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JUSTICE AND PREJUDICE. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. - Martin Luther King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Presentation on theme: "JUSTICE AND PREJUDICE. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. - Martin Luther King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr."— Presentation transcript:


2 Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. - Martin Luther King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr.

3 PREJUDICE Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Do unto others as you would have them do unto you --Matthew 7:12 --Matthew 7:12 There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free man, neither male or female—for you are all one in Christ Jesus There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free man, neither male or female—for you are all one in Christ Jesus --Galatians 3:28 --Galatians 3:28

4 We are ALL children of the loving God We are ALL children of the loving God Jesus preached God’s love for everyone Jesus preached God’s love for everyone The Holy Spirit allows us to form our community into one of love The Holy Spirit allows us to form our community into one of love When we look into the eyes of another human being do we see differences of skin color, age, sex, national origin, physical/mental attributes or limitations, or do we see a sister or a brother? When we look into the eyes of another human being do we see differences of skin color, age, sex, national origin, physical/mental attributes or limitations, or do we see a sister or a brother?

5 Prejudice is a prejudgment based on insufficient data Prejudice is a prejudgment based on insufficient data Judgments and attitudes are primarily internal, though our tendency is to translate them into action Judgments and attitudes are primarily internal, though our tendency is to translate them into action People normally do not keep prejudices to themselves; eventually these feeling find expression People normally do not keep prejudices to themselves; eventually these feeling find expression Prejudice is a favorable or unfavorable feeling toward a person or thing, prior to, or not based on, actual fact. Prejudice is a favorable or unfavorable feeling toward a person or thing, prior to, or not based on, actual fact. Notice that prejudice involves feelings Notice that prejudice involves feelings It is not always negative. It can be positive It is not always negative. It can be positive

6 Negative Prejudice Negative prejudice is, of itself, sinful Negative prejudice is, of itself, sinful It violates the virtue of justice which calls on us to respect the dignity of others It violates the virtue of justice which calls on us to respect the dignity of others Negative prejudice infects humanity like a virus. The holocaust is a perfect example Negative prejudice infects humanity like a virus. The holocaust is a perfect example

7 Three Conditions Make Prejudice Wrong 1. Prejudice is wrong when it threatens the rights of people, that is, when it denys people their just due 1. Prejudice is wrong when it threatens the rights of people, that is, when it denys people their just due 2. Prejudice is wrong when it is illogical or when it exhibits stereotypical thinking (categorizing an entire group based on one or two faulty assumptions- “blonds are dumb”) 2. Prejudice is wrong when it is illogical or when it exhibits stereotypical thinking (categorizing an entire group based on one or two faulty assumptions- “blonds are dumb”) 3. Prejudice is a fault when it resists new information, when one is unwilling to change his or her mind when confronted with the truth – someone who is unwilling to change 3. Prejudice is a fault when it resists new information, when one is unwilling to change his or her mind when confronted with the truth – someone who is unwilling to change

8 It is our responsibility to eliminate any form of injustice, oppression, or violence against those not being treated as equals It is our responsibility to eliminate any form of injustice, oppression, or violence against those not being treated as equals Bigot: one who out of pride and stubbornness holds on to their beliefs and erroneous opinions contrary to the evidence. Bigot: one who out of pride and stubbornness holds on to their beliefs and erroneous opinions contrary to the evidence. Bigots neither listen to nor consider the views of others. They have closed minds and act out of sinfulness Bigots neither listen to nor consider the views of others. They have closed minds and act out of sinfulness

9 Stages of Prejudice Antilocution Antilocution To speak against. To speak against. Most people will express their negative feelings for others by talking against them Most people will express their negative feelings for others by talking against them Some expressions even emerge unconsciously – “I Jew’d him down”, “Indian giver”, “No way Jose”. These expressions only reinforce stereotypes. What about ethnic jokes? Some expressions even emerge unconsciously – “I Jew’d him down”, “Indian giver”, “No way Jose”. These expressions only reinforce stereotypes. What about ethnic jokes?

10 Some expressions even emerge unconsciously Some expressions even emerge unconsciously – “I Jew’d him down” – “I Jew’d him down” _ “Indian giver” _ “Indian giver” _ “No way Jose”. _ “No way Jose”. These expressions only reinforce stereotypes. What about ethnic jokes?

11 Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will hurt me too!! The old saying is NOT true. Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will hurt me too!! The old saying is NOT true. Antilocution is always demeaning and un-Christian. Antilocution is always demeaning and un-Christian. This type of language ought to be rooted out of our own vocabulary and challenge our friends who use it. This type of language ought to be rooted out of our own vocabulary and challenge our friends who use it. What are some common everyday expressions that have imbedded in them subtle prejudice based on stereotypes? What are some common everyday expressions that have imbedded in them subtle prejudice based on stereotypes? What are the names of various groups, organizations, and clubs that make up your “IN” group? What are the names of various groups, organizations, and clubs that make up your “IN” group?

12 Avoidance Avoidance The most progressive way of expressing bias or prejudice is avoidance of members of a disliked group The most progressive way of expressing bias or prejudice is avoidance of members of a disliked group It is dehumanizing and un-Christian to treat others as though they do not exist It is dehumanizing and un-Christian to treat others as though they do not exist This type of behavior does not directly inflict harm but the person ignored does feel hurt This type of behavior does not directly inflict harm but the person ignored does feel hurt

13 Avoidance often leads to worse manifestations of overt prejudice Avoidance often leads to worse manifestations of overt prejudice The one most often inconvenienced is the prejudiced person The one most often inconvenienced is the prejudiced person What kind of avoidance behavior have you witnessed here at school? What kind of avoidance behavior have you witnessed here at school? What cliques are prominent in our school? Do they engage in avoidance behavior? What cliques are prominent in our school? Do they engage in avoidance behavior?

