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1. accentuate. transitive verb Past participle and past tense: accentuated Present participle: accentuating Third person singular present tense: accentuates.

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Presentation on theme: "1. accentuate. transitive verb Past participle and past tense: accentuated Present participle: accentuating Third person singular present tense: accentuates."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. accentuate

2 transitive verb Past participle and past tense: accentuated Present participle: accentuating Third person singular present tense: accentuates

3 1. accentuate 1. To give prominence to; emphasize or intensify: “The sun streamed in from the windows behind him, and shadows lay over his face and accentuated the lines of his cheeks and jaw” (Chaim Potok, The Chosen).

4 1. accentuate 2. To pronounce with stress or accent: accentuate the second syllable in a word. 3. To mark with an accent mark: accentuate a word in a line of poetry. Related Word: noun- accentuation

5 2. alliteration

6 noun The repetition of the same sounds, usually consonants or consonant clusters, especially at the beginning of words. Poets and writers often employ alliteration in their writing, such as “I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet” in Robert Frost’s “Acquainted with the Night.” Related Word: adjective- alliterative

7 3. analogy

8 n Noun n Plural: analogies n 1. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise unlike. n 2. An explanation of something by comparing it with something similar: The author uses the analogy of a beehive when describing a bustling city. n Related Words: n adjective- analogous n adverb- analogously

9 4. antibody

10 n Noun n Plural: antibodies n A protein produced in the blood or tissues in response to the presence of a specific toxin, foreign blood cell, or other antigen. Antibodies provide immunity against certain microorganisms and toxins by binding with them and often by deactivating them. n

11 5. aspire

12 n Transitive verb n Past participle and past tense: aspired n Present participle: aspiring n Third person singular present tense: aspires n To have a great ambition; desire strongly: aspire to become a good soccer player; aspire to great knowledge. n Related words: n noun- aspiration n noun- aspirer n

13 6. bamboozle

14 n Transitive verb n Past participle and past tense: bamboozled n Present participle: bamboozling n Third person singular present tense: bamboozles n Informal n To deceive by elaborate trickery; hoodwink: In The Music Man, the con man bamboozles the citizens into believing that he can teach their children to play in a marching band.

15 7. bizarre

16 adjective Very strange or odd; a bizarre hat; a bizarre idea. Related Word: adverb- bizarrely

17 8. boisterous

18 adjective 1. Rough and stormy; violent: boisterous winds. 2. Noisy and lacking restraint or discipline: the boisterous cheers of an excited crowd. Related words: adverb- boisterously noun- boisterousness

19 9. boycott

20 Transitive verb Past participle and past tense: boycotted Present participle: boycotting Third person person singular present tense: boycotts To act together in refusing to use, buy from, or deal with, especially as an expression of protest: boycott a store; boycott foreign-made goods.

21 9. boycott noun 1. A refusal to buy from or deal with a person, business, or nation, especially as a form of protest. 2. A refusal to buy or use a product or service.

22 10. camouflage

23 noun 1. A method of concealing military troops or equipment by making them appear to be part of the natural surroundings. 2. Protective coloring or a disguise that conceals: An alligator’s camouflage makes it look like a log floating in the water. 3. Cloth or other material used for camouflage

24 10. camouflage Transitive verb Past participle and past tense: camouflaged Present participle: camouflaging Third person person singular present tense: camouflages To conceal or hide by camouflage.

25 11. chronology

26 noun Plural: chronologies 1. The order of sequence of events: The lawyer disputed the chronology of events preceding the murder. 2. A list or table of events analyzed in order of time of occurrence: a detailed chronology of modern history. Related words: adjective- chronological adverb- chronologically

27 12. commemorate

28 Transitive verb Past participle and past tense: commemorated Present participle: commemorating Third person person singular present tense: commemorates 1. To honor the memory of (someone or something), especially with a ceremony: The crowd gathered in the park to commemorate the firefighters’ sacrifice. 2. To be a memorial to, as a holiday, ceremony, or statue: Independence Day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Related Words: noun- commemoration adjective- commemorative adverb- commemoratively

29 13. cower

30 Intransitive verb Past participle and past tense: cowered Present participle: cowering Third person person singular present tense: cowers To crouch or draw back, as from fear or pain; cringe: The the dwarves forgot their joy and their confident boasts of a moment before and cowered down in fright.” (JRR Tolkien, The Hobbit).

31 14. decorum

32 noun Proper behavior or conduct; propriety: “She had pull with the police department, so the men in their flashy suits and fleshy scars sat with churchlike decorum and waited to ask favors from her” (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings).

33 15. deduction

34 noun 1. The act of subtracting; subtraction: The sales clerk’s deduction of the cost of installation persuaded us to buy the dishwasher. 2. An amount that is or may be subtracted: She claimed a deduction from her taxable income for medical expenses. 3. The process of reaching a conclusion by reasoning, especially from general principles. 4. A conclusion reached by this process: The article discusses the judge’s deduction that the law violated the Fourteenth Amendment.

