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Pre-Bid Conference RFP 2012 – 02 January 31, 2012 10:00am – 12:00 Patty Fontneau, ED & CEO Gary Schneider, PM 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Bid Conference RFP 2012 – 02 January 31, 2012 10:00am – 12:00 Patty Fontneau, ED & CEO Gary Schneider, PM 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Bid Conference RFP 2012 – 02 January 31, 2012 10:00am – 12:00 Patty Fontneau, ED & CEO Gary Schneider, PM 1

2 Today’s Program Welcome, Introductions and Background Points of Emphasis Acquisition Schedule Project Scope and Timeline RFP Content and Proposal Response Q&A and Wrap-up 2

3 Welcome, Introductions and Background 3

4 Welcome and Introductions Patty Fontneau, COHBE Executive Director and CEO Gary Schneider, COHBE Project Manager Members of the Evaluation Team Members of the COHBE Board 4

5 Background COHBE is a public non-profit organization, created in May 2011 by SB11-200 COHBE is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of representatives from consumer groups, small businesses, insurers, providers and State agencies SB 11-200 also established a joint Legislative Health Benefit Exchange Implementation Review Committee to help direct the work of the Exchange In December, COHBE submitted a request for a Level 1 Establishment grant from the federal government to provide funds for the start-up of the Exchange entity and to fund initial systems and services acquisition COHBE is expected to remain a small organization assisted by a robust team of contractors 5

6 Points of Emphasis 6

7 1.The quality of the user experience to navigate from logging in, through eligibility to enrollment with the minimal number of clicks, screens, look- ups, etc.; the quality of the customer experience through the contact center is important 2.Solution should contain the features, functions and services to support small employers and brokers that serve them as well as services to promote the SHOP Exchange 3.Address the needs of the target demographic who are expected to use the Exchange; this includes large populations of individuals and households who will likely move back and forth across eligibility boundaries requiring changes in enrollment; the needs of the state’s rural population and participating Native Americans must also be addressed in the solution 7

8 4.Sound interoperability between the Exchange systems and the State Medicaid and Division of Insurance systems to manage the expected increase in customers without degrading customer service; verification of MAGI information will be performed by the Exchange and will use the federal data hub 5.Establish and support an operating model that minimizes operational costs in order to ensure the Exchange’s financial viability after 2015 and the desire to have a partnership that will work with COHBE to achieve sustainability 6.Flexibility in the solution to enable evolution of Exchange technology, services and business operations as the market develops and other dynamics play out Points of Emphasis 8

9 7.RFP identifies four distinct service and technology solution components which may be bid separately; the intent is to provide COHBE the latitude to select individual components of a Proposer’s solution 8.Aggressive timeframe to meet State and federal deadlines and present a coherent implementation and deployment plan that meets these commitments 9.Identify and comment on expected implementation and operational risks and present mitigation actions to address these risks 10.Process is intended to provide Proposers some latitude to propose optional solution components, partnering arrangements, etc., want to tap creativity and experience of the vendor community particularly for developing and operating the small group market Points of Emphasis 9

10 Acquisition Schedule 10

11 COHBE ACQUISITION SCHEDULE NOTICE: COHBE reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to adjust this schedule as it deems necessary. EVENTDATE/End of Day Mountain Time 1.COHBE Releases RFPJanuary 23, 2012 2.Pre-Bid Vendor Conference January 31, 2012 10:00 am Mountain Time 3.Deadline for Submitting Written Questions Requesting Clarifications February 3, 2012 5:00 pm Mountain Time 4.Deadline for COHBE to Post Final Responses to Written Questions February 10, 2012 5:00 pm Mountain Time 5.Proposal Submission Deadline (RFP Closing Date) February 27, 2012 5:00 pm Mountain Time 6. Notification of Vendors Selected for Software Demonstrations, Orals and/or Discovery March 9, 2012 7.Product Demonstrations, Orals and Discovery SessionsMarch 19 to March 23, 2012 8.COHBE Issues a Call for Best and Final Offers (BAFOs)March 26, 2012 9.Deadline for Vendor BAFO ResponsesApril 2, 2012 10.COHBE Conducts Evaluation of BAFOsApril 2 to April 9, 2012 11.Evaluation Committee Recommendation to the COHBE BoardApril 9, 2012 12.Vendor(s) Notified of Selection(s)April 9, 2012 13. Begin Contract Negotiations w/ Selected Vendor(s) including drafting SOW(s) April 11 to May 4, 2012 14.Award / Contract SignedMay 4, 2012 15.Detailed Project Plan Submitted to COHBE PMOMay 10, 2012 16.Project Kick-off MeetingMay 10, 2012 11

