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Supporting Winchester Families Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Winchester Families Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Winchester Families Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13

2 Background 10 years experience. Currently also work part time coordinating the STAR alcohol project in Eastleigh Drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, mental and emotional health Education, prevention, treatment, criminal justice Adults, young people and families Personal experience: crime, ASB, poor attainment in education and adults out of work

3 Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13 Education Training

4 Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13 Drugs and alcohol Mental health/emotional health Domestic violence Days, evenings, weekends Eternal training or in house/bespoke

5 Education School/college lessons Parents evenings in school Workshops in youth clubs Targeted short term work with young people, eg anger management, self esteem Health and safety toolbox talks for the trade industry Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13

6 How can I support the Supporting Winchester Families Scheme? Training for organisations helping the families Training for family members themselves Workshops/talks for families/individuals Consultancy work Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13

7 Thanks for listening, are there any questions?? Stacey Miller Consultancy 18/07/13 Tel: 07703670654 I will always respond within 3 working days Delegates on my training will receive a USB stick with training materials and a laminated certificate External training always has a free lunch and lots of refreshments

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