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Ola Soccer 2014-15 What you need to know before the season starts…

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1 Ola Soccer 2014-15 What you need to know before the season starts…

2 To be eligible to play Each student takes up to 7 classes a day here at Ola High To participate in athletics, they MUST pass 2.5 units or 5 classes to be eligible Also, you must have the correct number of total units accumulated throughout your high school career: Entering 9th: All are eligible, must pass at least 2.5 units 1st semester to be eligible for 2nd semester. Entering 10th: 5 Units, must pass at least 2.5 units 1st semester to be eligible for 2nd semester. Entering 11th: 10 Units (2010-2011: 11 Units), must pass at least 2.5 units 1st semester to be eligible for 2nd semester. Entering 12th: 16 Units ( 2011-2012: 17 Units), must pass at least 2.5 units 1st semester to be eligible for 2nd semester.

3 FORMS NEEDED **FOR CONDITIONING: Current physical on-file in the athletic office New Insurance/Consent form completely filled out & turned into me All of these forms can be found on the athletic website – I will show you where to find them… *There are more forms that will be needed for the season, these are the only two needed to condition.

4 Conditioning – Fall Semester for girls ONLY BEGINS MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 – 3:45-4:45 Will take place: Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays Weather (or any other) cancellations will be announced on afternoon announcements and through Remind101 account – #762-208-4607 – @olagsoccer **NO CONDITIONING THE WEEK OF FINAL EXAMS

5 Conditioning in January for boys & girls Will begin Tuesday January 6 – 3:45-4:45 Will take place Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays Weather cancellations will be announced on afternoon announcements and through Remind101 account

6 Is Conditioning Required? Short answer: NO Long answer: – If you are currently still practicing with your club team or attending a high school training session, etc. you are not expected to show up the same day you have practice/game. You ARE expected to show up when you do not have another practice to attend. If you are not attending conditioning or another type of training session or playing soccer throughout winter, you will be at a disadvantage come tryouts.

7 Tryouts BEGIN TUESDAY JANUARY 20 – Will go from 3:45-around 5:30 – Usually 2 days (always the possibility of 3, if needed) – Rosters will be posted on soccer webpage the evening following the last day of tryouts

8 Questions? Feel free to stop by to ask questions at any time; you or your parents can email as well:

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