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ECCLESIASTES The Question of Life. The Megilloth (“The Scrolls”)

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Presentation on theme: "ECCLESIASTES The Question of Life. The Megilloth (“The Scrolls”)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECCLESIASTES The Question of Life

2 The Megilloth (“The Scrolls”)

3 1-234-56-910-12 All of life is emptiness, but man ought to enjoy goodness because it is from God There is profit in seeing God as the giver of all of the seasons of life Instead of being fearful, enjoy life while it lasts because it is a gift from God Man sees life as a struggle, but God gave life to be enjoyed Because of the emptiness of this life, man ought to fear the Lord and follow His word 2 nd Sermon 3 rd Sermon 4 th Sermon 5 th Sermon 1 st Sermon

4 Solomon’s Diary

5 Lessons from the Seasons of Life Life is a gift from God Life is a gift from God To everything there is a season To everything there is a season This is a call to live purposefully This is a call to live purposefully We are called to enjoy the journey We are called to enjoy the journey Part of this enjoyment is found in the “one another principles” Part of this enjoyment is found in the “one another principles”

6 The Preacher gives four reasons why it is better not to be alone 4:94:104:114:12 Two are better than one because… They have good results in their labor They can pick up one another in trouble They can warm one another in the cold They can hold up one another in adversity WorkFallingColdAdversity

7 Principles of Priority 11:911:1012:1 Rejoice... in young manhood Remove vexation from your heart pain from your body Remember your Creator in the days of your youth

8 Remember the Lord because… You aren't getting any Younger. You aren't getting any Younger. God has designed you to the Empty without Him. God has designed you to the Empty without Him. Now is the Time to Prepare for Eternity. Now is the Time to Prepare for Eternity.


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