12 Project Scope and Timeline 12

13 Project Scope Four solution components Interoperability requirements between the Individual Exchange and the State eligibility systems, MPI and security Business development for the SHOP Exchange Data warehouse and analytical capabilities Systems integration and project management 13

14 Project Scope Modifications to State systems is out-of-scope 14

15 Timeline 15

16 RFP Content and Proposal Response 16

17 RFP Content RFP SectionContentPurpose & Comments Section 1RFP Purpose, Points of Emphasis, Background and Concept of Operations Informational Section 2General and Administrative Information and Timeline Informational Section 3Exchange Contact Center, Administrative Services and Technology Project Scope Proposal response: Address each scope element as per the instructions in Section 4; additional scope definition in Appendices 1 - 8 Section 4Proposal Response Content and Format Proposal response: Instructions and outline; note corresponding Subsections of Section 3 Section 5Proposed Master Services Agreement Proposal response: Review and identify exceptions to proposed MSA; proposed MSA is in Appendix 11Appendix 11 Section 6FormsProposal response: Complete required forms; Expression of Interest form should be sent to COHBE immediately; other two forms (signature sheet and references) must accompany proposal 17

18 RFP Content RFP SectionContentPurpose & Comments Appendix 1AFunctional and Technical Requirements Proposal response: Provide fit rating and include in APPENDIX 1 of Response; Include level of effort and price to address technology solution functional and technical gaps or explain alternative to meeting requirement Appendix 1BCustomer Contact Center Questions and Requests for Information Proposer response: Approximately 200 question and requests for information regarding qualifications to establish and operate the contact center and to perform administrative services Appendix 2Business Process MapsInformational: Twelve business process maps illustrating common Exchange activities in the context of the high-level Exchange – interoperability architecture Appendix 3Interoperability with State Medicaid Systems and Business Process Maps Informational: Supplement to Appendix 1A; use to price services to meet interoperability requirementsAppendix 1A Appendix 4Reporting, Business Intelligence, Performance Management and Key Performance Indicators Informational: Supplement to Appendix 1A; Use to price BI/PM implementation products and servicesAppendix 1A Appendix 5Technical ArchitectureProposal response: Examples of requested technical architecture and network diagrams Appendix 6Hosting, SLAs and Continuity of Operations Proposal response: Acknowledgement of requirements and performance expectations; use to price technology and services Appendix 7Interface Requirements and Descriptions Informational: Supplemental information on interfaces between Individual Exchange and state systems; use to price interface implementation interface services Appendix 8DeliverablesInformational: Expected implementation deliverables; use to further understand scope and to price related services Appendix 9Deliverable Review and Acceptance Process Informational Appendix 10Change Control ProcessInformational Appendix 11Master Services Agreement (MSA)Proposal response: Referenced in Section 5; Proposer notes exceptions to MSA and includes mark-up as APPENDIX 2 in Technical Proposal Appendix 12Liquidated DamagesInformational Appendix 13Cost Proposal ScheduleProposal Response: Excel worksheets to be completed by bidder to capture pricing of solution components for comparative analysis Appendix 14AcronymsInformational 18

19 Proposal Response – Technical Proposal Outline of Proposer’s Technical Proposal Response Technical Proposal TAB Section and ContentsRFP Reference Title Page4.2.1 TAB ATransmittal Letter4.2.2 TAB BTable of Contents4.2.3 TAB 1Executive Summary4.2.4 TAB 2Corporate Qualifications and Experience4.2.5 TAB 3Proposer Corporate Information4.2.6 TAB 4Subcontractor Corporate Information4.2.7 TAB 5 Exchange Application Solution – Individual and/or SHOP Technology Application, Implementation, Hosting and Maintenance and Support – Individual Exchange Solution Components 1.A. & 1.B. and SHOP Exchange Solution Components –2.A. & 2.B., respectively 4.2.8 Individual Exchange Contact Center, Administrative Services and Training and Outreach and/or SHOP Contact Center, Administrative Services, Training and Outreach and Business Development and Operations – 1.C. & 2.C., respectively TAB 6Performance Expectations4.2.9 TAB 7References4.2.10 TAB 8Staffing and Facilities4.2.11 TAB 9Proposer Assumptions4.2.12 TAB 10Lessons Learned4.2.13 TAB 11Alternative Approaches4.2.14 APPENDIX 1Response to Requirements Workbook4.2.15 APPENDIX 2Exceptions to Proposed MSA4.2.16 and Appendix 11 Appendix 11 19

