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Have courage vs. be a courageous person. Behave like a true friend vs. be a true friend. Do good vs. be good.

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3 Have courage vs. be a courageous person. Behave like a true friend vs. be a true friend. Do good vs. be good.

4 What are people for? What does it mean “to flourish?” (eudaimonia) What kinds of lifestyles/behaviors promote human flourishing and what kinds of lifestyles/behaviors diminish human flourishing?


6 Does performing a good action mean you are a good person? Does performing good actions make you a good person? Is becoming morally strong similar to becoming physically strong?

7 Once one discovers the Good, one cannot help but act in accordance with the Good since it is in one’s nature to do so.

8 1.Temperance (food & drink). 2.Silence (speak only for benefit). 3.Order (everything in its time & place). 4.Resolution (follow through with intentions). 5.Frugality (waste nothing). 6.Industry (always do something useful). 7.Sincerity (no hurtful deceit; speak justly). 8.Justice (do your duty; wrong no one). 9.Moderation (avoid excess). 10.Cleanliness (body, clothes, habits). 11.Tranquility (don’t sweat small stuff). 12.Chastity (avoid venery). 13.Humility (imitate Jesus & Socrates).

9 What kind of person should I/we/they be? How do we act in order to achieve this? How do we compel others to act in this way? What would the virtue ethicist say to the “dumbest” girls to help them bridge the is-ought gap?


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