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Kiara Gilman Buchanan Carlynn Miller-Gore
Reading Apprenticeship: Using Evidence/Interpretation Logs to Enhance Reading Comprehension MinneTESOL November 15, 2014 Kiara Gilman Buchanan Carlynn Miller-Gore 1:12 - 1:17 (5 minutes) - Introductions - Kiara and Carlynn Kiara gathers group. Identify ourselves and see who is in the room. (ABE/ESL) Experience with RA? Carlynn intro. FastTRAC (ABE/CTE integrated instruction based on I-Best in WA and RISE in WI) since 2010, taught Reading Strategies class at Hubbs using Reading Power text, and have incorporated many of those lessons into my current classes, including: reading survey, lessons on reading strategies: vocabulary in context, main ideas, transitional/signal words, etc… reading for pleasure, something missing Heard about RA from WA I-BEST - CASAS 211 (ELL4) succeeding in college courses! - curious and skeptical… Kiara intro. taught many level 0-7 classes of Family Literacy; currently teaching a bridge class in Child Development and co-teaching a college class. Have used the evidence-interpretation strategy in conjunction with co-teachers to change the format of written chapter summaries (better results from students) Relevant for all levels and areas of ABE/ELL – suspend doubts, think creatively, how does this apply to your learners Carlynn: REMINDER: no break, use facilities as needed; we will have 1 minute body break. orient them to the packet. The pages in the handout do not correspond to the slides exactly. Slides will state which page of handout to be looking at.
Session Objectives Describe the basic aspects and value of the
Reading Apprenticeship® framework. 1:17-1:20 (3 minutes) - Presentation Objectives and Plan - Kiara slides 2-6 Plan: Session today will be interactive. Look at the overall framework, then teach/model/practice several of the methods/tools from RA. Handout Page 2
Session Objectives Use an Evidence/
Interpretation log to engage critical thinking when reading and discussing texts. EVIDENCE from the article: I read in the text… INTERPRETATION: I think/I wonder about / I made a connection Kiara Will see other names for these double-entry journal Handout Page 2
Session Objectives Connect with a community of instructors using Reading Apprenticeship methods. Kiara Building connections across MN, regionally, etc. Handout Page 2
Session Objectives Access a resource & collaboration tool for Reading Apprenticeship on the web. Kiara weebly, RA website, facebook page Handout Page 2
Session Objectives Describe the basic aspects and value of the Reading Apprenticeship® framework Use an Evidence/Interpretation log to engage critical thinking when reading and discussing texts. Connect with a community of instructors using Reading Apprenticeship methods Access a central resource and collaboration site for Reading Apprenticeship tools Kiara Should end at 1:20 (total of 3 minutes from Slide 2) Handout Page 2
Name this teaching tool...
1:20-1:30 (10 minutes) - Activate prior knowledge/engage participants in topic - Carlynn Slides 7-11 This is part of Reading Apprenticeship, but is also a very familiar tool; RA has been around for 20 years and uses many familiar strategies as well as incorporating new ones (including many of the metacognitive tools) [Emphasize importance of requiring silence for THINK; importance of LISTENING in pairs – we often skip these, important disciplines
Think-Pair-Share Reading Strategies
What strategies do you use now to build reading skills? What are the gaps in your current strategies? What challenges do you face? What questions/needs are you bringing to this session? Carlynn: Think/Pair and Share are 3 separate steps. On your own, write for 2 minutes on reading strategies you already use etc. elicit a few examples (2 min. timed writing) Think about questions: What strategies do we use now to build reading skills? What are the challenges, the gaps in our current strategies? What questions/needs are you bringing to this session? Handout Page 2
Think-Pair-Share Reading Strategies
What strategies do you use now to build reading skills? What are the gaps in your current strategies? What challenges do you face? What questions/needs are you bringing to this session? Pair: Share your responses with a partner. Carlynn Pair with partner and discuss for 4 minutes Handout Page 2
Think-Pair-Share Reading Strategies
What strategies do you use now to build reading skills? What are the gaps in your current strategies? What challenges do you face? What questions/needs are you bringing to this session? Pair: Share your responses with a partner. Share: List group strategies, challenges and questions. ● Carlynn Share with whole group; (4 minutes) Kiara writes on Powerpoint or FlipChart Handout Page 2
