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Packaging Requirement

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1 Packaging Requirement
MIL-STD D Packaging Requirement Codes LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Familiarize the student with MIL-STD D, Appendix J, Military Packaging Requirement Codes for use in interpreting contract packaging requirements. This Training Module will include instructions on defining the Packaging Requirement Codes used in describing military packaging methods and materials. Each Table in the Appendix will be covered to include the addition of a “Helpful Hints” slide and Practical Exercise. Prior to training the students should be instructed to bring a copy of MIL-STD D with them. Also, instruct the students bring a copy of a contract with a MIL-STD D, Packaging Requirement Code (PRC). This will eliminate the need for samples in the Training Module, while giving the student the practical experience of locating contract packaging requirements.

2 APPENDIX - J This Appendix establishes and defines codes to be used in describing military packaging methods and materials. PRCs are used in a position and sequence system with DD Form 2326 (Figure E1, p116) Codes “Y” and “YY” have been deleted 26 “Packaging of” specs have been deleted QUP instructions rewritten for clarity Software and website available for code interpretation This is the Appendix to go to for the interpretation of Packaging Requirement Codes (PRCs). Go to DD Form 2326 to view code sequence. Codes “Y” and “YY” were “Packager’s Option.” Four sources for commercial software programs to interpret the PRCs: Mil-Pack Technology (858) Pack for Windows (440) Easysoft (440) MDE Enterprises (937) Navy website for interpreting PRCs: (Click on “Code Lookup”)

APPENDIX - J GENERAL CODE REQUIREMENTS Alpha codes are “O” and “OO” Numeric codes are “0” and “00” (requirements of this table do not apply) Codes “X” or “XX” indicate that the requirement is contained within the method of preservation Codes “Z” or “ZZ” indicate that Supplemental or Special requirements apply Do not assume that codes O, OO, 0 and 00 mean “no requirement.” Look up each code in its appropriate table as they do have other interpretations. For example: 1. Unit Container Level code “O” indicates that the unit container is not an acceptable shipping container. 2. Optional Procedure Indicator code “O” indicates that options can be exercised as to specific method of preservation or DOD approved (new addition to the statement) packaging materials to be used. Code “X” in cushioning means “cushion as required to protect the item.” When codes “Z” or “ZZ” are used in an acquisition document, details of the requirement shall be provided with the document.

APPENDIX - J QUANTITY PER UNIT PACK (QUP) Already established by the PCO using: Formula A = $ Value, Wt, Cu, Replacement %, Pres Mthd. (for consumables having maintenance and overhaul application) Formula B = Qty per Assy, Wt, Cu, Replacement %, Pres Mthd. (for consumables having overhaul application only) Codes: In Clear = 001 through 999 BLK = Bulk ZZZ = Special requirement Appendix B provides guidance on which items should be a QUP of one, such as: repairables, kits, sets, method 50, fragile, and items with a value of $50 or more. When Commercial Packaging I/A/W ASTM D3951 is cited in a contract, look for a QUP requirement before assuming that the QUP can be more than one. The Procurement Activity develops the QUP based on the data they have available. When data is inadequate, the assigned QUP can be questionable. Use DD Form 1716s to request QUP changes. Dollar value of the QUP shall not exceed $200 for parts applicable to more than one assembly or $100 for parts applicable to only one assembly.

APPENDIX – J QUANTITIES PER INTERMEDIATE CONTAINER (ICQ) The ICQ is not always established by the PCO. Codes: In Clear = 001 through 100 AAA = See B.5 XXX = See method of preservation ZZZ = See special instructions/supplemental data Appendix B, Table B.1, provides guidance on how to develop the ICQ using predetermined ICQs based on weight and cube. Limits of ICQ: Maximum of 100 unit packs, lbs. & 1.5 cu. ft. Maximum weight of 40 lbs. Example using Table B.I: Unit pack weight .60 lbs. & unit pack cube is cu. ft. = 64 units in intermediate container Note that QUP and ICQ code interpretation is not found in Tables like all the other codes but are found in paragraphs J.4.3 and J.4.11 respectively.

6 APPENDIX - J PRESERVATION METHODS Table J.I 10 = Physical protection
20 = Preservative coating 30 = Waterproof/greaseproof protection 40 = Watervaporproof protection 50 = Watervaporproof protection with desiccant Z or ZZ indicate supplementary or special requirements These Military Preservation Method codes will be used for MIL-STD-129N markings. When Method 20 is cited a preservative material is required. See Table J.I. on page 142 for a good cross reference to the old MIL-P-116J Preservation Methods. See Table II on page 29 for barrier bag material cross reference to MIL-PRF-117. Each of the Military Methods of Preservation are described in detail in Paragraph on page 12 of MIL-STD D. Some general requirements include: All methods require protection from physical damage and malfunction, movement of an item must be restricted within the unit pack, and air within a bag shall be kept to a minimum.

