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SQL Reporting Services SSRS Presentation for Sage User Network Sept 11 th 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "SQL Reporting Services SSRS Presentation for Sage User Network Sept 11 th 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Presentation for Sage User Network Sept 11 th 2008

2 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Who Am I? Steve Littlewood Independent Sage Line500 / 1000 Consultant Preactor Reseller Stock / Production Controller in the past 1994 Systems Manager on a Chameleon site 1998 Consultant with MIH / TSP / BDE 2008....... Specialising in Stock / Manufacturing / Reporting / Distribution / Project Management

3 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Some of you will be using it already Report Manager - Stock Search But all of you have it! Assuming that you have SQL 2000 or 2005 It is not free, you have already paid for it

4 SQL Reporting Services SSRS What is it? Obviously a Reporting tool But think of it as a Screen Enquiry Builder With Drill Down functionality Oh and you can print if you need to! Competes directly with Crystal Reports Competes with Sage BI / Enquiries? Overlap of some functionality with Excel

5 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Deployment Great delivery methods On demand – via a web page “Pull” Email on a schedule “Push” To a file server on a schedule, e.g. as an Excel document. With an option the email users that a new version is available via a hyperlink To a report “snapshot” so that processing can be run overnight “Linked” reports – different parameters, but same report definition so low on maintenance

6 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Deployment continued Microsoft stack Call reports from your own application Preactor do this in V10 – pack of SSRS reports A Sage FCE could do it! From Sage 1000 CRM : in Company Context in Account Manager Context from My CRM Just a URL. So call it from anywhere! So some examples......

7 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Examples – Stock Value Summary Click to drill to a detail screen (Wh=BB shown on next slide)

8 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Stock Value Detail Folder Navigation Tabs for permissions, schedules etc Parameters Hide parameters Export to Excel, PDF etc

9 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Live Examples Report Server URL http://scl-it/Reports2005/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2flaptop_dev_2005%2f_slect_REP

10 SQL Reporting Services SSRS From Sage1000 – in Company Context This is a Reporting Services screen running within Sage 1000 with the Company passed as a parameter.

11 SQL Reporting Services SSRS From Sage1000 – in Account Manager Context Same report, but from My CRM it shows my Customer Accounts

12 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Purchasing Reports......

13 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Supplier Spend with expansion to see products

14 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Supplier Spend per Product with expansion to see suppliers

15 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples PO List per Supplier showing open and closed PO lines

16 Based on Sage Auditing of the Supplier Price List table SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Supplier Price List Changes

17 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples MRP Reports......

18 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples MRP Summary with a summary of INs/OUTs per week and a drill down to a full Predict Future Stock link to show full PFS screen – see next slide HOTSPOTS button to shrink the report to show only products that have a negative future balance.

19 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Predict Future Stock Multi Warehouse, with Drill Down to a Trial Kit link to show WO Trial Kit screen – see next slide

20 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples WO Trial Kit WO 019335 can be kitted for all product lines except BRAKE

21 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Other Reports......

22 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Gauge Tools for Dashboards

23 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Credit Status Using conditional formatting to show in amber a customer who is at risk of going on credit stop Interactive column sorts

24 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Stock Search Use %BIKE% as a wildcard search to return all products with BIKE in the code, descriptions or supplier info links to various other screens. Eg PFS or Std Cost Audit changes.. next slide

25 SQL Reporting Services SSRS Appendix – More Examples Stock Auditing Requires Sage Auditing module Product added on this date / time Std Cost changed on this date / time

26 SQL Reporting Services SSRS The End Visit For more information about the Reports & Enquiries Pack (REP)

27 07791 862 556 Steve Littlewood

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