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Marice Cumber Director. Getting Out of Bed Knowledge transfer for the creative industries.

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Presentation on theme: "Marice Cumber Director. Getting Out of Bed Knowledge transfer for the creative industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marice Cumber Director

2 Getting Out of Bed Knowledge transfer for the creative industries

3 What do creative businesses do Creative businesses are innovative and produce intellectual property Copyright Trademarks Design Rights Patents

4 The opportunity via correct IP management Business development and exploitation Knowledge transfer Collaboration Enables innovation to flourish and penetrate market

5 And what else does IP do? Enables small and micro business to trade on global stage Driver for business growth Asset on balance sheet Attract external investment

6 But what is the issue The primary issues related to IP lies less with specific IP legislation, but rather with the related support structures of IP education and the ability of businesses to strategically develop and exploit IP for commercial growth. NESTA Response to Gowers Review of Intellectual Property April 2006

7 Creative business barriers to IP management Ignorance Accessibility -No mechanism to challenge the culture or allow for IP development for small creative businesses Cost Lack of IP knowledge amongst advisers, investors and in education

8 So what’s the solution? Creative businesses need an accessible IP system which gives them the ability to: Protect and exploit their intellectual assets Take full advantage of the capital contained Use their IP to sustain, develop and grow their businesses

9 So what is Own It? UAL and CL joint project – set up in 2004 Aims to provide London’s creative practitioners with an accessible, specialist knowledge IP system which is integrated within the Creative London framework, giving them the ability to: –Protect and exploit their intellectual assets –Take full advantage of the capital contained –Use their IP to sustain, develop and grow their businesses

10 Via Escalation system Level 1: Basic, generic IP information, advice and events Level 2: Specialist sectors - targeted sector specific events Level 3: One to one advice via email and with lawyers - response to individual case queries Level 4: IP Accelerator – business growth programme

11 Facts and figures 11,000 creative business members 3,000 organisation members 8 law firms provide pro bono support Law school has set up IP pro bono service for Own It Own It works with national, local and sector specific organisations to deliver its results

12 Own It’s impact on sector Development of target audience’s awareness, knowledge and application of IP in their business practice Introduction of new audiences for sector organisations Access point for any IP related enquiry Access point for organisations wanting to provide IP related cpd More sophisticated IP enquiries for lawyers Networking

13 Support sector –overcoming the barriers IP education to be mandatory part of all u/g art, design and communication courses Creative business advisers need to understand and be able to advise on IP IP strategy to be part of business plan of all creative businesses

14 IP audits and valuation to be part of high growth businesses investment strategies Co-ordinated access to IP support and knowledge networks at international, national and local level Education and development of opportunities for law firms to contribute to sector


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