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Giving and Receiving Gifts Chapter 15 のぶんぽう. Giving and Receiving Gifts Giving and receiving gifts is a very important custom in Japan. As such, it is.

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Presentation on theme: "Giving and Receiving Gifts Chapter 15 のぶんぽう. Giving and Receiving Gifts Giving and receiving gifts is a very important custom in Japan. As such, it is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giving and Receiving Gifts Chapter 15 のぶんぽう

2 Giving and Receiving Gifts Giving and receiving gifts is a very important custom in Japan. As such, it is important that we know how to express when we give and receive gifts to our friends, family and acquaintances.

3 Giving and Receiving Gifts Let’s earn the easy one first! In order to express receiving something, we use the following structure: Receiver は giver に/から something を もらいます。 The receiver gets something from the giver. もらいます = to receive いただきます = to receive from a superior

4 Giving and Receiving Gifts In a sentence: わたしはおばあさんにお金をもらいました。 I received money from my grandmother. えみさんはともだちからおむすびを二つ もらいました。 Emi received two rice balls from her friend.

5 Giving and Receiving Gifts Give it a try! I received a present from my teacher. わたしはせんせいに/からプレゼントを もらいました。 I want to get a blue shirt from my mom. わたしはははに/からあおいシャツを もらいたいです。

6 Giving and Receiving Gifts Now to make things a bit harder… There are four different verbs to express the act of giving. The verbs are related to the person they are given to.

7 Giving and Receiving Gifts If the receiver is: you (family member) くれます an equal あげます an inferior やります a superior さしあげま す Once we know who the receiver is, we can use the structure.

8 Giving and Receiving Gifts Giver は receiver (equal) に something を あげます。 Giver は receiver (inferior) に something を やります。 * Giver は receiver (superior) に something をさしあげます。 * Giver は receiver (me, my family) に something をくれます。 The giver gives something to the receiver.

9 Giving and Receiving Gifts How do we decide the receiver’s status? me, my family an equal = friend, coworker, same age an inferior = pet, little brother or sister a superior = teacher, boss, elder

10 Giving and Receiving Gifts In a sentence: (わたしは)これをあなたにあげます。 I’ll give this to you. はははまい日いぬにたべものをやります。 My mom gives the dog food everyday. ともだちはわたしにプレゼントをくれまし た。 My friend gave me a present.

11 Giving and Receiving Gifts In a sentence: わたしはせんせいにはなをさしあげました。 I gave my teacher a flower. たなかさんはいもうとにコンサートのきっ ぷをくれました。 Mr. Tanaka gave my little sister concert tickets.

12 Giving and Receiving Gifts My dad gave me many presents on Christmas. ちちはわたしにたくさんプレゼントをくれ ました。 I gave my little brother a book. わたしはおとうとにほんをやりました。 My aunt gave my cousin a movie ticket. おばさんはいとこにえいがのきっぷをあげ ました。

13 Giving and Receiving Gifts Phew! がんばりました!

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