APPENDIX - J SPECIALIZED PRESERVATION CODES Table J.Ia Definition: Codes for packaging procedures that cannot be conveniently or adequately described without amplification of the basic method and material symbols. Code “AE” means seal/plug all openings & preserve method 10 Code “BL” means seal/plug all openings & preserve Method 20 (which code would you use for MIL-STD-129N markings?) Code “GX” means preserve Method 41 with ESD & electromagnetic protection Code “HM” means package and mark I/A/W applicable haz mat regulation These codes allow the Procurement Activity to amplify the basic method by providing a more descriptive requirement. Some of these codes allow a choice of different barrier and cushioning materials. Answer to question: Use code “BL” for the MIL-STD-129N markings. Although this was not clear in revision “N” the next revision will state that the Specialized Preservation Code will be used after “M” for Military Method.

APPENDIX - J CLEANING PROCEDURE CODES Table J.II 1 = Any suitable process X = See Method of Preservation Z = Special Requirement CONTACT PRESERVATIVE MATERIAL CODES Table J.III 49 = Vendor’s protective grease or oil 89 = Normal operating lubricant 00 = No requirement XX = See Method of Preservation Be careful of cleaning code “Z” in Navy contracts. The Special Requirements could require Nuclear Cleaning/Clean Room type cleaning that not many contractors or packaging houses are capable of. Note that when Military Preservation code “10” is used, the Contact Preservative Material code should be “00”. A greaseproof wrap shall be used with any item coated with a preservative ( , page 15).

CA = A-A-203, kraft wrapping paper (UU-P-268) EA = MIL-P-17667, neutral wrapping paper GB = MIL-B-121, grade A, greaseproof, waterproof JA = A-A-3174, plastic sheet (L-P-378) K3 = MIL-PRF ESD protective barrier material LA = A-A-50187, lens paper (NNN-P-40) Contact preservative coated items shall be wrapped in MIL-B-121, Grade A, or QQ-A-1876 When a transparent unit pack is used, the preliminary wrapping shall also be transparent. Preliminary wrapping shall be applied as necessary to protect the item, the bag and the container from the item’s projections and sharp edges as well as to restrict its movement within the unit pack. See for more general requirements concerning the use of wraps.

APPENDIX - J CUSHIONING AND DUNNAGE Table J.V AD = cushion, anchor, block & brace I/A/W MIL-STD-1186 BG = A-A-1898, cellulosic cushioning (PPP-C-843) BN = PPP-C-850, polystyrene DA = A-A-1051, paperboard (PPP-C-291) GD = MIL-PRF-26514, polyurethane foam HA = A-A-1507, chipboard (UU-C-282) JA = ASTM D4727, fiberboard (PPP-F-320) LT = PPP-C-795, Class 2, antistatic cellular plastic film NA = PPP-C-795, A-A-3129 (PPP-C-1842), PPP-C-1797 or A-A-59136(PPP-C-1752) CUSHIONING THICKNESS Table J.VI Defines minimum thickness around entire item. Code “NA” is one of the most commonly used codes because if offers a choice of four cushioning materials. All cushioning and dunnage shall be as clean and dry as practicable to minimize item susceptibility to corrosion and contaminants. When code “X” is used in the cushioning thickness it is the responsibility of the contractor to determine the thickness of the cushioning required to adequately protect the item.

APPENDIX - J UNIT AND INTERMEDIATE CONTAINERS Table J.VII 10 = any suitable container in this table A1 = MIL-P-130, MIL-P17667, MIL-B 121 Grade A, or any MIL-B- 117 bag (staple, tape, adhesive or heat sealed) D3 = PPP-B-566, A-A-2807(PPP-B-665), PPP-B-676 or ASTM D5118 DO = any suitable fiber box in this table DP = ASTM D5168 (PPP-B-640), triple wall fiberboard EC = ASTM D5118 (PPP-B-636), domestic fiberboard box ED = ASTM D5118 (PPP-B-636), W/R,fiberboard box F3 = vendor’s wood box FO = any wood box in table FA = PPP-B-621, nailed box FD = PPP-B-601, plywood box FU = MIL-B-26195, wood-cleated skidded box MA = MIL-C-104, wood crate, nailed or bolted NR = PPP-B-1672, reusable fiberboard box w/cushioning (“Fast Pack”) MY,NY,NZ,RC = NAVICP reusable containers XX = See method of preservation Code “D3” is one of the most commonly used codes for unit and intermediate containers because it offers a choice of four fiberboard containers. Codes are used to distinguish between domestic and weather resistant fiberboard, and domestic and overseas wood boxes. It is recommended that a contractor or subcontractor responsible for closure of an ASTM D5118 or fiberboard box, have a copy of ASTM D1974 and follow the closure procedures applicable to the box being closed. XXs used in the unit container code indicate that the method of preservation is the unit container.

