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Delivering Your Potential Employability For Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering Your Potential Employability For Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering Your Potential Employability For Schools

2 OUR VISION Work with partners to develop and launch a leading programme that accelerates individual change enables pupils to take personal responsibility to transition into the world of employment focuses on equipping pupils and teachers with the mindset and skills to succeed Equips parents/guardians with the knowledge and skills they need to support their children creates a sustainable approach working in collaboration with all government and community parties Cradle to grave learning framework enabling viable progression choices

3 Our Mission – to provide a different approach A partnership with all relevant stakeholders to deliver the economic growth of UK plc and Big Society ethos Focus on changing the young persons mindset to take personal responsibility to succeed.....forever Integrated within the curriculum especially to create no additional burden or cost wherever possible Utilise existing resource and equip the teachers to make the changes Leave the competence and culture in the schools to make sustainable changes Resource the parents to find the information they need Engage “volunteers “ to support the programme’s success Signpost where technical skills for successful employment can be found

4 A Whole System Approach Government linking into the overall employability strategy add link Head Teachers and Governors Sponsorship or programme and curriculum enhancements Teachers To change mind-set, provide knowledge and skills Pupils Multi tiered programme drop-down selection from workshops, seminars and coaching Parents/Guardians To equip parents with knowledge/meaning of choices Community support organisations eg Princes Trust/ YE/Scouts Identification of additional resource available Job Centres and Employers Support of realistic work placement and vocational opportunities

5 A Whole Systems Approach An objectives driven framework supporting on 4 dimensions of skills, knowledge, confidence and motivation

6 The Learning Journey Creating the environment for everyone to flourish

7 What we deliver A connected series interventions enabling individuals to take ownership and responsibility for increasing their employability. Aim: Whole system approach engaging all stakeholders Creating in partnership the environment to flourish Targeted focus on personal action plans specific to individual needs for the duration of the programme Targeted learning for under represented groups Diagnostic tools to clarify personal needs and establish achievable milestones Building competence and confidence through a stepped approach, encompassing personal and practical techniques for employability Empowering on going structured sustainability and resilience To create powerful realistic role models

8 Our Product Offering The product will be Branded and accredited and quality assured Delivered by experienced facilitators/role models Flexible offering tailored to the schools needs and budgets Responsive to emerging pupils/parents/teachers needs Delivered using a variety of methods that focus on developing Knowledge/Skills/Confidence and Motivation Coaching Mentoring Peer to Peer interventions Workshops Work Placements Work Shadowing Volunteering Key Note speakers Lectures/Seminars/Open evenings Classroom exercises/activities Internet based activities

9 Teacher offering CPD Options offered through the school and local employers through workshops/coaching programmes/key note speakers Example topics: Understanding the employment market Effective work placements Creating positive mind-set Knowledge based interventions

10 Pupil offering Options offered through school – developing self belief and esteem Understanding the careers pathways Effective Exam /revision techniques Creating positive mind-set/brand image Options offered to their parents direct – wiser decision making Coaching and mentoring on the above subjects Knowledge based interventions Options offered through local employers – Job readiness Work experience Work shadowing Options offered through volunteering groups ( Scouts/TA) – Personal responsibility Work experience Work shadowing Peer to Peer interventions

11 Parent offering Options offered through school Workshops: Understanding the careers pathways Understanding how your child learns Effective Exam /revision techniques Creating positive mind-set Options offered to the parent direct Coaching and mentoring on the above subjects Knowledge based interventions Shared options Website offering one stop shop

12 Programme Framework Phase 1– Initial diagnostic with Head/Governors Outcome : Identification of the interventions needed Phase 2 – Develop Project Plan with Head/Governors/Teachers Outcome: Milestones and measures of success in place Phase 3 – Engagement of Stakeholders parents/employers/pupils/external bodies Outcome : understanding and buy in from all parties Phase 4 – Roll out

13 Contact Us Karen Powell, DYP Associates Ltd – Cheryl Simons, Clouds Associates Ltd –

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