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Presentation on theme: "LEXIA GAMES: WHAT EFFECT DOES TECHNOLOGY HAVE ON STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION? Leah G. Doughman University of West Georgia MEDT 8484 Fall 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 Abstract This study will investigate the benefits of the Lexia Computer- Based Program for second graders in the general education classroom. The computer-assisted instruction (CAI) works on strengthening phonics and decoding skills, sight words, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. This program will be used on the treatment group. These students will then be compared to the control group which will consist of another second grade class that did not use the CAI. The results will hopefully indicate that the treatment group will show greater gains in reading comprehension than the control group, which will indicate that the CAI works to improve reading comprehension among students.

3 Introduction As a teacher of reading, I am concerned with reading comprehension among my students. In knowing the benefits of being a successful reader, I wanted to take my research topic a step further and incorporate technology. I feel that technology can help aid educators and students in achieving higher goals in reading comprehension. “Students don’t just read books. They read television screens” (McKeown, Beck, & Blake, 2009). They read game directions, they read tweets, they read wall postings, they read online directions, they read texts, and it's not just paper and ink anymore.

4 Introduction Reflection  I selected this topic because it was of interest to me and relevant to my job.  I currently use Lexia CRT and Early and Primary Reading games at my school. I wanted to see if they were an accurate means of using technology to improve reading comprehension.  Changes based on feedback: Include more thorough explanations of reading comprehension definitions

5 Literature Review  Reading fluency should include all of these elements: Accuracy, rate, prosody (which is rhythm of words, stress of syllables, and intonation), and comprehension  Computer-assisted instructional programs are becoming more and more common in the everyday classroom.  Many programs state that their computer-assisted instructional program(s) can effectively aid with instruction and will support teacher instruction.  Schools must carefully exam programs before purchasing and implementing. DraftFinal

6 Literature Review Reflection  Using articles that were of the same topic made it easier to write my paper.  “Chunking” my articles together made the information flow and read more smoothly once combined.  Changes based on feedback: Incorporate book review Modify APA citations

7 Problem Statement  Will Lexia Early and Primary Reading games (a CAI) have a positive effect on reading comprehension?  This is a computer program that is currently used at the school that I teach. We are required to use Lexia.  I want to thoroughly understand Lexia’s effects on reading, especially comprehension. Is it worth the time and effort that is put into it? DraftFinal

8 Problem Statement Reflection  Developing a specified problem statement was difficult.  Finding research to support a specified topic became more challenging as the topic was narrowed down.  Changes based on feedback: Narrow the topic (I changed my focus from reading comprehension and fluency to just reading comprehension. My topic was too broad.) Use more articles with studies to back my own study.

9 Methods Overview  Participants: Two second grade classrooms that were randomly selected One class the control group (No Lexia Games) One class the experimental group (Lexia Games)  Design: Mixed (Qualitative and Quantitative) Qualitative: teacher observations, program review Quantitative: pre and post test scores coming from Lexia CRT DraftFinal

10 Methods Overview Reflection  Mixed methods and designs help to improve the quality of research and the number of mistakes will be fewer.  After viewing others comments, quantitative data appeared easier to analyze.  Changes based on feedback: On surveys and observations, use open-ended questions Decided how participants would be selected Decide what tool to specifically use to gather quantitative data

11 Data Collection  Pre and Posttest using Lexia CRT  Used to gather quantitative data  Seasonal Testing (Fall, Winter, and Spring Sessions)  Used to gather quantitative data  Teacher Observations, Open-Ended Surveys, and Informal Conversational Interviews  Used to gather qualitative data DraftFinal

12 Data Collection Reflection  By using the pre and post test data, it will help to determine if the Lexia program increases reading comprehension.  Teacher observations will also provide valuable data and insight into the program.  Changes based on feedback: More thorough survey questions improve explanations of Lexia program (games and assessment tools)

13 Data Collection Tools  Lexia CRT  the assessment tool of the program (used only when assessing; will be used on both the experimental and control group)  Lexia Early and Primary Games  the games of the program (used daily with only the experimental group)  Appendix A  Lexia program survey (used only with the teachers)  Appendix B  Lexia program interview (used only with the teachers) DraftFinal

14 Data Collection Tools Reflection  Developing surveys and conducting interviews could be difficult to decipher through to gather qualitative data.  Teaching and training teachers how to use the Lexia CRT assessment tool could take some time.  Changes based on feedback: Explain what each data collection tool is, how it works, and how it is to be used

15 Data Analysis  After two months of data gathering, data will be analyzed to eliminate any weaknesses.  Pre and posttest scores along with surveys, interviews, and conversations will be analyzed.  Include thorough explanations and details of the data collected and the analysis of the information. DraftFinal

16 Data Analysis Reflection  Analyzing pre and posttest and then comparing them the surveys is going to be difficult. I am not sure about all that I must do to carry this part out thoroughly.  Changes based on feedback:  Explain how I am going to analyze the data  Explain how all data and information ties together  Take out “I” and make it sound more like “research”  Include more details  Explain Lexia CRT analysis tool  Modify wording so it does not sound like my problem statement

17 Timeline  The process starts with permission slip forms going home with randomly selected students.  Allow for two months of use with the program, then the results will be analyzed.  School holidays and other events/functions must be taken into consideration when carrying out research.  Determining the time to use the computer program is critical to the timeline as well. DraftFinal

18 Timeline Reflection  This process was difficult and many aspects had to be taken into consideration.  Giving adequate or more time is going to better than being short on time.  Changes based on feedback:  Include a paragraph to explain the timeline chart  Include group sorting time

19 Concluding Summary  Use this section to emphasize any important points from the research  Restate the purpose and goal of the research project  Using technology to increase reading comprehension among second grade students  Once the project is carried out and completed, the results can be reemphasized in this section.

20 Concluding Summary Reflection  A concluding summary is needed to bring everything to a close.  It adds a form of closure to the research plan.  It allows the research to end with the results and leaves the data on the reader’s mind.  Changes based on feedback:  Add a concluding summary to my paper

21 References  References are a general “housing area” for the overall theme or direction of the research plan  Helps readers of the paper and guides them to articles that are used throughout the research  Helps to focus the research, researcher, and viewers of the research  A good reference point for when “in need” DraftFinal

22 Reference Reflection  The reference section was helpful in storing all references  Great for a quick “look back”  Allowed for a general focus when I was off task  Changes based on feedback:  Check APA format and citations  Include the book review

23 Appendices  All were needed parts of the research and paper (Final submission is hyperlinked. There were no drafts for these items: Appendix A (Lexia Survey) Appendix A Appendix B (Lexia Interview) Appendix B Book Review Letter of Submission Article Comparison Chart

24 Appendices Reflection  Some of the appendices were more challenging than others  Appendices' elements were needed, but did not fit in the actual reading part of the paper  Great reference for all  Provides value insight to the actual processes of the research  Changes based on feedback:  “Don’t forget to include your appendices.”

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