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The Renaissance 1485-1660.  Meaning: “renewal”  Refers to the renewed interest in classical learning and literature—the writings of ancient Greece and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance 1485-1660.  Meaning: “renewal”  Refers to the renewed interest in classical learning and literature—the writings of ancient Greece and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance 1485-1660

2  Meaning: “renewal”  Refers to the renewed interest in classical learning and literature—the writings of ancient Greece and Rome.  Because of the emphasis on human ability and new discoveries, the Renaissance is often considered the beginning of the modern world. The Renaissance

3  Began in Italy; spread to other European countries- France, Germany, Spain, and lastly England. Many writers and artists visited and looked to Italy for inspiration.  Invention of the printing press (around 1455) made books a reality and working tools for scholars. By 1500, printers—particularly Italian printers—had published in book form the works of most of the important Latin authors. Beginnings of the Renaissance

4  Renewal of reading and learning led to a renewal of the human spirit, of curiosity and creativity.  Visual Arts flourished (Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci)  Exploration and trade became widespread  Christopher Columbus (1442)- One of MANY enterprisers  European exploration at this time marked the first stages of European colonial and commercial domination.  Science began to flourish; new inventions created (Galileo, Gutenberg)

5  Emphasized the abilities of the human mind and achievement versus medieval emphasis on God and denial of worldly things.  Sought to answer questions: What does it mean to be human? What is a good life? How do I lead a good life?  Desired to harmonize two great sources of wisdom: the Bible and the classics. Rise of HUMANISM

6 Renaissance in England was gradual, due to political instability Henry VIII (8 th ) (1509-1547) Renaissance in England Powerful political leader Created Royal Navy Declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England (Anglican Church) when pope refuse to grant a divorce. Demanded supreme authority and allegiance at high cost (Sir Thomas More –locked in tower and beheaded for treason)

7  Was considered a “renaissance man” –person of many interests, skills, talents  Poet, musician, hunter Henry VIII  Well-educated- studied French, Italian, Latin  Opened the door to writers and artists in royal court (Sir Thomas Wyatt)

8  One of the most powerful and successful monarchs in history.  Reestablished the Church of England and again rejected pope’s authority (like her father).  Leader in economics and foreign affairs, which led to prosperity in England and defeat of Spanish Armada. Elizabeth I (1558-1603)

9  Renaissance and literary influence  Well-educated, accomplished linguist and poet  Encouraged and inspired many writers. Elizabeth became a beloved symbol of peace, security, and prosperity. She provided inspiration for poetry, drama, and fiction.  Elizabethan drama led to the triumph of dramatically spoken English. Elizabeth I (1558-1603)

10  Elizabeth's cousin, James VI (6 th ) of England  Gunpowder Plot (1605) – Conspiracy by Catholic church to blow up parliament because of discontent with James’ support of Church of England; said to be partial inspiration to Shakespeare’s Macbeth. James I (1603-1625)

11  General Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)- led Parliamentary forces (Puritans) against England’s royalist (Roman Catholics) forces in civil war. Eventually, new government failed and the king was restored to the throne, beginning the Restoration Period.

12  Writers & Poets  Petrarch (1304-1374) –Italian poet; one of the first influences upon the Renaissance.  Boccaccio (1313-1375)- “Federigo’s Falcon”  Sir Thomas More- Utopia (1516) is considered the first literary masterpiece of the English Renaissance.  Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)- poet, playwright, contemporary of Shakespeare’s.  William Shakespeare (1564-1616)- most well-known poet & playwright of the Renaissance. Other Important Renaissance Figures & Influences

13  Artists  Michelangelo (1475-1564)- Italian painter, sculptor, architect (Sistine Chapel ceiling; “David” sculptor)  da Vinci (1452-1519)- Mona Lisa- one of the most recognized paintings in the world.  Rulers  Lorenzo de’ Medici (1449-1492)- “Lorenzo the Magnificent” Ruler of Italy and patron of several great artists (Botticelli, Michelangelo, da Vinci)

14  Soliloquy: A speech that a character makes while alone on stage to reveal thoughts, motives, or feelings to the audience.  Aside: When a character makes a statement meant to be heard by the audience or by another character, but not by ALL of the characters on stage.  Dramatic Irony: When the audience knows more than the characters; the characters expect one thing to happen, but something else happens instead.  Iambic Pentameter: A line of poetry made up of five stressed syllables and five stressed syllables, creating a ten-beat per line rhythm.  Blank Verse: Unrhymed iambic pentameter; the verse of most of Shakespeare’s plays. Terms to Know

15 What do you know? The Shakespearean Tragedy

16  The main character, called the tragic hero comes to an unhappy ending.  The tragic hero is generally a person of importance in society, such as a king or queen.  The tragic hero exhibits extraordinary qualities, but also a tragic flaw, which is a fatal error in judgment or weakness that leads directly to his or her downfall. Characteristics of a Shakespearean Tragedy

17  The hero faces an antagonist, his enemy, who may contribute to his downfall.  A series of related events leads to a catastrophe, which involves the death of the hero.  The tragic hero usually recognizes his or her tragic flaw by the end and gains the audience’s sympathy.  The tragic hero meets his or her doom with courage and dignity, reaffirming the greatness of the human spirit.

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