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OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE perspective towards standards and interoperability OGC meeting, Athens, 31 March 2009 Stefan Jensen.

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Presentation on theme: "OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE perspective towards standards and interoperability OGC meeting, Athens, 31 March 2009 Stefan Jensen."— Presentation transcript:

1 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE perspective towards standards and interoperability OGC meeting, Athens, 31 March 2009 Stefan Jensen

2 OGC TC 31.3.09 Introduction the WISE system

3 OGC TC 31.3.09 Key WISE working agreements  Agreed and implemented in cooperation with DG Environment, JRC, Eurostat and EEA  Developing a distributed system by 2010 linking to the member states  Implementation plan until 2010  Bringing together SoE and compliance reporting  Using Reportnet as tool for all this reporting  Merging water related directives and the needed data work (WFD, UWWT, Bathing, Nitrates, water statistics...)  Provide data and information to the public

4 OGC TC 31.3.09 …linking water-related information in Europe WISE…

5 OGC TC 31.3.09

6 Flows of information EU-WISE Reporting Indicators Compliance Analysis Various WISE users

7 OGC TC 31.3.09 Twenty-six interactive thematic maps across subthemes available online New themes MarineUrban waste waterMonitoring networks

8 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE distributed system

9 OGC TC 31.3.09 Standardisation around WISE

10 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE GIS guidance Appendix 01: Elements of the WFD relevant to GISElements of the WFD relevant to GIS Appendix 02: WISE reporting arrangementsWISE reporting arrangements Appendix 03: Overview of maps available in the WISE map viewerOverview of maps available in the WISE map viewer Appendix 04: Status of ISO / CEN standards relevant for WISEStatus of ISO / CEN standards relevant for WISE Appendix 05: Table of GIS datasets and layers in WISETable of GIS datasets and layers in WISE Appendix 06: Data dictionaryData dictionary Appendix 07: Proposal for a European coding system for hydrological featuresProposal for a European coding system for hydrological features Appendix 08: Testing the European coding system for hydrological features atTesting the European coding system for hydrological features at selected rivers in the Danube River Basin District selected rivers in the Danube River Basin District (available from March 2009) Appendix 09: Management of identifiers and codes – proposals and examplesManagement of identifiers and codes – proposals and examples Appendix 10: SDIGER proposal for detailed specifications for metadataSDIGER proposal for detailed specifications for metadata Appendix 11: Implementation of the WISE metadata profileImplementation of the WISE metadata profile Appendix 12: Example of GML structure and encodingExample of GML structure and encoding Appendix 13: Template for short GIS guidance for specific reportingTemplate for short GIS guidance for specific reporting Appendix 14: Glossary of termsGlossary of terms The main text of the document is available on EEA CIRCA at: /updated_2nd-edition/2nd-edition-25112008doc/_EN_1.0_&a=d

11 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE data input process (all steps involve QA/QC) Submission Analysis/Scenarios Acceptance Data definition/ requirements Step 1: WG D reporting sheets: Compliance or SoE, voluntary (or through comitology) Step 2: End-user tool, schema/DEM, XML/shape/GML, other tools (DD, glossary), help desk Step 3: central holding area (CDR: MS individual submissions), management of access rights Step 4: Automatic QA/QC checks in CDR + standardised manual checks if needed, feedback to data submitters Step 5: Final data storage: EU-wide, quality-checked databases (e.g. Art.3, 5, 8 – WFD, BWD, SoE, NiD, UWWTD, etc) after EEA acceptance Step 7a: Public or restricted viewing, map service, aggregation, statistics Step 7c: Tools for SoE assessment, CCM2, management scenarios Legal, political, Assessment, compliance Step 7b: Tools for compliance assessment QA/QC feedback mechanism Production databases EU Databases (Spatial) reference datasets WISE viewer, GIS visualisation Delivery database Compliance-check databases DG ENV Analytical databases JRC, EEA Step 6: Purpose- oriented databases

12 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE spatial reference elements

13 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE conceptual model

14 OGC TC 31.3.09 Published WISE / WFD reporting schemas

15 OGC TC 31.3.09 e.g. future data exchange specification

16 OGC TC 31.3.09 Integrating WISE with INSPIRE

17 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE data specification WISE data specifation for Member States on how data should be held together Inspire compliant WISE Technical WG – Inspire Hydrography TWG Ispra January 2009 Joint position WISE would extend the INSPIRE model

18 OGC TC 31.3.09 Approach Analyse the INSPIRE model Collate and analyse relevant WISE documentation Find common objects and identify areas for extension INSPIRE Hydrography Annex 1 of the Directive Reporting Units Annex 3 – follow Inspire approach Develop a final product of an INSPIRE-compliant WISE logical model in UML Comments to INSPIRE process

19 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE-Inspire extension

20 OGC TC 31.3.09 Conceptual model

21 OGC TC 31.3.09 WFD Reporting schemas Administrative arrangements Surface Water Bodies Groundwater Bodies Register of Protected areas Surface Water and Groundwater Methodologies which is divided into Surface Water Bodies and Groundwater Bodies River Basin Management Plans and Programmes of Measures There is a WFDCommon schema which provides common elements to the other schemas

22 OGC TC 31.3.09 Cross-schema linkages... and more when relating other water related areas

23 OGC TC 31.3.09 INSPIRE WISE joint development approach

24 OGC TC 31.3.09 Possibilities for integrating WISE with Hydrology DWG WHY - Identify role for WaterML (technically) - Support standardisation with and towards the outside of INSPIRE and WISE reporting arrangements - Link other distributed water resources HOW -WaterML vs. GML? - For which data (monitoring only?) - Explore role of metadata in approaches? - Do a mapping similar to the INSPIRE / WISE one ? - Find a simple way for cooperation

25 OGC TC 31.3.09 WISE - future developments WISE distributed system in SEIS Automatic data harvesting from national servers, start with Water Framework Directive stations WISE as building block of INSPIRE WISE GIS reference datasets: Large Rivers and Large Lakes (available, stable) Main Rivers and Main Lakes (in preparation) Water Bodies (first draft available) River Basin Districts (available, to be updated) Sub-units (in preparation) Applying WISE GIS guidance (since Dec 2008)

26 OGC TC 31.3.09 Thank you for your attention! data viewer e.g. bathing water: monitoring/bathing-water-data-viewer map viewer: Operational links into the WISE system portal pages: data centre: schemas:

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