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Careers in Education Teaching Strategies. Learning Target: Students will be able to… – Explain in words the 3 different teaching strategies – Apply the.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Education Teaching Strategies. Learning Target: Students will be able to… – Explain in words the 3 different teaching strategies – Apply the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Education Teaching Strategies

2 Learning Target: Students will be able to… – Explain in words the 3 different teaching strategies – Apply the teaching strategies to their lesson plan

3 Teaching Strategies Variety of students in the classroom Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, verbal Important to have a variety of teaching strategies to fit needs of students Overall Improves students learning

4 From YOUR Experience in school… What strategies have you seen in the classroom?

5 Design Dog

6 Cooperative Learning Learning in small groups (3-5 students) tied together by a small purpose. – What type of leaners struggle with this method? Flourish? – When would you see this method being used? What subject? – When have YOU seen this method in action? (list)

7 Inquiry Students arrive at an understanding of concepts by themselves and the responsibility for learning rests with them. This method encourages students to build research skills that can be used throughout their educational experiences.

8 Variety of Types: Structured – Teacher poses questions, provide material, and techniques – Students actively build understanding bases on their own knowledge base – Open ended questions Guided – Keeps students focused – Teacher ;reads questions – Students determine best questions – Freedom for lab procedures – Questions lead them to do thinking themselves – Logically deal with idea – Critical thinking skills – Teacher doesn’t tell answer tell the students have figured it out themselves Student Directed – Students come up with own questions based on their own interests they direct and refine – Actively engaged – Teacher materials are secondary

9 Teacher Challenges Probing discussing, observing, inferences, asking questions Issues of control Teaching in a different way than you’ve been taught Teacher as mediator, not authority Chaos High demands on teacher content knowledge Teacher may not know answer Student risk (may think you don’t know)

10 – What type of leaners struggle with this method? Flourish? – When would you see this method being used? What subject? – When have YOU seen this method in action? (list)

11 Teacher Directed Used for teaching basic facts, knowledge, and skills – News tasks – Unfamiliar material – Math procedures – Grammar

12 6 steps Review Previously learned material State objectives Present New Material- preparation, knowledge, and skills are the key to this step Guided practice Independent practice with corrective feedback Review

13 – What type of leaners struggle with this method? Flourish? – When would you see this method being used? What subject? – When have YOU seen this method in action? (list)

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