Think-Pair-Share Reading Strategies
challenges/gaps questions Carlynn (should end at 1:30) Share with whole group; Kiara writes on Powerpoint or FlipChart Handout Page 2
Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship
Social Personal Knowledge-Building Cognitive 1:30-1:40 (10 minutes) - Brief Overview of Reading Apprenticeship Framework - Kiara slides 12-17 Brief description of RA framework. Metacognition = thinking about our thinking; monitoring our thinking; key to critical thinking, powerful and fun with learners. Handout Page 4
Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship
Social Creating Safety Sharing book talk Investigating relationships between literacy and power Sharing reading processes, problems, and solutions Noticing and appropriating others’ ways of reading Kiara overview of social dimension How create safety? Get to know students. Make it okay for them to be confused. Handout Page 4
Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship
Personal Developing reader identity Developing metacognition Developing reader fluency and stamina Developing reader confidence and range Assessing performance and setting goals Kiara overview of personal dimension Developing fluency and stamina - SSR Handout Page 4
Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship
Knowledge-Building Developing content or topic knowledge Building knowledge structures (schemata) Developing knowledge and vocabulary Developing discipline-specific knowledge Kiara overview of knowledge building How develop content knowledge? This is what I am usually thinking about when planning lessons. Handout Page 4
Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship
Cognitive Dimension Getting the big picture Breaking it down Monitoring comprehension Using strategies to assist and restore comprehension Setting reading purposes and adjusting reading processes Kiara overview of cognitive Monitoring comprehension? Cloze activities to determine ease of reading of textbook Handout Page 4
Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship
Social Personal Cognitive Knowledge Building Metacognitive Conversation Kiara (should end 1:40) Participant reflection/response Use the graphic organizer on p.6 of the hand-out packet to individually reflect/respond to each of the four dimensions in the framework. Make notes about what you already do and list any gaps that you can think of. (5 min) Handout Page 5
Progression for Building Metacognition
(self awareness and self regulation) in shared class reading 1:40-1:42 (2 minutes) - Progression of Metacognition - Carlynn Some of the elements are likely familiar to staff, especially those that use the Reading Power text. Familiar elements may be: reading survey & reading strategies lists. Today we will talk about Evidence/Interpretation (Inference) logs With experience – colleague Liz suggests introducing this tool earlier in the progression, since it likely a comfortable style of learning – Cognitive/Knowledge task Handout Page 6
“Reading, and its role in promoting achievement,is fundamentally
an equity issue.” William Lloyd, District Literacy Coordinator, Washtenaw, Michigan I.S.D. 1:42-1:43 (1 min) Why it Matters/Questions to consider -- Carlynn Read quote (Huffington Post reported that Rates of Illiteracy unchanged for the last 10 years (9/6/2013)) Handout Page 6 National Right to Read Foundation ( and Begin to Read (
How many of us are using leveled texts in our classrooms?
What are some common assumptions we make about the difficulty that students can handle? How large is the gap between classroom texts and the level of reading students will be asked to read in post-secondary and the workplace? What is our responsibility as ABE/ESL instructors in response to this gap? 1:42-1:43 - Questions to consider - Carlynn points to ponder before watching Reading Between the Lives
1:43-1:48 (5 minutes) - Kiara does tech for this
13:20-15:10 feel stupid, called lazy, didn’t do reading and 22:20-22:53 didn’t know how to read college texts Handout Page 8
Looking at the four dimensions, what is missing for these students?
1:48-1:50 (3 min.) - Group questions following video - Carlynn “Which of the four areas in the RA Framework were not being addressed in the students’ classrooms?” · Personal/Social · Also Metacognitive – students did not receive instruction in strategies, just “read these pages” , not learning how to learn – simply “sink or swim” Handout Page 8
How are we preparing them for
post-secondary education and the workforce? 1:50-1:58 (8 minutes) Questions to Consider, Participant Feedback - Carlynn slides 23-24 Handout Page 8
How many of us are using leveled texts in our classrooms?
