platform initiated in 2004 (Lisbon Agenda) We worked as a NGO since 2007. It gave a legal structure to our network. 51 members, 142 contributing organisation, 450 persons… from 28 countries

3 Main scientific contribution... Vision document in 2005. Strategic Research Agenda in 2006, update in progress. Implementation document in 2007. Five Reports in 2008, scientific publication in 2009: Managing rain events and flooding in urban areas Asset Management for sustainable urban water Supply Demand Balance & Public Participation Alternative water resources Sustainable Sludge Management in Urban Areas Six new reports planned for 2009: Managed Aquifer Recharge Climate Change Costal Zones Sensors & Monitoring Irrigation Water reuse

4 4 Global challenges 1/ Increasing water stress and water costs Quality and quantity issue 2/ Increasing urbanisation Maintain water infrastructures & manage water demand 3/ Extreme climatic events Flood; drought; scarcity 4/ Many rural and under-developed areas Easy, reliable and affordable technologies

5 How to link global challenges with network activities and our mission to deliver vision and recommendations?

6 Pilot programmes Organised in 6 pilot programmes on challenging topics: 1. Mitigation of water stress in coastal zones 2. Urban areas 3. Sustainable management of agriculture 4. Sustainable use of water in industry 5. Reclamation of degraded zones 6. Hydro climatic event

7 How does it work?

8 Sustainable water management inside and around large urban areas Increasing urbanisation: More than 50% of the population will live in urban areas. & Different issues related to size. 1. Flood and Rainfall management  PREPARED 2. Asset Management 3. Balancing water demand with environment includes alternative water resources 4. Sludge, waste water and energy 5. Water treatment 6. Sensors 7. Pollution control Led by M. Farrimond, UKWIR

9 Example Sub-Group: Alternative water resources Other resources than the traditional underground and surface water

10 Water scarcity: a global issue Demography today 6.7 billions people, about 10 billions 2050 Urbanisation (50% now, 80% in 2030) Spacial and temporal pressure (coastal cities, tourism) Wealth increase Agriculture: 70% water requirement Industrialisation: 24% water requirement Energy: >50% water abstraction for energy (F, B, DE, etc) MGD: Reduce by half non-access to potable water by 2015 Climate change More extreme events Regions with less precipitation World water needs By 2025: 200 km 3 storage capacity required By 2050: 3 billions people suffering from water scarcity

11 Water scarcity and drought in Europe February 2008: EU Report ‘Water Scarcity and Drought’ Water stress: affect 130 millions inhabitants (30% of population in Europe) Southern Europe Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, UK Increased droughts in past 30 years, impacting 100 millions inhabitants (20%) in 4 events since 1989 Over past 30 years: €100 billion cost to EU economy (€8.7 billion in 2003) March 2008: EU Report ‘Climate change & international security’ Wikipedia: “Water scarcity” redirected to “Water politics and water related conflicts” March 2009: EEA Report ‘Water resources across Europe — confronting water scarcity and drought’

12 Responses to water scarcity Water scarcity = disparity between supply and demand = increasing competition on resources 1. Demand management (increase productivity)  Advanced irrigation methods  Water saving device  Reduce non revenue water  Public education, incentives 2. Allocation (phase out uses) … equity?  Agriculture  Industry  Domestic  Ecosystems and biodiversity 3. Supply management (alternative water resources)

13 Options for alternative water sources Alternative water resourceSolution Saline water Seawater, brackish / shallow groundwater Desalination Reclaimed water Municipal, industrial, domestic recylcing Non potable purposes, eco. enhancement Direct (?) / indirect potable use Water reuse Rainwater Roof, urban run-off, land run-off, atmospheric water harvesting Rainwater harvesting Groundwater Water storage and recovery, ASR, bank filtration, infiltration, wetlands, … Managed Aquifer Recharge Water transportationTransbondary allocation

14 Direct Costs of Water Supply / Demand Options Marsden Jacobs Assocc. For Dept. PM&C, Sydney, Adelaïde, Perth, Newcastle

15 Scope of Work 5 Topics identified for working group 1. Desalination 2. Water reuse 3. Rain water harvesting 4. Managed Aquifer Recharge 5. Cross-topic issues  R&D on alternative water resources to provide tools for addressing urban Water Scarcity in Europe from the supply side in complementarity to efforts done on demand side  In water-stress areas, more efforts will be devoted to looking for non- conventional resources.  Public health, consumer requirements and environmental issues will be the main issues to solve  Development in accordance with the uses and the regulations.

16 Main recommendations Social, economical and environmental impacts and benefits of water demand and supply management options at catchment scale Adaptation of design and mix of supplies to global changes in large conurbation areas Socio-economic and regulatory framework for rainwater harvesting and management (RWHM) Development of Eco-Roof Technologies for future sustainable buildings Market survey ‘EU wide saline water resources’ Vision Desalination 2030 -1 kWh/m3 Minimization of environmental impacts of brackish and seawater desalination facilities Recycling of municipal effluents for municipal and industrial purposes with adapted hybrid technologies

17 Find out our recommendations on urban areas

18 Thank for your attention!

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