APPENDIX - J UNIT CONTAINER LEVEL Table J.VIII The Unit Container Level (UCL) codes are used to determine if the unit container is an acceptable shipping container. O = Not an acceptable shipping container A = Meets Level A packing B = Meets Level B packing M = Unit container provides minimal packing protection OPTIONAL PROCEDURE INDICATOR Table J.VIIIa The Optional Procedure Indicator (OPI) codes define the contractor’s packaging options. M = All packaging is mandatory, no substitutions. O = Options can be exercised, with exceptions. The Unit Container Level and Optional Procedure Indicator Codes when used, take a lot of guess work out of determining what exterior container to use for packing. Unit Container Level Codes are used by the Navy and Air Force.

APPENDIX - J MILITARY PACKING REQUIREMENT CODES Table J.IX Follow the instructions defined in this table to meet the packing requirements of the Procurement Activity via the “Pack Code.” E = ASTM D4169, Dist. Cycle 18, Assurance Level 1 apply. F = Packing is not required, unit container is shipping container. Q = Select a shipping container from table C.II for level specified. R = ASTM D4169, Dist. Cycle 18, Assurance Level 2 apply. U = Shipping container to meet applicable transportation regulation. (Commercial Packing) ASTM D4169, Distribution Cycle 18, Assurance Level 1 testing assures adequacy for Military Level A Packing (wood box). ASTM D4169, Distribution Cycle 18, Assurance Level 2 testing assures adequacy for Military Level B Packing (W/R fiberboard container). Table C.II on Page 78, lists the exterior shipping containers by specification and Packing Levels they meet.

14 APPENDIX - J SPECIAL MARKING CODES Table J.X. ZZ = Special Requirement
03 = Method 50 17 = Reusable container 32 = Type I, Shelf Life = Mark I/A/W applicable procedural packaging specification 33 = Type II, Shelf Life 39 = ESD Sensitive (see MIL-STD-129) See MIL-STD-129N, paragraph and Figure 5 for additional Method 50 marking information and sample label. See MIL-STD-129N, paragraph for additional information on shelf life markings. See MIL-STD-129N, paragraph and Figure 10 for additional ESD marking information and sample ESD label. Confirm that the contractor is using the correct labels.

15 APPENDIX - J WEBSITES For copies of Military and Federal Specifications: For interpretations of MIL-STD D PRCs: (click on “Code Lookup”) For copies of MIL B &2C (for Navy use) The DCMA Indianapolis website is an excellent source of current preservation, packaging, packing and marking requirements and information (it is no longer available to contractors).

Packaging Requirement Codes are found in Section B, the Schedule portion of an acquisition document and in packaging forms peculiar to the applicable procuring activity. Other places to find Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking (PPP&M) requirements: Preparation for Delivery Instructions Commodity or Procedural Specifications Amendments and Modifications Deviations, Waivers and Statements of Work (SOWs) Individual Repair Parts Ordering Data (Navy IRPODS) Drawings or Microfiche FAR and DFAR Clauses from PCO Master Solicitations References to Levels of Protection References to commercial Packaging such as ASTKM D3951

APPENDIX - J PRACTICAL EXERCISE QUESTIONS Which Table lists the Military Methods of Preservation codes? Which Table lists the Unit and Intermediate Container Codes? What are Specialized Preservation Codes? What does an ICQ of “AAA” signify? Does Military Preservation Method 42 require desiccant? What is the Specialized Preservation Code used for packaging and marking of Hazardous Materials ? What does Code “X” in the Cushioning Thickness mean? Are Unit Container Codes “EZ”, “F7”, “GB” and “MH” reusable containers? The Unit Container code is “EC” and the Unit Container Level Code is “O”, is the Unit Container an acceptable shipping container? A contractor wants to substitute a cushioning material for the cushioning material cited in his contract. He claims that his cushioning material is equal to or better than the cushioning material cited in the contract and it will be at no additional cost. His Optional Procedure Indicator Code is “M”. Can he substitute the cushioning material? What ASTM document has instructions for the closure of fiberboard containers? What Packing Requirement Code is generally used to cite Commercial Packing? What Special Marking Code would you expect to see in a contract for an ESD item? Which wrap would you use for a pair of glasses, QQ-A-1876, MIL-B-22019, A-A or MIL-B-81705, Type II ? What is the mistake in this PRC: NA X D3

APPENDIX - J PRACTICAL EXERCISE ANSWERS Table J.I. on page 142. Table J.VII. on page 160. Codes that indicate packaging procedures which are regularly used but which cannot be conveniently or adequately described without amplification of the basic method and material symbols (J.4.2.1, p140). See B.5, Determination of ICQ, pages 141 and 67. No, None of the Military Preservation Methods in the 40 series require desiccant, only those in the 50 series do, see Table J.I on page 142. Code “HM”, see Table J.Ia. on page 147. Cushion as required to protect the item, see Table J.VI on page 159. Yes, see Table J.VII on page 161 No, see Table J.VIII on page 170. No, See Table J.VIIIa on page 171. ASTM D1974, this info was provided by instructor (in Notes). Code “U”, see Table J.IX on page 175. Code “39”, see Table J.X on page 176. A-A-50177, see Table J.IV on page 154. Preservation Material Code “49” (no preservative with Method 10)

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