What are some common assumptions we make about the difficulty that students can handle? How large is the gap between classroom texts and the level of reading students will be asked to read in post-secondary and the workplace? What is our responsibility as ABE/ESL instructors in response to this gap? Carlynn (should end 1:58) - Questions to consider – feedback from participants Participants “Turn and Talk “(to partner) Presenter feedback can include: · challenges to our common assumptions about reading content levels, Krashen I +1 · Interactionist – Michael Long - comprehensible input increases with interaction – hence the Reading APPRENTICESHIP model · Survival English takes 2-3 years to attain; Academic English takes 7-10 years; our students don’t have that amount of time, we need to push them beyond I+1… · importance for post-secondary and workplace success, per our FastTrac experience, workplace expectations per employer partners · student struggles - not equipped for college-level reading, “sink or swim”, read these pages, no strategies – So, it is important, and we do have the tools to help equip students to make successful transitions to college and the workplace. Handout Page 9
What the research shows
Institute of Education Sciences, US Dept of Education 99 High Schools in California and Arizona; 150 teachers received 10 hours RA training 1:58-2:03 (5 minutes) Slides 25-28 Kiara: This randomized controlled study was conducted in 99 matched high schools from 46 districts in California and Arizona that serve high proportions of African American, Latino, and English learner students. One hundred and fifty-nine teachers participated. The treatment was 10 days of Reading Apprenticeship teacher professional development specific to science and to history. Teacher surveys and interviews indicate that treatment teachers of both subjects provided richer subject area and literacy instruction than control teachers over the year following professional development. In addition, teacher assignments were scored to rank features of subject area and literacy instruction; treatment teachers provided more effective assignments than control teachers. History treatment students had standardized test scores in history, as well as in reading comprehension and English language arts, with effect sizes suggesting they were well over a year ahead of the control students on these three measures. Handout Page 10
What the research shows
National Science Foundation 70 California High Schools; 87 teachers received 10 hours RA training Kiara: Teacher surveys and interviews indicate that treatment teachers provided richer biology and literacy instruction than control teachers over the one-year course of the intervention. In addition, teacher assignments were scored to rank features of biology and literacy instruction; treatment teachers provided more effective assignments than control teachers. Treatment students had significantly higher standardized test scores in biology, reading comprehension, and English language arts than control students. The effect size of these differences suggests that at the end of the treatment year, Reading Apprenticeship students were well over a year ahead of the control students in these areas. Handout Page 10
What the research shows
Institute of Education Sciences, US Dept, Of Education Reading Apprenticeship Academic Literacy Course for 9th graders 2-5 years behind 63% improvement in reading comprehension scores above expected yearly gains Reading comprehension gains did not persist Inexperienced readers need more than one year of literacy support Kiara: highlight co-teaching and integrated at college level? Students and their teachers in 17 schools nationwide used the Reading Apprenticeship Academic Literacy course. Independent research agencies MDRC and AIR measured course implementation and student outcomes, including reading comprehension, persistence in school, course-taking patterns, and performance on high-stakes tests. Findings demonstrated that the Reading Apprenticeship Academic Literacy Course had a positive and statistically significant impact on students’ reading comprehension scores—an effect size equivalent to a 63% improvement over and above expected year-to-year gains. In addition, the course had a positive and statistically significant impact on students’ grade point averages in core academic classes and their state standardized test scores. These gains did not persist when students were no longer enrolled in the course, suggesting that schools should expect to provide more than a single year of literacy support for their most inexperienced readers. Handout Page 11
What the research shows