20 20 Section 4 – Proposal Response Section 3 – Services & Technology Scope SHOP Exchange Technology Application, Implementation, Maintenance and Support and Hosting – Solution Components 2.A and 2.B SHOP Exchange Application SHOP Exchange Implementation (Appendices 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 17) SHOP Exchange Maintenance and Support and Hosting SHOP Business Development, Contact Center and Other Services SHOP Exchange Application response SHOP Exchange Implementation response SHOP Exchange Maintenance and Support and Hosting response SHOP Business Development, Contact Center and Other Services response Sections 3 and 4 are closely related: Section 3 defines the scope (narrative and requirements) for specific solution components Section 4 describes how the response (to the specific section) should be structured and what it should contain. Proposal Response – Technical Proposal

21 21 There are eight Requirements Workbooks which identify key business and technical requirements for the Individual and SHOP Exchanges Most requirements apply to both the Individual and SHOP Exchange solutions The Requirements workbooks will help COHBE to understand the gaps in existing solution functionality Requires Proposers to assess their proposed solution against the requirement and provide a fit rating as follows: “5” meets requirement out-of-the-box “3” requires minor configuration and/or customization “1” requires significant configuration and/or customization “0” solution cannot be modified to meet requirement If the fit rating is “3” or “1” the Proposer is required to provide the fixed-price cost (hrs and $) to meet the requirement (includes analysis/design, build, test, deploy, document) These individual estimates across the nine worksheets is entered into the Cost Worksheet (Schedules 3.a and 3.b for the Individual Exchange and Schedules 8.a and 8.b for the SHOP Exchange Proposal Response – Requirements Workbook Appendix 1A

22 M = mandatory M/F = mandatory but flexible O = optional Description of how Proposer intends to address gap Description of gap is important for COHBE’s understanding Estimated hours and fixed-price estimate to address functional or technical gap Note: the completed Requirements Workbook will be APPENDIX 1 in the Technical Proposal 22

23 Appendix 1B is related to the customer contact center and contains approximately 200 questions and requests for information regarding start-up and operations Topics: Proposal Response – Appendix 1B ACD, IVR Voice analytics, non-voice support, on-line chat Email, social media Reporting and analytics Back office operations Compliance IT and data security Contact center methodology and approach General information (company information, contact center experience, etc.) Recruiting, hiring and HR processes Training programs (staff) Workforce planning and staffing Reporting Quality assurance and quality control Process improvement Account management Contact center tools and technology Proposers should respond to each question/request topic and submit under TAB 5 of the Technical Proposal 23

24 24 Proposal Response – Master Services Agreement (MSA) – Appendix 11 The MSA will provide the overall contractual framework for the multi-year agreement There may be multiple MSAs depending on the number of awards Contract will evolve based on this process Proposers should identify sections of the MSA that are objectionable and suggest alternate or additional language RFP Proposal includes redline of MSA BAFO Proposal SOW Negotiations MSA Signed Contract (MSA and SOW) Note: the “redlined “ MSA will be APPENDIX 2 in the Technical Proposal

25 25 Proposal Response – Cost Proposal Outline of Proposer’s Cost Proposal Response Cost Proposal (Submit separate from Technical Proposal, i.e. separate binder (hardcopy) and files (softcopy) TAB/Section and ContentRFP Reference Title Page4.3.2 TAB ATable of Contents4.3.3 TAB BExecutive Summary4.3.4 TAB CAdministrative Requirements4.3.5 TAB 1 Schedules 1a and 1b – Individual Exchange Total Cost of Ownership Summary for Three and Five Years4.3.6.1 Schedules 2a and 2b – Individual Exchange Technology Application for Three and Five Years – Solution Component 1.A, including product licensing (if applicable) Schedules 3a and 3b – Individual Exchange Implementation for Three and Five Years – Solution Component 1.A Schedule 4a and 4b – Individual Exchange Technology Application Maintenance and Support and Hosting for Three and Five Years – Solution Component 1.B Schedule 5a and 5b – Individual Exchange Contact Center, Administrative Services and Contact Center for Three and Five Years – Solution Component 1.C, including the option of a Contractor or a COHBE-furnished CRM application TAB 2 Schedule 6a and 6b – SHOP Exchange Total Cost of Ownership Summary for Three and Five Years4.3.7.1 Schedule 7a and 7b – SHOP Exchange Technology Application – Solution Component 2.A, including product licensing (if applicable) Schedule 8a and 8b – SHOP Exchange Implementation Deliverables Payment for Three and Five Years – Solution Component 2.A Schedule 9a and 8b – SHOP Exchange Application Maintenance and Support and Hosting for Three and Five Years – Solution Component 2.B Schedule 10a and 10b – SHOP Exchange Contact Center, Administrative Services, Training and Outreach for Three and Five Years – Solution Component 2.C., including the option of a Contractor or a COHBE-furnished CRM application TAB 3Schedule 11 – Labor Rates4.3.8 TAB 4Optional Costs4.3.9 TAB 5Other Pricing Considerations and Information Requested4.3.10 TAB 6Proposer Cost Assumptions4.3.11 TAB 7Staffing Plan4.3.12

