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Insert Date of Presentation Presenters Name. AFS Mission Educate re: unsafe soccer goals  Parents & players  Coaches & referees  Associations  Parks.

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Presentation on theme: "Insert Date of Presentation Presenters Name. AFS Mission Educate re: unsafe soccer goals  Parents & players  Coaches & referees  Associations  Parks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insert Date of Presentation Presenters Name

2 AFS Mission Educate re: unsafe soccer goals  Parents & players  Coaches & referees  Associations  Parks & recreation depts.  General public

3 AFS Mission (cont.) Injuries & fatalities are preventable Increase awareness & support  Safe design  Handling  Repositioning  Storage

4 Know the Facts 3.2* million children play soccer 800,000* coaches & volunteers Goals = 150-400 pounds Problem: weight + unstable design *Source: US Youth Soccer Program

5 Our Youth Are At Risk Since 1979  30 deaths  Many more injuries Known / reported Suspect many more unreported

6 Victims 1998, 10-year-old boy, Oconomoc, WI  Standing in front of goal being moved by teammates  Goal toppled onto victim, severing his spine  Paralyzed from neck down  Cannot speak

7 Victims 1999, 14-year-old girl, Michigan  Wind blew unsecured or inadequately secured soccer goal  Landed on top of victim  Serious leg and hip fractures

8 Victims 2003, 6-year-old boy, Vernon Hills, IL  During soccer practice, unanchored goal fell on boy  Massive head trauma  Cause of death: cardiac arrest due to massive head injuries

9 Victims 2005, 15-year-old boy, Oklahoma  Victim and three friends trying to move soccer goal  Goal fell over, striking his head  Injuries caused death

10 AFS Educates Injuries & fatalities from unsafe goals are preventable Every voice counts Visit

11 AFS Supports Short-term solution  Anchor all goals Long-term solution  Safe design of goals

12 Short-Term Solution Safe handling & repositioning of goals Always!  Anchor goals  Secure goals on level ground Never! allow kids to  Play on goals  Move goals

13 Short-Term Solution Safe storage of goals  Store goals off playing fields; locked so they can’t be moved  Face two goals toward each other & lock together  Permanently anchor with chain attached to buried concrete block

14 Long-Term Solution Promote redesign of goals  Maximize safety  PVC for light end-product Alliances with:  Company One  Company Two  Company Three

15 Conclusion We must protect our youth No practices or games on unsafe fields Short-term solution: Anchor goals Long-term solution: Redesign goals Spread the word to bring change

16 Thank you!

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