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UKRLG Review Lessons from the Severe Weather February 2009 Roads 2000 Conference November 2009 Mike Bordiss

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1 UKRLG Review Lessons from the Severe Weather February 2009 Roads 2000 Conference November 2009 Mike Bordiss

2 Introduction Severe winter weather of 2008/09 Findings and recommendations from UKRLG Report “Lessons from Severe Weather February 2009” Atkins was support consultant to UKRLG

3 Background Winter 2008/09 Most severe winter for at least 18 years Sustained cold weather October to February After Christmas some authorities found it difficult to re-stock Heavy snow early February Widespread salt shortages Travel disruption Public transport, schools, health services affected High profile media coverage

4 Background National Response Salt Cell established DfT, Cabinet Office, HA, LGA, CLG Daily salt stock information via RRTs Priority salt distribution lists for most supplies Milder weather in mid February avoided further measures

5 Background Reviews London Assembly ‘Slipping Up’ March 09 Better coordination TfL / Boroughs / emergency services Clarify responsibilities TfL Response March 09 Secretary of State March 09 Statement to Parliament Commissions the UKRLG review Transport Select Committee Report May 09 Coordination, clearing key roads and accesses, no increased spending or salt stocks, visible leadership.

6 UKRLG Review Terms of Reference: Salt supply chain Salt stocks Mutual aid Salt Cell Operational practices and Codes of Practice Communications Focused on: Salt and carriageways (ie, snowploughing, footways, spreaders, etc, out of scope) Applies to England and hopes to benefit Devolved Administrations:

7 Review Principles Consultation (40+ organisations) High public expectations of winter service Increasing risk of severe events from climate change Greater focus on resilience Balance changes and value for money Should not rely on Salt Cell

8 Findings – Salt Market Poorly understood, little information Ample salt in UK and abroad UK appears to be a net exporter No shortage of supply with sufficient notice Continuous production v. seasonal demand Short term spikes in demand hard to meet

9 Findings – UK Salt Market 3 producers, all owned outside UK. Merchants – imports and UK salt Supply usually reliable Price quite stable Mostly a price-based commodity market

10 Findings – Salt Producers Cleveland Potash: Largest UK producer Mine salt to access potash Sell in UK + export Distribute by sea and road Salt Union: Largest share of UK market Mine for salt Sell mainly in UK Distribute by road Irish Salt Sales: Mine for salt Sell in UK + export Distribute by sea and road

11 Findings – Salt Suppliers Gave insufficient advance warning of possible shortage Producers increased supply significantly Unable to cope with high short term demand Too late for new imports Future: Keen to engage in commercially viable new practices

12 Findings – Highway Authorities Some maintained normal service Slow salt stock replenishment from earlier in winter but alarm not raised Many reduced service, eg major roads only Mutual aid Unusual salts and mixes Saved by the Salt Cell and by timely arrival of mild weather

13 Findings – Highway Authorities Single salt supplier Short term call-off contracts Reduced salt storage capacity: series of mild winters property rationalisations move to covered storage expectations of systemised restocking systems

14 Findings – Salt Cell Emergency powers not used Commenced quickly once established Advised the 2 main suppliers on distribution of salt Issues with data and transparency Successful overall Not for use in this way again

15 Findings – Risk Highway Authorities: Weather Public expectations Winter service delivery Salt: pre-season stock In-season restocking trigger level No guaranteed supply Salt suppliers: Production and storage Few guaranteed sales Distribution

16 Recommendations Package of 19 recommendations in four themes: 1.Winter Service Resilience 2.Preparation for and Operation of Winter Service 3.Communications 4.Procurement

17 1. Winter Service Resilience Adopt a local service standard based on a number of days severe conditions salting resilience. Consider: number of days - 6 as a starting point overall and core winter period minimum winter treatment network

18 2. Preparation and Operations Approach to climate change Co-ordination and collaboration Sharing depots and stocks Supplier owned salt stocks HA salt stocks Contingency planning, including future Salt Cell, drivers’ hours, exercising Review Well-maintained highways Information leaflet for LAs

19 3. Communications Public information, before and during severe weather Salt user groups

20 4. Procurement Collaborative Winter Service arrangements Salt supply service Broader approach to salt supply Innovation, eg performance contracts with minimum supply Purchase guarantees, longer contracts, salt supply and storage.

21 What has happened so far Report to Secretary of State for Transport on 30 July Report published Revisions to Well-maintained Highways Chapter 13 and Appendix H (Winter Service) Awaiting SoS response

22 Conclusions Need to improve aspects of winter service Good opportunity to build on last winter’s experience Risks if we do not Time is right for review

23 UKRLG Review Lessons from the Severe Weather February 2009 Roads 2000 Conference November 2009 Mike Bordiss

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