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Integrating the Computer Science Curriculum by Reusing Soccer Simulation Game Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Associate Professor Sarkeys Endowed Chair School of Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating the Computer Science Curriculum by Reusing Soccer Simulation Game Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Associate Professor Sarkeys Endowed Chair School of Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating the Computer Science Curriculum by Reusing Soccer Simulation Game Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Associate Professor Sarkeys Endowed Chair School of Business & Technology Rogers State University Claremore, OK Presented at Oklahoma Computing Conference. Langston University, Oklahoma City, March 04, 2011

2 Outline Scope, Issues, Possible Answer What Is Curriculum Integration? Case Based Integration Simulated Soccer Game as Learning Case Opportunities for Reusing Tao of Soccer across CS/IT/Game Curricula Conclusion 2Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

3 Scope Upper-level courses in the undergraduate curriculum in – Computer Science – Game Development and – Information Technology 3Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

4 Issues What opportunities exist for the improvement of learning and instruction? How to improve student achievements? 4Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

5 Possible Answer: Curriculum Integration 5 Integration ::= the unification of all subjects and experiences (as defined by National Council of Teachers of English (1935)) Proven way to enhancing student’s experience Can be: multidisciplinary – theme based learning across several disciplines transdisciplinary – the curriculum is organized around student questions and concerns interdisciplinary – the curriculum is organized around common learnings across disciplines intradisciplinary – subdisciplines are integrated within a subject area Curriculum%C2%A2.aspx Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

6 Case Based Intradisciplinary Curriculum Integration 6 Sometimes is used in engineering schools How about Computer Science? Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

7 Simulated Soccer Game: a Case for CS and IT Curricula Reasonably sophisticated software system Distributed system, different applications connected over the network Real time system Some physics and much of trigonometry Has elements of applied Artificial Intelligence – no limit for the sophistication Has elements of 3D Computer Graphics Could be used as a massive multi-player game – needs good human-computer interface and – is emotionally engaging 7Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

8 RoboCup Soccer Simulator RoboCup: international research and educational initiative World and regional competitions since 1995 2D and 3D versions 200+ universities from 40+ countries Great for advanced students (a team of dedicated MS and BS students) Cons: Too long learning curve No human controlled players – cannot be used as a game 2D version lacks focus on quality image rendering 3D version is mainly focused on human body locomotion – great for engineering students; difficult for CS/IT 8Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

9 Tao of Soccer (TOS) A simplified soccer simulator - open source project Based exclusively on Java technology Originally developed by Yu Zhan; substantially redesigned by Vadim Kyrylov in 2003 for the educational purposes Special features: – simplified player actions and physic – allows human player participation – 3D graphics – sky is the limit for the sophistication – Developer Toolkit provided (coming soon) 9Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

10 TOS v.1.5: Architecture 10 In version 2, added Debugger (integrates all parts in one application) Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

11 TOS v. 2 Toolkit Allows doing research in Game AI – great for student projects Includes several workbench Java applications for investigating: – ball interception – ball passing – player offensive positioning – player defensive positioning – duel situations Could be used as learning objects in some courses 11Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

12 Courses Where TOS Could Be Used 12 Game AI Modeling and Simulation Distributed Systems Software Architecture Systems Analysis Software Engineering Multi-Agent Systems Computer Graphics Human-Computer Interaction Capstone Project Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

13 Courses Where TOS Could Be Used Game AI Modeling non-player character behavior Exploring advanced methods such as multi-criteria optimization and application of Game Theory Modeling and Simulation Provides good and easy understood source of experimental data Exploring and experimenting with soccer game physics and player behavior models 13Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

14 Courses Where TOS Could Be Used Distributed Systems Exploring the communication between applications (server + up to 24 clients of two different types) Experimenting with the communication quality Software Architecture Exploring the architecture (~120 Java classes) Identifying design patterns and learning form them 14Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

15 Courses Where TOS Could Be Used Systems Analysis Reverse engineering with the purpose of requirements analysis Software Engineering Reverse engineering for documenting software design (UML) Using to learn software testing 15Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

16 Courses Where TOS Could Be Used Multi-Agent Systems Illustrates key concepts of MAS Human-Computer Interaction Evaluating user interaction and experience as massive multi-player game player 16Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

17 Courses Where TOS Could Be Used Computer Graphics Sky is the limit Capstone Project Reverse engineering project (up to 10- weeks) 17Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

18 Conclusion Using TOS in CS/IT/Game curricula as a case study may: create synergies in learning saves time on introducing cases in different courses creates opportunities for enhanced learning due to the emotional engagement create opportunities for getting undergraduate students involved in research (RoboCup is just one step away) 18Vadim Kyrylov, PhD Rogers State University

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