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Galileo System Overview

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1 Galileo System Overview

2 Galileo Programme Galileo Overview
Galileo is an autonomous navigation and positioning services under civilian control compatible/interoperable with GPS. A Technical, Economic and Political Challenge. Galileo infrastructure implemented in three phases: Development and In-Orbit Validation ( ) [under ESA control and budget] Deployment ( ) Commercial Operations (from 2008) To complete the development phase  a single management structure: The Galileo Joint Undertaking (founded by ESA and EC) for the Applications and the Local Element.

3 Galileo Services (1/2) (5 positioning services ) Galileo Overview
Open service (OS): basic level dedicated to consumer applications and general-interest navigation. Safety of Life (SoL): a highly stringent service for use where passenger safety is critical. Commercial Service (CS): a restricted-access service for commercial and professional applications that require superior performance to generate value-added services. Public Regulated Service (PRS): a restricted service for governmental applications with high continuity characteristics. Search and Rescue Service (SAR): a humanitarian service to accurately pinpoint the location of distress messages from anywhere across the globe.

4 Galileo Services (2/2) (Simplified Galileo/SAR Architecture )
Galileo Overview Galileo Services (2/2) (Simplified Galileo/SAR Architecture ) Galileo Space segment SAR payload Navigation payload 9 Galileo Ground Segment 2 1 (406 MHz) (L1) 8 10 7 ISSS (Intergovernmental SAR Satellite System) RLSP (Return Link service Provider) Distress Beacon & Galileo Receiver 3, 4 SAR Operator

5 Components of Galileo Galileo Overview
Global component (Galileo Core System): Space segment (30 satellites in MEO shared in 3 orbital planes). Ground control and Mission Segment. Regional component: providing an Optional Regional Integrity service. Regions will have the possibility to determine their own integrity information and broadcast it via the satellites. Local component: additional local signals providing additional performance in terms of accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity.

6 Signal in Space (1/3) Galileo Overview
10 Navigation signals emitted in RNSS bands: 3 signals in the frequency range MHz (E6) 4 signals in the frequency band MHz (E5a / E5b) 3 signals in the frequency range MHz (E2L1E1)

7 Signal in Space (2/3) Galileo Overview
Services allocation within Galileo signals: 6 are designed for OS and SoL (signals 1,2,3,4 [E5a/E5b] and 9,10 [L1] ) 2 are designed specifically for CS (signals 6,7 [E6] ) 2 are designed specifically for PRS (signals 5 [E6] and 8 [L1] )

8 Signal in Space (3/3) ( Baseline signal ) Galileo Overview E5A E5b E6
Frequency Band E5A E5b E6 L1  Centre Frequency MHz MHz MHz MHz Occupied Bandwidth 92.07 MHz 40.92 MHz  Sub Signal I Q A B C Modulation Mode Data Pilot BPSK (10) BOC (10,5) BPSK (5) (15, 2.5) BOC (1,1) Multiplexing Mode ALTBOC (15,10) CASM  Code rate (Mcps) 10.23 5.115 2.5575 1.023 Primary Code Length 10230 Classified 5115 8184 Secondary Code Length 20 100 4 - 50 25 Received Power(dBW) -152 min / -149 max Symbol rate / Data rate None 250 125 1000 500

9 Development and Validation Phase: C/D/E1
Galileo Overview Development schedule Galileo IOV 2 to 5 Satellites Full Galileo Constellation 30 Satellites Experimental GSTB-V2 2 Satellites 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 - Qualification - SoL Certification Development and Validation Phase: C/D/E1 42 months T0

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