35 16. deign

36 Verb Past participle and past tense: deigned Present participle: deigning Third person person singular present tense: deigns Intransitive verb To be willing to do something that one considers under one’s dignity; condescend: “We better hurry or we’ll be late for dinner,’ I said…[H]is right foot flashed into the middle of my fast walk an I went pitching forward into the grass. ‘Get those one hundred and fifty pounds off me!’ I shouted, because he was sitting on my back. Finny got up, patted my head genially, and moved on across the field, not deigning to glance around for my counterattack…” (John Knowles, A Separate Peace). Transitive verb To condescend to give: The movie star didn’t deign so much as a nod in our direction.

37 17. despondent

38 n adjective n Feeling depression of spirits from loss of hope, confidence, or courage; dejected: “It rained. The procession of weary soldiers became a bedraggled train, despondent and muttering, marching with churning effort in a trough of liquid brown mud under a low, wretched sky” (Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage) n Related words: n noun- depondence, despondency n adverb- despondently n

39 18. dialogue also spelled dialog

40 18. dialogue n noun n 1. A conversation between two or more people: a friendly dialogue between neighbors. n 2. The words spoken by the characters of a play or a story: The dialogue of the comedy was very witty. n 3. The literal work written in the form of a conversation: Many students of philosophy have read the dialogues of Plato. n 4. An exchange of ideas or opinions: A lively dialogue among members of the committee.

41 19. divulge

42 n Transitive verb n Past participle and past tense: divulged n Present participle: divulging n Third person singular present tense: divulges n To make known; reveal; tell: divulge a secret. n Related words: n noun- divulger n

43 20. eclectic

44 n adjective n Choosing or taking what appears to be the best from various sources: an eclectic musician blending elements of classical music, jazz, and punk rock. n Related words: n adverb- eclectically n

45 21. ellipse

46 n noun n A figure that forms a closed curve shaped like an oval with both ends alike. An ellipse can be formed by intersecting a cone with a plane that is not parallel or perpendicular to the cone’s base. The sum of the distances or an ellipse from two fixed points (called the foci) remains constant no matter where the point is on the curve.

47 22. embargo

48 n noun n Plural: embargoes n 1. An order by a government prohibiting merchant ships from entering or leaving its ports. n 2. A prohibitation by a government on certain or all trade with a foreign nation. n Transitive verb n Past participle and past tense: embargoed n Present participle: embargoing n Third person singular present tense: embargoes n To place an embargo on: The Union government embargoed Confederate ports during the Civil War. n Adjective n Having or showing great interest or excitement: The principal gave an enthusiastic welcome to the new teachers. n Related Word: n adverb- enthusiastically

49 24. exponent

50 n noun n 1. A number or symbol, placed to the right of and above the expression to which it applies, that indicates the number of times a mathematical expression is used as a factor. For example, the exponent 3 in 5 3 indicates 5x5x5. n 2. A person who speaks for, represents, or advocates something: exponents of mass transit as a means of reducing pollution. n Related Words: n adjective- exponential n adverb- exponentially

51 25. exult

52 n intransitive verb n Past participle and past tense: exulted n Present participle: exulting n Third person singular present tense: exults n To rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant: “Laurie threw up his hat, then remembered that it wouldn’t do to exult over the defeat of his guests, and stopped in the middle of a cheer to whisper to his friend, ‘Good for you, Jo! He did cheat, I saw him’” (Louisa May Alcott, Little Women). n

53 26. fallacy

54 n noun n Plural: fallacies n A false notion or mistaken belief: It is a fallacy that being popular always means being happy. n Related Words: n adjective- fallacious n adverb- fallaciously

55 27. flourish

56 n verb n Past participle and past tense:flourished n Present participle: flourishing n Third person singular present tense: flourishes n Intransitive verb n 1. To grow or develop well or luxuriantly; thrive: Most flowers flourish in full sunlight. n 2. To do well; prosper: The lawyer’s practice flourished. n 3. To be actively working, especially in a period of great accomplishment: a writer who flourished in the later 1600s. n Transitive verb n 1. Dramatic action or gesture: The teacher waved the report with a flourish. n 2. An added decorative touch; an embellishment: handwriting with many flourishes n 3. In music, a showy passage or a fanfare: Trumpets played a flourish before the king entered. n

57 28. formidable

58 n Adjective n 1. Arousing fear, dread, alarm, or great concern: “The men wish to purchase straw field hats to protect themselves from your formidable Arkansas sun” (Bette Greene, The Summer of My German Soldier). n 2. Admirable; awe-inspiring: a formidable musical talent. n 3. Difficult to surmount, defeat, or undertake: The new assignment was a formidable challenge for the young reporter. n Related Words: n noun- formidability n adverb- formidably

59 29. gargoyle

60 n Noun n A waterspout or ornamental figure in the from of a grotesque animal or person projecting from the gutter of a building

61 30. guerrilla also spelled guerilla

62 30. guerrilla n Noun n A member of a military force that is not part of a regular army and operates in small bands in occupied territory to harass the enemy, as by surprise raids.

