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Jacinta Greene and Mary Fenton, WIT June 2011 Approaches to Entrepreneurship Education in Irish Tourism and Hospitality Programmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacinta Greene and Mary Fenton, WIT June 2011 Approaches to Entrepreneurship Education in Irish Tourism and Hospitality Programmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacinta Greene and Mary Fenton, WIT June 2011 Approaches to Entrepreneurship Education in Irish Tourism and Hospitality Programmes

2 Presentation Questions  What is entrepreneurship?  Can it be taught? Can it be learned?  What is the Role of Institutes of Technology in enterprise development?  How is entrepreneurship taught in T&H courses in WIT?  How can entrepreneurship be embedded in T&H courses?

3 What is Entrepreneurship?  Richard Cantillon (1755)  Entreprendre – to undertake  Identifying and pursuing opportunities  Entrepreneurship is broadening to include self- employment and in-employment (intrapreneurship)  Innovation and creativity are implicit in entrepreneurship  Businesses that fail to innovate evaporate

4 How is entrepreneurship taught in T&H courses in WIT? Creating a favourable ecosystem for entrepreneurship to flourish

5 How is entrepreneurship taught in T&H courses in WIT? Expanding Learning Opportunities  promoting experiential learning e.g. WIT Artisan Market  promoting reflective learning  getting out of the classroom e.g. Farm to Fork  developing links with alumni, Fáilte Ireland, stakeholders  event management  organising relevant industry fora e.g. Food Sustainability Forum  Study visits to best practice entrepreneurs

6 WIT Artisan Market

7 WIT’s Entrepreneurial Partnerships  Strategic Alliances  Supporting Local Producers  GIY – College Farm  Allotments and Herb Gardens  Community Resource  Edutainment  Adult Education

8 WIT Supporting the T&H Industry  Use of facilities for new product development  Interdisciplinary collaboration e.g. School of Science  Developing bespoke courses in collaboration with industry, international, Fáilte Ireland & Irish IoT partners e.g. Diploma in Restaurant Management  Hosting flagship T&H events e.g. Terre Madre, Tall Ships, George Bapiste Competition  Supplier and Education Partners e.g., Celebrating Local Food

9 What are the Challenges of Embedding Entrepreneurship in T&H Courses?  Embedding Entrepreneurship in Strategy  Need to create entrepreneurial IoTs  Need to foster entrepreneurship champions  Embedding Entrepreneurship in Curricula  Lack of standardised definition of entrepreneurship  Entrepreneurship education is often siloed within School of Business  Movement from chalk and talk approach to experiential learning  Students’ Perceptions of Obstacles to Entrepreneurship  Lack of funding for business start up  Lag time between graduation and business start up

10 How can entrepreneurship be cultivated in T&H courses? More entrepreneurial IoTs Fertile environment to grow entrepreneurship Dynamic lecturers to support learners – they create the learning opportunities Creative pedagogical and assessment methods Student-led Enterprise Club/Society Links with Entrepreneurs and Development Agencies Optimising IoT as an Industry Resource


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