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Forskningsrådet Formas Formas Annual Open Call 2015 Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk SLU 2015-03-11.

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Presentation on theme: "Forskningsrådet Formas Formas Annual Open Call 2015 Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk SLU 2015-03-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forskningsrådet Formas Formas Annual Open Call 2015 Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk SLU 2015-03-11

2 Formas One of three governmental research councils Formas’ mission ”is to promote and support basic research and need-driven research in the areas Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. The research that is funded should be of the highest scientific quality and relevance to the areas of responsibility of the Council. Formas may also support activities related to development to a limited extent” Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

3 Formas Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk -Distribute funds to research within Formas’ areas of responsibility -Support interdisciplinary research -Evaluate research and development -Identify research needs -Initiate and support national and international cooperation -Communicate research and research results -Make research results useful -Promote sustainable development in society According to the Government’s instructions Regulation (2009:1024)

4 Formas’ budget Research funding per year -1 106 MSEK (2014) Funding from two ministries: Ministry of the Environment (55%) Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation (45%) Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

5 Formas’ funding instruments  Annual open call ~ 50 % bottom-up (R&D projects, R&D project Future research leaders, Mobility starting grants)  Focused calls ~ 30 % programs, strategic, international cooperation – areas with identified research needs  Other calls, cooperation etc Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

6 Formas international cooperation's To promote contacts, import new knowledge, new ideas and experiences and to bring about greater Swedish participation in international research collaborations (e.g. Nordforsk, ERA-Cofund, Artikel 185 and JPI) Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

7 Open and coming calls Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

8 Formas’ annual open call 2015 March 10 th to April 16 th Funding decision November 6 Call texts and Formas Handbook 2015 available on Formas Direct (not PRISMA) Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

9 Three sub-calls:  Grants for research and development projects  Grants for research and development projects for future research leaders  Mobility starting grants for young researchers Formas’ annual open call 2015 Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

10 Formas’ annual open call 2014 Total number of applications: 1 325 applications 116 funded - 9 % Mobility starting grants: 110 applications - 19 funded (17 %) (2013: 89 appl, 14 funded 14%) Young research leaders: 381 applications - 34 funded (9 %) (2013: 411 appl, 25 funded 6%) Research and development projects: 798 applications - 63 funded (8 %) (2013: 848 appl, 82 funded 10%) Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

11 General conditions  All applicants must have a doctoral degree (Mobility starting grant October 1, 2015)  Grants can be administered by Swedish universities, university colleges, research institutes or Swedish authorities  No upper age limit for applicants  International research collaboration and industrial partners are welcome in the applications Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

12 One ongoing project Maximum one ongoing project as project leader from any of Formas’ annual open calls Ongoing project = ongoing payment from Formas You are eligible to apply if you have a project with payments until December 31, 2015 The time of disposal after payments does not count as ongoing project time (i.e. your project does not need to be reported) Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

13 NEWS! R&D-projects and Future research leaders The review panels should maintain an average project size of ~1 million SEK per year for all projects suggested for funding Average project size 1 million SEK per year is a guideline for the project budget. Both larger and smaller budgets can be granted funding If the applied project budget is larger than 1 million SEK/year the applicant must clearly motivate why (e.g. interdisciplinary projects, specific analyses, travel) Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

14 Research and Development projects Average project size 1 million SEK per year Maximum 150% salary costs (1.5 full time) - incl. researchers, doctoral students/post doc and technical staff Researcher max 50% of full-time position Doctoral student/postdoc 100% of full-time position Running costs, equipment depreciation costs and premises costs Three consecutive years Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

15 Future research leaders  PhD within 2 to 8 years (i.e. 1 st January 2007 at the earliest, and December 31 st 2013 at the latest)  Three consecutive years  Up to 100% funding of project leader’s salary  Same criteria and instructions for applications for grants for R&D projects (e.g. max 150% funding of salary costs)  Average project size 1 million SEK per year  Not allowed to submit the same application to Formas’ call for R&D projects Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

16 Mobility starting grants To encourage young researchers to work in new research environments - one or more, abroad or in Sweden To develop their academic career, learning new tools, working on research questions with a different focus and expand their networks Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

17  PhD max 3 years old (January 1 st 2012 - October 1 st 2015)  Home university  Host university  Grant for 24 - 48 months 1/3 of the total time home university and 1/3 at host university  Min period 3 months  Appendix G  The candidate for the grant must be the main applicant Mobility starting grants Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

18 Mobility starting grants - funding Applicant’s salary (home university) Overhead and premises costs according to practices at the home university Travel expenses for applicant and family according to a standard sum depending on country (added by Formas) Standard sum added by Formas i) costs of living in host country ii) number of family members Running costs and costs for equipment NOT granted Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

19 How do I apply?  Register in Formas Direct (  Choose type of grant  Fill in the required fields in the form  Attach appendices (mandatory and others) Do the above before deadline Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

20 What to include in the application?  Application form (Formas Direct) – a short description of the project and a popular science description  Appendix A – Research programme  Appendix B1 and B2 – Budget  Appendix C – CV  Appendix D – Publication list  Appendix J – figures, tables, illustrations relating to the research programme in Appendix A  Appendix K – climate and environmental data  Appendix S – is generated when the application is submitted – sign and send to Formas Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

21 Mobility starting grants  Appendix G – Description of how the project and the research environments at the host and the home universities will contribute to the applicant’s development and a travel plan  Appendix I – Copy of doctoral degree  Appendix L – Letters of invitation from home university and host universities Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

22 Time plan Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

23 Review Panels in the annual open call 1.Climate change 2.The natural environment 3.Use of natural resources 4.Resource efficient products and processes 5.Environmental pollution 6.Food and animal welfare 7.Urban and rural development 8.The built environment Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

24 Review Panels in the annual open call  A total of 15-20 panel members including chair, vice chair  Active researchers (majority) and stakeholders  All panel members evaluate scientific quality and the relevance to Formas’ areas of responsibility  The review panel as a whole is able to evaluate applications within the panel’s entire area  When necessary, external reviewers are included as a supplement to the panel review Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

25 Management of conflict of interest  A panel member cannot submit an application to the panel they are the member of  Obliged to declare conflict of interest – own initiative  Do not read/assess application  Leaves the room when the application is discussed  Minutes concerning conflicts of interest are kept during panel meetings Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

26 Evaluation criteria Scientific quality Research question Method and performance Scientific competence Societal value Societal value of research question Communications with stakeholders / users Reviews are made solely on the information in the application – address each criteria in the application For details see Formas’ Handbook! Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

27 Societal value Describe your project in a larger context in relevance to society (Swedish/European/Global) Describe and motivate the societal importance of your project – the evaluators assess what is written and do not read between lines Communication with stakeholders/users when relevant is not the same as scientific publication Societal impact! Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

28 Evaluation of applications The panel members indicate their level of competence for each application in the panel. If there is not enough competence external reviews are used Four reviewers per application One-step evaluation Pane meeting, ranking of applications All applications will receive a final written statement Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

29 Remember! Read Formas Handbook 2015 and the call texts carefully Look at the evaluation criteria - make sure to address them all Evaluations are made on what is written in the application – reviewers do not read between the lines Structure and clarity in the application is important International review panels – English! Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

30 Information on Formas’ calls Formas’ Handbook 2015 and call texts published March10 Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

31 Good Luck! Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk

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