63 31. guru

64 n Noun n Plural: gurus n 1. A Hindu spiritual teacher n 2. A person who is followed as a leader or teacher.

65 32. heritage

66 n Noun n 1. Something other than property passed down from preceding generations; a tradition: “We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands” (Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail). n 2. Property that is or can be inherited.

67 33. hieroglyphic

68 n Adjective n Of or related to a system of writing, such as that of ancient Egypt, in which pictures or symbols are used to represent words or sounds: The ancient tombs of the Pharaohs are marked with hieroglyphic writing. n Noun n 1. A picture of symbol used in hieroglyphic writing; a hieroglyph. 2. Often hieroglyphics Hieroglyphic writing, especially that of the ancient Egyptians. n Related Words: n noun- hieroglyph adverb- hieroglyphically

69 34. hologram

70 n Noun n The photographic record of a three-dimensional image produced by recording on a photographic plate or film the pattern of interference formed by a split laser beam. The plate or film is then illuminated with a laser of with ordinary light to form the image.

71 35. hypocrisy

72 n Noun n The practice of showing or expressing feelings, beliefs, or virtues that one does not actually hold or possess. n Related word: n Noun- hypocrite

73 36. immune

74 n adjective n 1. Protected from disease naturally or by vaccination or inoculation: I’m immune to chickenpox because I had it when I was young. 2. Not subject to an obligation imposed on others; exempt: As a diplomat, he is immune from criminal prosecution. 3. Not affected by a given influence; unresponsive: “I am immune to emotion. I have been ever since I can remember. Which is helpful when people appeal to my sympathy. I don’t seem to have any” (Ellen Wittingler, Hard Love).

75 37. impertinent

76 n adjective. n 1. Offensively bold; rude. 2. Not pertinent; irrelevant: The discussion went on for hours because of the many impertinent questions and remarks. n Related word: n Adverb- impertinently

77 38. inference

78 n Noun n 1. The act or process of deciding or concluding by reasoning from evidence: arrive at a logical conclusion by inference. 2. Something that is decided or concluded by reasoning from evidence; a conclusion: The evidence is too scanty to draw any inferences from it. n Related word: n Verb- infer

79 39. introspection

80 n Noun n The examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings. n Related words: n Adjective: introspective n Adverb: introspectively

81 40. jaunty

82 n Adjective n Comparative: jauntier n Superlative: jauntiest n 1. Having or showing a carefree self-confident air: “A figure was approaching us over the moor, and I saw the dull red glow of a cigar. The moon shone upon him, and I could distinguish the dapper shape and jaunty walk of the naturalist.” (Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles). 2. Stylish or smart in appearance: a jaunty hat. n Related words: n adverb- jauntily n noun- jauntiness

83 41. jovial

84 n Adjective n Full of fun and good cheer; jolly: a jovial host. n Related words: n noun- joviality n adverb- jovially

85 42. kilometer

86 n Noun n A unit of length equal to 1000 meters or 0.62 of a mile.

87 43. labyrinth

88 n Noun n 1. A complex structure of connected passages through which it is difficult to find one’s way; a maze. 2. In Greek mythology, the maze built by Daedalus in Crete to confine the Minataur. 3. Something complicated or confusing in design or construction. 4. The system of tubes and spaces that make up the inner ear of many vertebrate animals.

89 44. laconic

90 n Adjective n Using few words; terse; concise: a laconic reply. n Related Word: n adverb- laconically

91 45. lichen

92 n Noun n An organism that consists of a fungus and an alga growing in close association with each other. Lichens often live on rocks and tree bark and can also be found in extremely cold environments.

93 46. light-year

94 n Noun n n The distance that light travels in one year, about 5.88 trillion miles (9.47 trillion kilometers).

95 47. marsupial

96 n noun n Any of various mammals, such as the kangaroo, opossum, or wombat, whose young continue to develop after birth in a pouch outside of the female’s body.

97 48. maneuver

98 n Noun n 1. A planned movement of troops or warships: By a series of brilliant maneuvers, the general outwitted the enemy. 2. A large-scale military exercise in which battle movements are practiced. 3. A controlled change in movement or direction of a vehicle or vessel, especially an aircraft. 4. A movement or procedure that involves skill or cunning: The gymnast made an acrobatic maneuver and landed squarely on the mat. n Verb n Past participle and past tense: maneuvered n Present participle: maneuvering n Third person singular present tense: maneuvers n

99 45. lichen

100 n Noun n An organism that consists of a fungus and an alga growing in close association with each other. Lichens often live on rocks and tree bark and can also be found in extremely cold environments.

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