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Jerry G. Fife Vice Chancellor for Administration 343-6658

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Presentation on theme: "Jerry G. Fife Vice Chancellor for Administration 343-6658"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jerry G. Fife Vice Chancellor for Administration 343-6658

2  Bookstore  Campus Planning and Construction  Card Office  Contract and Grant Accounting  Dining Services  EH&S  EADS  Health & Wellness *  Human Resources  Information Technology Services (ITS)  Mail Services  Management Information Systems (MIS)  Payroll Services

3  Vanderbilt University Police Department (VUPD)  Plant Operations  Printing Services  Real Estate Operations  Student Accounts  Student Loans  Traffic and Parking

4 Excellent service Sound infrastructure Leadership development

5 Conduct a survey for each DOA unit in years 1 & 4. Year 1 survey will be used to identify areas for improvement and year 4 survey will be used to gauge progress. The surveys for Real Estate and Health & Wellness have been completed. We have partnered with the Dean of Students Office to survey a sample of the student population for Plant Operations and VUPD; Both surveys will go out in February. The remaining DOA groups will send out their surveys in March and April. Customer Satisfaction Survey Complete studies and implement new charging models for ITS and Plant Operations. This will simplify charges to campus users, provide transparency, and establish metrics for measuring efficiency. Both studies have been completed. New ITS & Plant Operations Charging Models The program began in FY11 in DOA. The expanded managed desktop was approved in January 2012 and will be rolling out to University Central administrative areas beginning with Finance in March 2012, followed by DAR. A schedule will be developed for Provost Office, General Counsel, Athletics, and Internal Audit. Expand the Managed Desktop Program

6 Fuel and Maintenance for ITS and VUPD purchased from Plant Operations. Fuel purchase and use consolidation Automate HR’s paper-based processes in three areas: Exempt leave forms, additional pay forms, and benefit forms to improve the overall customer experience. Exempt leave and benefit forms have been automated. Additional pay project is in progress and will be in production by July 2012. Human Resources Processes Automation Several departments have begun to participate in the project by developing strategic goals and identifying key performance indicators. These departments include ITS, Real Estate, Plant Operations, VEHS, and VUPD. Strategic Dashboards

7  Largest non-academic budget at Vanderbilt  3800 staff in University Central  1650 staff in DOA (43%) of Total University Staff  Staff perform numerous valuable functions which keep the institution operating  Staff represent one of the faces of Vanderbilt

8 Construction  Kissam  Alumni Hall  Rand  McGugin  Student Rec (Track, New Facility)  Football Stadium


10 10 Gross Federal DebtDebt Held by Public FY 2012$16.7 trillion$10.8 trillion FY 2011$15.5 trillion$9.9 trillion

11 11 Provided by: Steven H. Lipstein, BJC Healthcare, 2011 1790 1865 1920 1945 1990 2010

12 US Federal Government P & L (2011) (in billions) Revenues$2,100(14% of GDP) Expenses Defense / Homeland Security$ 786 Medicare / Medicaid$ 773 Social Security$ 727 Other Mandatory (debt svc)$ 676 Other Discretionary (NIH, etc.)$ 640 $3,602(24% of GDP) Deficit ($1,502)(10% of GDP) 12

13  Result of the Budget Control Act of 2011, passed by Congress as part of deal to allow for increase in debt ceiling.  $1.2 trillion in sequestration beginning January 2013, half from defense, half from non-defense through 2021  Mandated caps require approximately 9% cut across the board to agencies such as NIH.  Cuts in Medicare payments to providers and insurance plans will be about $10.8 billion in 2013.... $16.1 billion in 2020. 13

14 Potential Losses (FY13 – FY16)  $132 million cuts to Medicare  $160 million cuts to Medicaid  $150 - $200 million due to repeal of the Accountable Care Act  $50 - $100 million probable losses with changes to global payment in fee-for-service model

15 The New Normal  Uncertain Economy  Low Endowment Returns  Sequestration will affect federal research funding (relatively flat at best)  Low Tuition Increases

16  Operational Efficiency  Quality Improvement  Cost Control  Consolidation

17  Definition of Advisory – Empowered to make recommendations  Work with Vice Chancellor for Administration (me), Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (Traci), the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Real Estate Operations (Cliff) & others in the Division of Administration to explore recommendations

18  Provide and Receive information of interest to staff  Serve on committees (recruitments, Traffic and Parking and others)  Provide feedback  Serve as a sounding board  Serve on focus groups

19  Listen and give respectful consideration to all recommendations  Provide information USAC about policies and other upcoming information of interest to staff  Work closely with USAC leadership (monthly meetings)  Involve USAC in committees and focus groups

20  Value staff and promote to others in administration the contributions staff make to the successful operation of the University


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