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© Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Markets – Expression of Interest – Appendix 7.

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1 © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Markets – Expression of Interest – Appendix 7

2 Markets – proposed parameters for response to procurement exercise – first thoughts Respond if and only if Respond if and only if No staff transfers from EHDC are imposed No staff transfers from EHDC are imposed Net cost of zero or better can be achieved based on moderately pessimistic assumptions on levels of trade and a good level of investment to improve Net cost of zero or better can be achieved based on moderately pessimistic assumptions on levels of trade and a good level of investment to improve Staff, storage and other requirements can be resourced without compromising existing services (will require recruitment or additional hours) Staff, storage and other requirements can be resourced without compromising existing services (will require recruitment or additional hours) Termination and other imposed conditions are reasonable Termination and other imposed conditions are reasonable Minimum committed term of 2 years, maximum committed term of 7 years Minimum committed term of 2 years, maximum committed term of 7 years If insufficient information provided with tender document, then response is subject to due diligence If insufficient information provided with tender document, then response is subject to due diligence Statement of improvement of the social, economic or environmental well being (which we are required to make) to include: Statement of improvement of the social, economic or environmental well being (which we are required to make) to include: intention to expand the range and diversity of the market offering – proactively go out to source the ‘missing’ stalls’ intention to expand the range and diversity of the market offering – proactively go out to source the ‘missing’ stalls’ actively consideration of holding markets on additional days including a programme of specialty markets. actively consideration of holding markets on additional days including a programme of specialty markets. link it to a programme of town centre events link it to a programme of town centre events exploit and leverage close relationships with the Rhodes, the Tourist Information Centre, the social media following already built up by our Councillors and by the Tourist Information Centre to create an integrated and active approach to the management of the marketing and the environment on Market days (for example by introducing an element of incidental street entertainment, linking it to activities organised through the Tourist information centre etc.). exploit and leverage close relationships with the Rhodes, the Tourist Information Centre, the social media following already built up by our Councillors and by the Tourist Information Centre to create an integrated and active approach to the management of the marketing and the environment on Market days (for example by introducing an element of incidental street entertainment, linking it to activities organised through the Tourist information centre etc.). ensuring that the market looks attractive through close management possible through local presence ensuring that the market looks attractive through close management possible through local presence ploughing back money saved into market development to assist with the enhancements outlined above ploughing back money saved into market development to assist with the enhancements outlined above Recommend delegating response to CEO with the support of two councillors Recommend delegating response to CEO with the support of two councillors © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council

3 Outline Financials Presented 13/7/2013 ExpenditureCostIncomeAmount Capital CostsStalls£1,776 1 Fees & Charges£66,450 Signage£1,000 2 Licence Fees£0 4 Running CostsElectricity£570 StaffingSalary£18,750 3 LogisticsStreet Cleaning£2,560 Refuse Clearance£11,950 InsuranceMisc & Third Party£330 OtherAdvertising£2,570 Subscriptions£670 NNDR£9,390 Other£100 Total Expenditure£49,666Total Income£66,450Net£16,784 © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Final Business case will depend on tender conditions Initial indications are that market will be profitable under BSTC management, significant savings possible compared to EHDC operating model due to local presence Notes 1: Based on the EHDC Purchase & Maintenance figure of £1,750, or just under 12 new stalls (at £148) a year (24 for every two years). As Saturday showed 28 pitches used, but only 10 specific stalls, 24 stalls every 2 years is a reasonable estimate. 2: EHDC has a capital charge of £16,830 that is unexplained and not included. 3: Based on BSTC estimate. 4: EHDC takes a profit on Licence Fees (£11,800) that they would probably insist on retaining.

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