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Helen Yeo Health Improvement Specialist Advanced (Healthy Communities) South West Zero Suicide Collaboration Lee Colwill Service Improvement Manager (Mental.

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Presentation on theme: "Helen Yeo Health Improvement Specialist Advanced (Healthy Communities) South West Zero Suicide Collaboration Lee Colwill Service Improvement Manager (Mental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helen Yeo Health Improvement Specialist Advanced (Healthy Communities) South West Zero Suicide Collaboration Lee Colwill Service Improvement Manager (Mental Health & Dementia)

2 Vision “To reduce suicides to zero across the south west of England by October 2018” Food for thought: Could people make this pledge in North Somerset?

3 South West Zero Suicide Collaborative stakeholders People with lived experience Clinical Commissioning Groups Area Teams General practice Providers of secondary Mental Health Services Third sector organisations Samaritans Police service Ambulance service Academic Health Science Networks Local Authorities Coroner’s office Children’s services Public Health

4 Henry Ford Health System A program for patients with depression resulted in two and a half years without a single suicide 75% reduction in the suicide rate amongst patients. lower than the annual rates for suicides in similar patient populations.


6 Interventions Some of the performance improvements in the program include: Establish a consumer advisory panel to help with the design of the program. Establish a protocol to assign patients into one of three levels of risk for suicide, each of which requires specific intervention. Provide training for all psychotherapists to develop competency in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Implement a protocol for having patients remove weapons from the home.

7 Interventions continued Establish three means of access for patients: drop- in group medication appointments, advanced (same- day) access to care or support and e-mail visits. Develop a website for patients to educate and assist patients. Require staff to complete a suicide prevention course. Set up a system for staff members to check in on patients by phone. Partner and educate the patient's family members

8 What is different

9 If zero is not the right goal, then what is?

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