26 Proposal Response – Cost Proposal Excel Workbook contains nine worksheets (TABS): Worksheet TAB 1.A and 1.B – Individual Exchange 3-year and 5-year fixed-price bid for technology and services Worksheet TAB 2.A and 2.B – SHOP Exchange 3-year and 5-year fixed-price bid for technology and services Worksheet TAB 3 – Labor Rates (rate card) – for 2012, 2013, 2014 Worksheet TAB 4 – Optional Costs – for any additional technology or services proposed by the Proposer Worksheet TAB 5 – Other Pricing Considerations – for Proposer proposed alternative pricing proposals Worksheet TAB 6 – Assumptions – state assumptions that have a material affect on pricing (be specific as to which assumptions impact which pricing elements) Worksheet TAB 7 – Staffing Plan – provide expected staffing profile from May 2012 – June 2014 26

27 27 Proposal Response – 3 and 5-Year Cost Proposal Total Cost of Ownership of Technology is comprised of licensing, Implementation Services, Maintenance & Support and Hosting (roll-up, no data entry) If the Proposer offers a perpetual license to the application for a one-time cost enter the amount here Pricing for implementation is based on the services provided and will be paid through a series of deliverables Maintenance & Support and Hosting (see requirements) Pricing for enhancements and modifications is based on the sum of the fixed-price costs to address the gaps identified in the Requirements Worksheets (Appendix 1A) If the Proposer is proposing for both the Individual and SHOP Exchanges, Proposer should only complete the cost schedules for the 3-year and 5-year term

28 28 Proposal Response – 3 and 5-Year Cost Proposal Proposers are given some flexibility to structure pricing for implementation of the services solution component Contact center services have an initial 4- month pricing period; Proposer will be required to change from an hourly rate to a productive per minute rate Contact center services must also be priced on a PMPM basis If the Proposer is proposing for both the Individual and SHOP Exchanges, Proposer should only complete the cost schedules for the 3-year and 5-year term

29 Proposal Response – Forms Forms Form 1Expression of InterestSend in immediatelyRFP Section 6.0 Form 2Signature SheetSubmit with proposalRFP Section 6.0 Form 3ReferencesSubmit with proposalRFP Section 6.0 29

30 Q&A and Wrap-up 30

31 COHBE ACQUISITION SCHEDULE NOTICE: COHBE reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to adjust this schedule as it deems necessary. EVENTDATE/End of Day Mountain Time 1.COHBE Releases RFPJanuary 23, 2012 2.Pre-Bid Vendor Conference January 31, 2012 10:00 am Mountain Time 3.Deadline for Submitting Written Questions Requesting Clarifications February 3, 2012 5:00 pm Mountain Time 4.Deadline for COHBE to Post Final Responses to Written Questions February 10, 2012 5:00 pm Mountain Time 5.Proposal Submission Deadline (RFP Closing Date) February 27, 2012 5:00 pm Mountain Time 6. Notification of Vendors Selected for Software Demonstrations, Orals and/or Discovery March 9, 2012 7.Product Demonstrations, Orals and Discovery SessionsMarch 19 to March 23, 2012 8.COHBE Issues a Call for Best and Final Offers (BAFOs)March 26, 2012 9.Deadline for Vendor BAFO ResponsesApril 2, 2012 10.COHBE Conducts Evaluation of BAFOsApril 2 to April 9, 2012 11.Evaluation Committee Recommendation to the COHBE BoardApril 9, 2012 12.Vendor(s) Notified of Selection(s)April 9, 2012 13. Begin Contract Negotiations w/ Selected Vendor(s) including drafting SOW(s) April 11 to May 4, 2012 14.Award / Contract SignedMay 4, 2012 15.Detailed Project Plan Submitted to COHBE PMOMay 10, 2012 16.Project Kick-off MeetingMay 10, 2012 31

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