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Vocab 9. 1)Dumbfound – To make speechless with amazement I was dumbfounded by the silliness in the classroom!

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab 9. 1)Dumbfound – To make speechless with amazement I was dumbfounded by the silliness in the classroom!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab 9

2 1)Dumbfound – To make speechless with amazement I was dumbfounded by the silliness in the classroom!

3 2) Ensue – To follow; to come as a result of or at a later time When the principal declared a holiday, shouting and clapping ensued.

4 3) Era – A particular period in history The seventies was a crazy era.

5 4) Flourish – To thrive or prosper; to wave in the air Plants flourish in a greenhouse. The gymnast finished her routine with a flourish.

6 5) Garrison – A military place of protection, together with its soldiers and weapons The garrison blocked the only way to get through the mountains

7 6) Grievous – Causing grief or pain; hard to bear Moving to the mainland can be a grievous event.

8 7) Hoard – To save and put away, especially secretly Squirrels hoard acorns for the winter.

9 8) Inundate – To load with an excessive amount or number of something Fans inundated radio stations with requests to play the new song.

10 9) Invincible – Impossible to defeat Superman is supposed to be invincible.

11 10) Nomad – A member of a group that settles briefly in one place and then moves on to another Since I am a military wife, I feel like a nomad.

12 11) Placate – To stop from being angry; to calm They gave the little girl candy in order to placate her.

13 12) Principal – A person or thing that is of the greatest importance The two men were the principal owners of the shop.

14 13) Recede – To move back or to drop to a lower level The waters have finally started to recede.

15 14) Ruthless – Showing no mercy; pitiless That teacher was ruthless!

16 15) Sacrifice – Something given up for the sake of another They had to make a sacrifice to the volcano god.

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