Renton Technical College ABE Classes (Michele Lesmeister) 3-5 point gain on CASAS after 33 hours RA instruction 5 point gain on CASAS after 100 hours instruction (national average) Kiara (should end 2:03) An important piece in the evolution of RA at Renton was Michele’s hunch when she first started using RA approaches that the changes she was feeling in her ABE classes were more than wishful thinking. She gathered hard dtat. Over five terms she used RA approaches and collected student data that bore out her observations. Students able to meet learning goas in ⅓ time expected. Slide 10 - Renton Technical College (Washington State) using it in ABE, I-BEST and community colleges, beginning to collect data; now in 3-5 year initiative to put RA at center of ABE PD across the state; I-BEST claims, CASAS 211 succeeding in community college classes Handout Page 11
2:03-2:04 (1 minute) - Body Break/Repeat RA Framework - Carlynn
One minute body break (energizing silly thing) Carlynn: reminder of four dimensions. Next we will discuss Evidence/Interpretation Logs. Where do you think it fits in the RA framework? Handout Page 12
Evidence - Interpretation Log
Students become comfortable using text-based evidence Answering questions Making assertions Figuring out why they’re confused .!? 2:04-2:09 (5 minutes) - Carlynn (slides 30-35) Handout Page 13
Evidence - Interpretation
Students learn to support their thinking. “Why do you think that?” “Where is your evidence?” Carlynn Handout Page 13
Evidence - Interpretation
Students learn established norms for citing evidence. Carlynn Handout Page 13
Evidence-Interpretation Log
When it says… When I see… I think… Carlynn Evidence-Interpretation also called Evidence/Inference or Double Entry Journal, etc. is a simple graphic organizer Describe Evidence:Interpretation (Inference) logs Handout Page 13
Evidence-Interpretation Log
What I read... What I thought... Evidence Inference Key Points... Response... Evidence Inference Problem... Thinking Process... Carlynn Start with standard; vary over time - can be used with mathematical and scientific problems as well Difference between interpretation and inference? o Inference is a conclusion we come to by analyzing information. Look at the facts and come to a conclusion. o An interpretation is an inference from a specific point of view. Two people may have different points of view, and so interpret things differently. o Show samples of evidence/inference logs * Critical consideration – using metacognitive language with ESL learners Handout Page 14
Evidence - Interpretation Scaffold
Variety of uses Pictures Videos Written material Carlynn (should end 2:09) can be used with pix, videos (a good place to start) and simple - complex texts Handout Page 15
Evidence-Interpretation – Picture
Something you can see, hear, feel, touch, read. Inference What the evidence makes you think. I see…. so, I think… a man picking up garbage in the park …the people in this community want it to be clean. four people wearing helmets, a crossing guard and a construction worker using barriers …this community has a lot of money for public places and public services. All Star 3 Second Edition M. Boyle (Hubbs ELL level 4) 2:09-2:19 (10 minutes) - All-Star 3 Picture Prompt - Kiara Introduce activity and review instructions Help create pairs Help create groups of four for Step #4 in activity Elicit one example of inference/evidence from each group Begin by modeling evidence-inference; I have used documentary clips as a way of modeling this with a group. Then proceed to guided practice providing either evidence or inference. Students are able to then generate their own. students identify statements as evidence (seen in picture) or inference (use your imagination) - reference headers (do with partner) Place them in the chart - complete chart with a partner Two partners share with two others… we walk around Handout Page 16-17
Evidence-Inference – Text
WHEN IT SAYS… I THINK / UNDERSTAND 2:19 - 2:29 - Evidence-Inference Text - Carlynn mention why this looks different- as it appeared in the textbook Introduce “Being Accepted” reading with Evidence-Inference Log Elicit one example from group Participants finish in pairs Share out examples of responses Describe how this is different (text based, more difficult although same level of ELL) State a character trait you think Coral or one of the other characters in the story has (in inference column) Provide evidence from the text to support your thinking Provide instruction on partner feedback Fill out a joint log with 2 character traits they agree on (present to class) The Working Experience 3, Smith and Ringel ELL4, E. Andress, 2014 Handout Page 18
Evidence-Inference - Text
Principle Violation of Principle P3A1 We shall recognize the contributions of colleagues to our program and not participate in practices that diminish their reputations or impair their effectiveness in working with children. P3A2 When we have concerns about the professional behavior of a co-worker we shall first let that person know of our concern in a way that shows respect for personal dignity and for the diversity to be found among staff members, and then attempt to solve the matter collegially in a confidential manner. 2:29-2:39 (10 minutes) Evidence-Inference Text - Kiara What’s different - text used in entry-level college course and on the job. Taken from NAEYC code of ethics. Show where in the text they can find the principles. Give a few examples of violations. Work with partner to find two principles and two violations (assigned to partners) Mention that with more complex texts, think about providing more support even at the higher levels. NAEYC text with Evidence-Inference Log Teachers introduce and elicit example/participants finish in pairs Share out examples of responses Handout Page 20-21
