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Reading Explorer 1A 1. rugby rugby 2. amateur amateur 3. usuallyusually 4. contributionscontributions 5. rodentrodent 6. cuisinecuisine 7. aspectaspect.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Explorer 1A 1. rugby rugby 2. amateur amateur 3. usuallyusually 4. contributionscontributions 5. rodentrodent 6. cuisinecuisine 7. aspectaspect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Explorer 1A 1. rugby rugby 2. amateur amateur 3. usuallyusually 4. contributionscontributions 5. rodentrodent 6. cuisinecuisine 7. aspectaspect 8. contrastcontrast 9. invadeinvade 10. assumptionassumption

2 a football game you don’t stop until the period is over, team that has the ball may run with it, kick it, or pass it not allowed to block or make forward passes Rugby is named for Rugby School in England where the game was first played. It is a football game for teams of 15 players each in which play is continuous, you don’t stop until the period is over, and the team that has the ball may run with it, kick it, or pass it sideways or backward but is not allowed to block or make forward passes Webster’s Word Central website  rug-by A game like American football without the pads and soccer together.

3 An amateur is a person who takes part in an activity (as a study or sport) for pleasure and not for pay. Webster’s Word Central website  am-a-teur A person who does a sport or an activity for fun and not for money.

4 Usually is when something is done, found, or used in the ordinary course of events. Webster’s Word Central website  Usu-al-ly (root usu-al when something is done about 80-98% of the time

5 To contribute is to have a part in bringing about something. Webster’s Word Central website  Con-tri-bu-tion to give or help to create or be a part of something

6 A rodent is any of an order of fairly small mammals (as mice, squirrels, or beavers) that have sharp front teeth used for gnawing. Webster’s Word Central website  ro-dent small animal that has sharp front teeth like mice, squirrels, or beavers

7 Cuisine is a style of cooking. Webster’s Word Central website  cui-sine how something is cooked

8 An aspect is a certain way in which something appears or may be regarded. Webster’s Word Central website  as-pect the way something looks or is thought about Look at the different aspects of high school soccer

9 To contrast is to compare two persons or things so as to show the differences between them. Webster’s Word Central website  con-trast to notice, look at, differences Look at the opposite differences (contrast) aspects of high school soccer

10 To invade is to enter for conquest or plunder. Webster’s Word Central website  in-vade to try to take over something for money, power, or wealth

11 Assumption is the belief that something is true. Webster’s Word Central website  as-sump-tion to believe something is true even if you are unsure

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