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Happiness and Wellbeing From a Philosophical Point of View Dan Weijers.

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Presentation on theme: "Happiness and Wellbeing From a Philosophical Point of View Dan Weijers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happiness and Wellbeing From a Philosophical Point of View Dan Weijers

2 What (Really) Matters? What advice would you give a child?

3 What (Really) Matters? Wellbeing The good life Happiness The meaning of life

4 Theories of Wellbeing… Explain what ultimately makes a person’s life go better for them

5 One Thing or Many? One simple thing: –Just pleasure One complex thing: –Informed, authentic, and morally based positive feelings A list of things: –Happiness, friendship and truth

6 Subjective vs Objective Does just our personal opinion matter? Or can we be wrong?

7 Who Are We to Say What is Objectively Good for Us?

8 Theories of Wellbeing Mental State (Hedonism) Desire/Life Satisfaction Flourishing Objective List

9 Mental State Theories Folk: get pleasure now! Philosophers: maximise pleasure over your entire life Key: All that matters is how you feel (your mental states) Psychological measure = affect balance (e.g. PANAS) Well-beingHappiness+ve net balance of good over bad mental states Especially hedonism

10 What about Truth & Freedom? Compare two lives –Same experiences –Different reality Double agent partner Sponsored children all died Whose life is better? What should we do about a happy slave?

11 Desire/Life Satisfaction Theories Based on desire/preference-satisfaction Informed: adequately informed desires only Ideal: desires that fit some objective criteria only Key: All that matters is getting what you want (or should want) Psychological measure = life satisfaction (e.g. Diener’s satisfaction with life scale) Well-beingHappiness Having most or more of your desires satisfied Sometimes

12 Is the Satisfaction of Our Desires Good for us? How would “omniscient you” advise yourself? Having a desire satisfied does not seem valuable unless it is the right desire

13 Objective List E.g. W.D. Ross’ account: –Knowledge, Pleasure, Virtue and the proper apportionment of pleasure to virtue Can’t we explain knowledge with pleasure or desire-satisfaction?

14 Flourishing Theories Developing one or all of your species’ fundamental traits Aristotle: Flourishing is the soul expressing virtue E.g. cowardice – courage - rashness Key: All that matters is being the best you can be (given that you’re a human) Well-beingFlourishingDeveloping & expressing natural capacities

15 Why is Fulfilling Our Natural Capacities Good? Is excellence in reasoning or long-distance running better for us? Unnatural things can be good for us too! –E.g. Pacemakers, wings etc.

16 Best Theory of Wellbeing? Mental State (Hedonism) Desire/Life Satisfaction Flourishing Objective List

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