Evidence-Inference - Use
How do you use evidence / inference now? How might you use the logs? Do you see the value for making sense of difficult texts? 2:39-2:41 (2 minutes) - Using Evidence-Interpretation Logs - Carlynn Reflect with your partner for 2 minutes (share if time and if want to) How do you work on E/I now? How might you use the logs? Value for making sense of difficult texts? Handout Page 22
2:41-2:44 (3 minutes) Evidence-Inference Logs and RA - Carlynn
Where do evidence-inference logs fit in the RA dimensions? In the May adult ESL did a lot of work on personal and social dimension. Where do you think this tool fits on the RA Framework? All 4! · Knowledge-Building · Cognitive-Dimension · Personal Dimension · Social Dimension – if sharing with peer, group or instructor Handout Page 23
Connections Examples of other organizations… Newsletter
You-tube video spots of teacher mini-lessons one campus one book Professional Learning Community (PLC) Staff Development Integrating RA into Community College/ABE 2:44 - 2:56 (12 minutes) - Connections - Kiara slides 41-45 In Washington State and Minnesota different ways of integrating into Community Colleges (renton tech and SPC) • connect with a community of instructors using Reading Apprenticeship methods; and • access a central resource and collaboration site for Reading Apprenticeship tools • Examples from other organizations integrating RA strategies: newsletter, video clips of teachers sharing idea and how it went, PLCs, staff development, conference presentations, One Campus, One Book, posters, t-shirts, etc… Handout Page 24
How can we stay connected?
Join our Facebook Page: Reading Apprenticeship MN Sign up for notification of updates/newsletter Add your name to a public roster of teachers using Reading Apprenticeship Contribute a blog post to our website: Kiara Examples of ways WE can stay connected: Facebook Page, sign up for notification of updates, newsletter, add your name to our public roster of teachers using RA Contribute a blog post to our website: www. Make a connection at your teaching site Handout Page 24
How can we stay connected
Identify one colleague you could share this information with. Is there an opportunity for collaboration/integration at your site? Kiara Handout Page 24
Hubbs Center Reading Apprenticeship Website
Hubbs Center Reading Apprenticeship Website intended to be an introductory site recommended beginning sequence of RA activities examples/handouts/video clips for different RA methods links to other RA resources blog - connecting teachers in our area Kiara Preview of Weebly Site: Home page with suggested beginning steps (from metacognitive progression) Evidence/Interpretation logs, Thinking Through thte Text Link to powerpoint Link to roster Handout Page 25
How can we stay connected?
Name Site Level(s) Roster Updates Blog Post? Carlynn Miller-Gore Hubbs ABE/ESL College/Occupational Prep yes Kiara Buchanan Kiara (should end 2:56) Include name, , list of classes teaching – check a box if you are willing to submit a brief description of a lesson integrating an RA strategy and how it went Carlynn pass out sign-up sheet to receive link to Weebly and PPT
Session Objectives Describe the basic aspects and value of the
Reading Apprenticeship® framework Use an Evidence/Interpretation log to engage critical thinking when reading and discussing texts. Connect with a community of instructors using Reading Apprenticeship methods Access a central resource and collaboration site for Reading Apprenticeship tools 2:56-3:00 (4 minutes) - Summary/wrap-up - Kiara and Carlynn (slides 46-51) Carlynn Review objectives/ summarize key take-aways from what we’ve presented and from what we’ve heard from the group
Evaluation I learned something new and compelling in this session.
I can identify one area where I’m likely to use Evidence/Interpretation logs in the coming year. Reflections Carlynn and Kiara (both of us note common concerns, excitement, questions, issues, etc. during the session)
Resources On-Line Resources: - includes
Links to Reading Apprenticeship tools Teacher blog Roster of teacher in MN using Reading Apprenticeship Links to additional Reading Apprenticeship sites - includes Reading apprenticeship framework Professional development courses (online, in person) Research results on the efficacy of reading apprenticeship approach Resources – books, articles, and downloadable resources …and more! Kiara Resources included on last page of packet; powerpoint available on the site.
Video Resources Community College, Reading Between the Lives:
Google Reading Apprenticeship for more…
Resources Presenters:
Carlynn Miller-Gore, Kiara Buchanan,
Thank you!
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