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The Life of a Soccer Ball Greg Perkins Abdullah Al-Kindi Tyler Smith Mohit Chaudhary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of a Soccer Ball Greg Perkins Abdullah Al-Kindi Tyler Smith Mohit Chaudhary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of a Soccer Ball Greg Perkins Abdullah Al-Kindi Tyler Smith Mohit Chaudhary

2 Soccer is the most popular sport in the world It is played by people young and old in countries all over the world The great thing about the sport is that you can play almost anywhere All you really need is open space, teammates, and a ball However, the process of making a soccer ball isn’t quite as simple

3 “As with any product, making a soccer ball uses natural resources and energy, which can impact the air, land, and water.” Soccer balls are made from a variety of raw materials that come from the Earth, but before manufactures can use them, these raw materials must be processed – The surface of most soccer balls is made from synthetic leather or rubber This is typically made from plastics such as types of polyurethane – To hold the hexagon panels of the surface together, stitching made from polyester or similar thread can be used or glue – The lining of the ball is important for strength, structure, and bounce This can be composed of polyester and/or cotton bonded together – Finally there is the bladder, the inside part of the ball filled with air. This is typically made from natural latex rubber or butyl (plastic) – Bladders made form natural latex rubber provide the softest feel and proper bounce from the ball – Bladders made from butyl can hold air longer and retain the ball’s shape better than bladders made from latex rubber

4 Putting the pieces together The process of making soccer balls is similar even though soccer balls may vary in their size, weight, and quality: Surface material is rolled out- usually several layers of synthetic foam- filled panels are glued together make a strong and smooth exterior. The lining which is made of multiple sheets of fabric is glued to the cover. The lining goes between the cover and the bladder to provide shape. Panels are cut into the exact number needed to make one ball. Exterior panels are silk- screened with graphics or logos, with each panel printed separately. Holes are pre-punched in each panel and the ball is either stitched by hand or machine with a polyester thread. ( hand-stitched ball take 1,5 hours to sew while it take 10 minutes by the machine). After that, they make sure that none of the stitches will show and the bladder is inserted and inflated. Soccer balls are tested by an independent laboratory to ensure quality, especially the balls that are used for professional play.

5 Getting the soccer ball to people Every material that used to make a soccer ball has to move from place to another place then the finished ball has to get to the players. Soccer balls are made overseas and transported by planes, trucks, or trains. Producers always keep the soccer balls in packages to protect them from damage.

6 Use High quality balls are more likely to last longer Taking care of your soccer ball can increase its life – Don’t use it on concrete or asphalt – Keep it clean – Don’t use a wet soccer ball if it’s too cold

7 Disposal Never just throw out a soccer ball! Donate your soccer ball to an organization – Kids who can’t afford a new ball will appreciate it If your ball is too beat up, it can still be used – Dogs love old beat up soccer balls!

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