14 Discrimination Discrimination Discrimination involves harmful actions against disliked person. Discrimination involves harmful actions against disliked person. Discrimination denies individuals their fundamental rights; not treating them as equals Discrimination denies individuals their fundamental rights; not treating them as equals Examples of discrimination in our society abound. What are some examples? Examples of discrimination in our society abound. What are some examples?

15 We are all equal in our humanity as creatures of a loving God who endows us with dignity We are all equal in our humanity as creatures of a loving God who endows us with dignity Denying people jobs because of race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age Denying people jobs because of race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age Excluding people from neighborhoods Excluding people from neighborhoods Restricting educational or recreational opportunities Restricting educational or recreational opportunities Excluding people from joining churches or other social groups Excluding people from joining churches or other social groups Segregating people in neighborhoods, schools, hotels, buses, etc. Segregating people in neighborhoods, schools, hotels, buses, etc.

16 Have you ever been a victim of discrimination because of your age, sex, national origin, religion, socio-economic background? Have you ever been a victim of discrimination because of your age, sex, national origin, religion, socio-economic background? How did you feel at the time the discrimination took place? How did you feel at the time the discrimination took place? Can you give any examples of discrimination you have seen involving other than race? Can you give any examples of discrimination you have seen involving other than race?

17 The ultimate form of prejudice is killing the “undesirable”, eliminating either the individual or an entire group of people to which he or she belongs The ultimate form of prejudice is killing the “undesirable”, eliminating either the individual or an entire group of people to which he or she belongs What are some examples of this you’ve learned about throughout our history? What are some examples of this you’ve learned about throughout our history?

18 Our love should be inclusive, not exclusive Our love should be inclusive, not exclusive It is our responsibility to uproot prejudice from our own lives and fight it whenever and wherever we find it It is our responsibility to uproot prejudice from our own lives and fight it whenever and wherever we find it What are some scripture based statements that reveal the necessity to love and accept everyone? What are some scripture based statements that reveal the necessity to love and accept everyone?

19 Scripture Statements on the Necessity of Love Gn 1:26-27—God makes all in His image and likeness. We possess a soul… Gn 1:26-27—God makes all in His image and likeness. We possess a soul… Acts 17:26-29—We are creatures of god. We all have the same origin… Acts 17:26-29—We are creatures of god. We all have the same origin… Lk 6:27; 15:1-2; Mt 5:43-48—God loves all unconditionally. We should love… Lk 6:27; 15:1-2; Mt 5:43-48—God loves all unconditionally. We should love… Jn 15:9-13—Jesus died for every human being. He loves everyone. Jn 15:9-13—Jesus died for every human being. He loves everyone. Mt 25:31-40—All are called… We should help one another… Mt 25:31-40—All are called… We should help one another… Mt 6:7-15—God is Father. This makes us God’s children… Mt 6:7-15—God is Father. This makes us God’s children… Jn 15:14-17—Love everyone if we want Jesus to be our friend… Jn 15:14-17—Love everyone if we want Jesus to be our friend… Mt 7:12—Love everyone if we want to be called a disciple of Chris Mt 7:12—Love everyone if we want to be called a disciple of Chris

20 Nine Ways to Fight Prejudice Pray for your own conversion Pray for your own conversion Learn to celebrate cultural differences Learn to celebrate cultural differences Look for inequalities in your school, work place, neighborhood Look for inequalities in your school, work place, neighborhood Avoid racial stereotypes, jokes, slurs Avoid racial stereotypes, jokes, slurs Refuse to take part in any verbal attacks on homosexual persons Refuse to take part in any verbal attacks on homosexual persons Treat those with disabilities as unique individuals Treat those with disabilities as unique individuals Visit a nursing home with some friends Visit a nursing home with some friends Avoid sexist comments Avoid sexist comments Include rather than exclude Include rather than exclude

21 Why Does Prejudice Remain so Common? People are too lazy to think People are too lazy to think Scapegoats are an easy way to deal with negative emotions Scapegoats are an easy way to deal with negative emotions Prejudice makes people feel superior Prejudice makes people feel superior Prejudice thrives because it pays—financially and psychologically Prejudice thrives because it pays—financially and psychologically

22 1. Financially: Prejudice keeps “in” group members in power 1. Financially: Prejudice keeps “in” group members in power Psychologically: It makes people “feel better” than others Psychologically: It makes people “feel better” than others

23 How Do We Become Prejudice? Prejudice is something we learn; it is not something we are born with Prejudice is something we learn; it is not something we are born with Home is the central school for learning prejudice Home is the central school for learning prejudice Sexism is a key in forming early prejudices Sexism is a key in forming early prejudices

24 Who Are the Prejudiced? People who have a hard time dealing with ambiguity People who have a hard time dealing with ambiguity People with low self esteem People with low self esteem People who are authority-oriented People who are authority-oriented

25 First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out—because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out—because I was not a Communist Then they came for the trade unions and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the trade unions and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me

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