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React. A library for creating user interfaces. React Renders your UI and responds to events.

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Presentation on theme: "React. A library for creating user interfaces. React Renders your UI and responds to events."— Presentation transcript:

1 React

2 A library for creating user interfaces.

3 React Renders your UI and responds to events.

4 React Plays nicely with your stack

5 Build components, not templates.


7 Separation of concerns: Reduce coupling, increase cohesion.

8 Coupling is: “The degree to which each program module relies on each of the other modules.”

9 Cohesion is: “The degree to which elements of a module belong together.”

10 The framework cannot know how to separate your concerns for you. It should only provide powerful, expressive tools for the user to do it correctly.

11 This tool is a React component. A highly cohesive building block for UIs loosely coupled with other components.

12 Use components to separate your concerns. With the full power of JavaScript, not a crippled templating language.

13 Abstraction Composition Expressivity

14 Components are reusable.

15 Components are composable.

16 Components are unit testable.

17 JSX is an optional preprocessor to let you use HTML-like syntax. @jmiller7367 on Instagram

18 JSX is an optional preprocessor to let you use HTML-like syntax. React.DOM.a( {href: ‘’}, ‘@jmiller7367 on Instagram’ )

19 With JSX, it’s easy for designers to contribute code.

20 Virtual DOM Makes re-rendering on every change fast.

21 So React built a virtual DOM (and events system). Optimized for performance and memory footprint

22 The virtual DOM lets us do fun things. It can run in Node.js

23 The virtual DOM lets us do fun things. Optimizations based on app structure

24 The virtual DOM lets us do fun things. Testability for free

25 The virtual DOM lets us do fun things. SVG, VML and support

26 The virtual DOM lets us do fun things. Running the whole app in a Web Worker (experimental)

27 Key takeaways

28 Components, not templates.

29 Re-render, don’t mutate.

30 Virtual DOM is simple and fast

31 Sources ok-react

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